Anti-Obama Retired Military Officer Jailed Again - with NO Accuser Media Harasses Sarah Palin - Conservative Women By Way of Deception, We Shall do War. Part 2
This morning, Monroe County Sheriff’s burst through the door of Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick’s residence and arrested him for failing to appear in court last Friday, a date the Monroe County court failed to notify Mr. Fitzpatrick of before he learned on Monday via the local press that an arrest warrant was issued for missing the court date. Monroe County officials made no effort to contact Fitzpatrick prior to kicking his door in Wednesday morning, according to.....
by JB Williams
Ann Coulter wrote in her 2008 book Guilty immediately after John McCain picked Sarah Palin as his running mate in August 2008, the entire press corps was air-dropped into Alaska to dig up dirt on the governor and her family. In June 2010 Journalist Joe McGinnis rented the house next door to Sarah in Wasilla Alaska to continue invading her privacy and stalking the family. Have these pimps in the media no shame?.......
by Betty Freauf
By 1953, the CIA had 7,200 people working on covert actions, activities that took 74% of the CIA’s yearly budget.[1] The CIA always recruited their leaders from the elite class – businessmen, credible journalists, Ivy League scholars and Wall Street lawyers and bankers. Irving Kristol, Paul Weyrich, William Simon, Richard Mellon Scaife, Frank Shakespeare, and William F. Buckley, Jr. were connected to the CIA. George Washington, in his farewell address, advised Americans to.....
by Dianna Spingola
America’s Moral Implosion
The 60s generation embraced moral relativism—the belief that there is no right and wrong—and it swept across our nation like a firestorm. Five decades later a large number of Americans have completely lost their moral compass. We have become the hook up culture, marked by casual sexual encounters. We are a nation of Girls Gone Wild, where young women expose themselves before cameras. How much deeper into the immoral abyss can we slide? When a nation has no.....
by Marsha West
Saturday, 30 October 2010
October 30, 2010
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Britannia Radio