The Democrats’ Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 6 De-Mystifying the Idol of State Battle for the Heart of America is on
The reports are coming in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC’s Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin Norville also tries to vote straight Republican but finds that his ballot has the names of several Democrat candidates selected.......
by Selwyn Duke
In the movie, Conspiracy Theory, Mel Gibson says, “You know what they put in the water don’t you? Fluoride! Yeah, fluoride, on the pretext that it strengthens your teeth. That’s ridiculous. You know what this stuff does to you? It actually weakens your will, takes away the capacity for free and creative thought, and makes you a slave to the state.” It turns out that statement is factual and true. The movie “Conspiracy Theory,” used several absolutely true statements about.......
by Kelleigh Nelson
One hopes that all who recognize these truths and patterns continue their efforts because “only where the State ends, there beings the human being who is not superfluous…Where the State ends, there is the rainbow”[10] of the Divine promise and of human promise and free possibility, life abundant and mutual respect rather than coerced and anxious obeisance. Americans only need beware in the less bad times to come of being given the new messiah of a jin-doll......
by Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
As usual, we are seeing the voter fraud all ready playing its hands as the progressive leftists, smear, attack, lie and yell out of desperation. Recently, Harry Reid’s name appeared on electronic voting ballots in Nevada, while illegal aliens are being recruited to campaign for liberals, such as Patty Murray in Washington State running again Dino Rossi. Then there is the absurd, anti constitutional and anti.....
by Dr. Laurie Roth, Ph.D
Friday, 29 October 2010
October 29, 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:40