As I predicted it looks like BB might be taking Friedman’s advice. It’s obvious BB is in a position he loathes to be in, Little political wiggle room. I love to watch him squirm and sweat! Yamit New York Times opinion columnist Thomas Friedman said that many Americans are becoming “fed up” with Israel. Friedman’s comments came in an interview with Channel Two reporter Dana Weiss aired on Saturday. Friedman stated that while the American public was by no means anti-Israel, they no longer care about the Israeli-Arab conflict and this could eventually hurt Israel’s national security interests, as the US is Israel’s only friend. Read More Netanyahu may be eyeing Livni and Kadima as coalition partners Officials believe Netanyahu seeks to include largest opposition party in coalition ahead of a possible... Could Impeachment become a real possibility? He looks if anything manic depressive. Then Clinton was impeached for Lewinsky but not for what was covered up till Now:Bill Clinton lost nuclear codes when the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke…lost for months! Yamit Washington D.C. insider reports: Is he being treated? You will need to be more specific, do you mean by a doctor? Yes. Well of course he is being treated. He’s the President of the United States. What I mean specifically is medication. Is the president receiving medication for his depression? (Long pause) I believe…yes, I believe he is. I believe he has been for some time actually. As to something more specific, I do not know. Nor do I care to say. Just to confirm then – it is your belief that President Obama is on anti-depression medication? Yes – that is what I just told you. And you are ok with my... T. Belman. Before leaving Canada, I used to bump into Peter Kent at all the pro-Israel events we would attend and he came to all of them. We talked about Israel all the time and I can assure you he is a friend. These chats continued after he won a seat in Parliament and went on to become a Minister. KENT TELLS AL- MALKI PA CAN’T SEND DOUBLE MESSAGES AND MUST STOP INCITEMENT By Rhonda Spivak, WinnipegJewishReviewOctober 19, 2010 Thornhill MP Peter Kent, Canadian Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas), who was recently in Israel on an eight-day mission, says when he met with Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister al -Malki in Ramallah he raised the issue of official PA incitement and honouring of terrorists. In a one on one interview when he was recently in Winnipeg on October 8, Kent told the Winnipeg Jewish Review he “made the point very strongly’ to Minister Al Malki that “Palestinian Authority official media continues to incite and encourage martyrdom and terrorism... Laura: It is acceptable in academic circles to make all sorts of vile anti-Semitic statements, call for the obliteration of Israel, the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Jews. However say anything remotely critical of muslims and islam and the PC crowd will have you fired. Despite calling for the destruction of Israel, muslim “professor” kaukab siddique is in no danger of losing his position at Lincoln University in PA. In fact the very reason he has that position anyway is due to the fact that he is an anti-Semite and anti-American. Academic credentials are not required if you are a whacko leftist or muslim. Freedom’s Lighthouse “We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel–if possible by peaceful means. Perhaps, like Saladin, we will give them enough food and water to travel back to the lands from... From Right Truth “Refugees” are defined as people who are outside their country of origin and have a well-founded fear of return to their homeland. Internally displaced persons (IDPs), who have been forced from their homes but are still within the borders of their own country, do not qualify as refugees, and–with some exceptions–cannot come to the U.S. as refugees. The only exceptions actually written into the law are for IDPs from Iraq, the former Soviet Union, and (surprise, surprise) Cuba. Also, U.S. embassies are authorized to designate certain IDPs as refugees, but only in “exceptional circumstances.” This means that–for example–Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994 would not qualify for admission to the U.S. as refugees by... Famed filmmaker David Zucker (of Airplane Fame) wrote an apology to Big Hollywood readers for backing Barbara Boxer in past elections for the US Senate. It turns out that the producer of comedy classics gave money to Boxer during her first campaign for Senate. Zucker was particularly upset at the famous Barbara Boxer “don’t call me Ma’am” incident I remember immediately feeling embarrassed that a member of Congress would treat an officer of the U.S. military like that. And doubly embarrassed that back in the early 90’s I had contributed to Barbara Boxer’s campaign. I was so outraged at the pure arrogance of that moment, that I sat down to write the spot, highlighting the pure absurdity of our California Senator dressing down a General for calling her “Ma’am.” No Naked Gun or Scary Movie ever had an opportunity as good as that one for pure ridicule. Never mind that the military are instructed to call their superiors including members of congress... The Obama administration has announced plans to sell $60 billion worth of military equipment and services, the largest weapons sale in U.S. history, to Saudi Arabia, a country that supports terrorists who seek our destruction, violates the human rights of its citizens, believes Jews are apes and Christians are pigs and obstructs American efforts to facilitate a Middle East peace agreement. Though the sale may be couched in terms of national security, no one should be fooled that this is anything but a political gambit to allow Obama to claim credit for saving or creating thousands of jobs in the defense industry. The administration claims this sale is needed to prove the U.S. is committed to Saudi security and to bolster their ability to defend themselves against unspecified threats. This has been the mantra of administrations for decades, but has always been a lie.NY Times Friedman says many in US ‘fed up’ with Israel
Obama “Empty” on depression meds
“So just how bad is the president’s depression? It is my understanding it is pretty bad.Canada is a good friend to Israel
Anti-Semitism is Acceptable in Academia
President Barack Hussein Obama writes a memo to the Secretary of State and, 80,000 more Muslim refugees are allowed into the United States. Am I the only one who has a problem with that? Also this is misleading because these are not really refugees:“Airplane” Producer Apologizes For Past Support of Barbara Boxer, Creates World’s Funniest Campaign Ad
Selling Saudis Arms and Our Souls
The U.S.-Saudi relationship has been built from the outset on a bargain: they sell us oil and we...More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Sunday, 24 October 2010
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Britannia Radio