Monday, October 25, 2010
Courageous Christian Lebanese Leader Lists Stabilizing Steps for Divided, Menaced Land
Another South American Leftist Leader in Iran
Iran's Imperialist Foreign Policy in Focus
"Countries in the Sahel and Sahara regions have recently questioned Algeria’s commitment to eradicate terrorism ... because of the Algerian Army's “controlled military engagement” against Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). While Mauritania, Niger and Mali have openly criticized the Algerian policy in the Sahel, Washington has been silent over such sensitive national security matter. The American administration’s low key approach in addressing Algiers stance on key issues related to American interests have raised eye brows in the region and has lead some observers to wonder if Washington has been adopting a “policy of appeasement” toward Algeria."Iran Takes Another Step Toward Armageddon
Bin Laden African Ally on the Rise
The marauding mass murderer, another all-too-real villain out of a comic book or an old action-adventure movie, is known as the "Emir of the South," and he is reportedly poised to take over Al Qaeda in NW Africa. Click here for the story.Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Question No Liberal Reporter Will Ask Obama
A question (one of many) that no liberal reporter will ever ask Barack Obama:
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Emboldened and encouraged by Obama and Carter....
What a world Western policies aimed at appeasing--and manipulating--radical Islam have wrought: medieval monsters and bloodthirsty pirates pillage and plunder, massacre and maim, and plot and plan the West's doom. More than nine years after 9/11, the rabid creatures who should have been annihilated in but instead were merely pushed out of Afghanistan are poised to take back that backward country--in which the United States should never have intervened in the first place--while retaining control of lawless, tribal regions in neighboring, nuclear-armed Pakistan. Their agents and operatives roam across Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America--and can even be found in the U.S., thanks to a suicidal culture of political correctness and the influence of pro-appeasement and borderline treasonous, liberal media outlets.
What a world appeasement--and engagement--have wrought.
Mr. President, in the years leading up to World War II, the leaders of Britain and France made the mistake of appeasing Nazi Germany. They foolishly accepted Hitler's false assurances that Germany sought only limited territorial gains in Europe and had no interest in conquering the continent (or the world). But believing Hitler and his Nazi henchmen (and their supporters and sympathizers in England and France) proved to be a fatal error. Instead of preserving the peace in Europe, appeasement of an evil dictatorship bent on overthrowing the status quo made war with Germany inevitable--on Germany's terms.
You presumably know this history, Mr. President--the history of appeasement, including the lesson of the Munich Pact, which Winston Churchill described as "a disaster of the first magnitude." Yet, you have inexplicably persisted in making engagement of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran a foundation of your foreign policy. Inexplicably persisted, because, after nearly two years in office, Iran is more belligerent and closer than ever to developing nuclear weapons. And Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, unlike the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, who lied about his real intentions when making his territorial demands, has boldly declared that he aims to overthrow the world order. Destroying Israel and expelling the United States from the Middle East--if not also destroying the United States--in line with his repeated vows of annihilation and his habit of musing openly about a "world without America and Zionism"--are clearly part of Ahmadinejad's global plan.
Given the above, Mr. President, how can you cling to a policy of engagement--a term that many observers interpret as appeasement of and, worse, actual, attempted alignment with Islamist Iran? The prewar leaders of Britain and France appeased but never tried to align with Nazi Germany.
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Britannia Radio