To Save Social Security - Make Public Employees Join Economic Woes, a Consequence of Free Trade The Kingmaker’s Strategy: Going Way Beyond the Elections
The fact is, with nearly 30 million taxpayer funded blood-suckers forcing us taxpayers to front load their ridiculously extravagant retirement plans, and the fact that they don’t pay into the Social Security system, nor, in many cases do they even contribute personally to their own retirement funds, coupled with the reality that they retire 15 or 20 years younger than the hosts they devour over time, It’s no wonder the system is failing......
by Roger Fredinburg
The abolition of nationalism and borders under the guise of the free trade has been the ultimate Illuminati objective since the late 1700s, notably illustrated by Aaron H. Palmer who had a law office on Wall Street in the first half of the 19th century. He catered to individuals interested in transnational business and managed their commerce and paperwork with the European bankers who advocated trade. By February 1837 when the bankers and politicians shrunk the U.S. credit market.......
by Deanna Spingola
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He’s been called the “Conservative Kingmaker” by CNN. He picked the winner of the Delaware primary last month, having endorsed Christine O’Donnell in her come-from-behind challenge to Rep. Mike Castle. And in June, he began raising support for one of the most important Gun Owners of America-supported candidates -- Sharron Angle in Nevada, who many thought would never have a fighting chance to beat Majority Leader Harry Reid. Angle now leads Reid by four points.....
by Erich Pratt
Saturday, 9 October 2010
October 9, 2010
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Britannia Radio