But there is a much bigger point to be made than the pain of the already struggling middle-class or the frailties of means-testing. It has been made by Martin Narey, the Chief Executive of Barnardo’s. As reported in theTimes (£), Narey suggests that child benefit should be scrapped altogether. With so much pressure on public spending, he says, it is now impossible to justify; the $3 billion that would be saved by scrapping it should be ploughed instead into vulnerable public services and tax-credits for low-income families. Narey doesn’t...Monday, 4th October 2010
The engine of mass fatherlessness
The Tories’ benefit reforms do not go far enough. George Osborne has announcedtoday that higher rate taxpayers on £44,000+ will lose child benefit. The screams of outrage about ‘the squeezed middle class’ are already bouncing off the walls at the Tory party conference and beyond.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
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Britannia Radio