The Global Currency War In Defense of Plastic Forbidden Gates, Part 11 The Importance of History, Part 14
The Finance Ministers of 187 nations began meeting in Washington, DC on Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010 to discuss the growing concerns that the world is now in the grip of an "international currency war" initiated by China. According to the liberal British newspaper, The Guardian, China's economic policies started the "war" by manipulating its own currency to an unrealistic low. In a media interview at the end of.....
by Jon Christian Ryter
I am fed up to my burning ears with the carte blanche castigation of plastic. Plastic is one of the greatest inventions ever, not only for modern society, but also for the environment. If plastic seems to now pose an environmental threat, it’s not plastic’s fault – but the fault of the environmental movement itself. The use of plastic reduces the need for other natural resources. Plastic bags, cups, and plates save the need for more paper. It saves the trees the greens are so concerned about........
by Tom DeWeese
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In 1993, critical thinking about the timing of the Singularity concerning the emergence of strong artificial intelligence led retired San Diego State University professor and computer scientist Vernor Vinge, in his often-quoted and now-famous lecture, “The Coming Technological Singularity,” (delivered at Vision-21 Symposium sponsored by Nasa Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute), to add that when science achieves “the technological means to create.....
by Thomas Horn
In the Capitol Building you will see religious art, symbolism and statues. On the second floor rotunda there are 8 paintings that are 14’X20’ depicting major events in the history of America. In the paintings about exploration and colonization there is a painting of Columbus in 1492 and the service they held when they first landed. There is a painting of Desoto when he discovered the Mississippi river, a painting of Pocahontas being.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 10 October 2010
October 10, 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 13:57