Monday, 18 October 2010

October 18, 2010

The Disabling Power of Fear
The politics of fear disables people, permitting the enemies of freedom to take rights away with the complicity of those disabled and without so much as a fight. Whether the fear arises from acts of terrorism or industry leaders who demand that government regulators be appeased in the government’s quest to exercise control, the result is the same, freedom gives way to tyranny. There is an alternative to fear and defeatism and that is hope and courage. When a depraved world closes around a free people, their......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

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The Illuminati: Part 1
The Illuminati (called “The Order” by its members) was a secret society founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. According to University of Edinburgh professor (and General Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh) John Robinson in Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798), its purpose was to root out all religion and ordinary morality, abolish national distinctions, demean patriotism, and “rule the world.” Weishaupt had been.......
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.,D

The Lost Art of Critical Thinking, Part 3
Americans insist on all sorts of rights—rights to housing, jobs, decent medical care, and organized interests (i.e., unions). They affirm rights and freedoms as egalitarian in fashion, belonging to all. Too often, however, folks confuse rights with privileges. For example, the Drivers’ Manual surprises many “teen wanna’-be’s” by characterizing driving not as a right, but instead as a privilege. The basis for legitimate concepts of natural law rights and liberties (as opposed to privileges) are expressed in.....
by Debra Rae

Crossing the Rubicon: Governor's Race in Colorado
As a Colorado resident for most of my life, the governor’s race affects me personally. I shall share my story with you. Why? Because 49 state governors, save Jan Brewer of Arizona, cower in their corners concerning speaking out, enforcing or standing up against illegal alien migration. In Colorado, Dan Maes won the Republican nomination, but failed miserably to tell the truth about his past.....
by Frosty Wooldridge