Those present lifted the injured youth and put him in a private vehicle instead of calling an ambulance. The incident was caught on film and uploaded to YouTube, where it was titled, "Palestinian kids get run over by Jewish man." Be'eri was detained by police for questioning. He told them that he was simply trying to escape the ambush, as he was afraid for his safety and that of his young son, who was in the car with him. He had not seen the boys running at his car, he said. He was defended by nationalist activist Baruch Marzel, who serves as a parliamentary aide to MK Michael Ben-Ari. Be'eri did the right thing in refusing to stop and make himself a target for attack, Marzel said. "A rock that hits its target can kill," he noted. "The time has come for police to stop giving in to the anarchists and lawbreakers," and to crack down on those who attack Jewish motorists, he added. The incident took place one day after a Jewish repairman was attacked by an Arab mob after fixing a washing machine in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiya. The repairman escaped with the help of local elders. Here’s the video, via Breitbart TV and FOX News: (or ) From The Daily Mail:
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Isn't it convenient how all those photographers were right there to film this?
Video: Arab Rock-Throwing Boy Hurt by Victim's Car
by Maayana Miskin October 9, 2010
A Jewish man from Ir David in Jerusalem was detained Friday after he hit an Arab youth who ran in front of his car while pelting him with stones. The child suffered leg injuries.
The incident occurred as a group of Arab youth threw stones at passing Israeli cars in the neighborhood of Mei Shiloach (Silwan) outside the Old City in Jerusalem. The boys were surrounded by photographers, who eagerly recorded their activities.
As David Be'eri drove into the ambush, he began to swerve to the side. Video evidence shows he may have swerved to avoid hitting a young Arab boy in a blue shirt who was standing directly in his path.
Two Arab boys then ran toward him, and were hit.
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, October 8, 2010
A masked Palestinian protester is hit by a car while throwing rocks in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, Friday, Oct. 8, 2010. On Friday clashes erupted in Silwan, a predominantly Palestinian neighborhood in east Jerusalem that is also home to families of Israeli settlers. One Palestinian boy throwing rocks at Israeli vehicles was lightly injured after being hit by a car he charged. The car was driven by the head of a settler organization that buys up property for Jews in Silwan, Israeli media reported. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said he could not identify the man but said he was being questioned. (AP Photo/Moammar Awwad)
Dramatic images have emerged of the moment an Israeli motorist drove straight into a young Palestinian boy in East Jerusalem today.
The child had been part of a group throwing stones at Israeli cars following news the country's military had killed two Hamas militants in the West Bank city of Hebron earlier on Friday.
Amazingly the boy only sustained 'light injuries' after being thrown into the air by the vehicle and twisting over its roof.
Looks pretty bad, right? An Israeli heartlessly running his vehicle into a young boy?
The boy was running towards the car even during the impact. The car honked the horn to get him out of the way. Clearly the driver was worried about his safety and didn't want to stop, and for good reason - we see his back windshield smashed by the innocent, youthful rocks being thrown.
And there are a whole bunch of photographers there, whose presence makes the kids want to act with bravado and who might have actually been goading them into throwing rocks.
Notice that while the Daily Mail published a series of photos from the incident, it didn't bother to show the smashed rear windshield of the car.
The driver was David Be'eri, who has been trying to calm down the tension in Silwan, seen in this video.
Pallywood in Jerusalem
October 10, 2010
Pallywood came to Jerusalem on Friday. 'Palestinians' set up an ambush, complete with photographers, for David Be'eri, the director of Elad, which advocates for Jewish families to live throughout Jerusalem. Here's the 'news story' about Friday's incident.
Two Arab children from the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem were injured after they were hit by a car driven by Elad director David Be’eri. Be’eri, head of a group that advocates for Jewish families to live in the predominantly Arab neighborhood, claimed that the youths were throwing rocks at his car and he hit them accidentally in an attempt to flee from the area.
“His car was surrounded with tens of people with rocks,” Elad spokesman Udi Ragones told The Jerusalem Post. “When they started throwing them, and he hit them when he tried to flee from the area. It seems that they were lying in wait and the ambush was planned with rocks, it may have even been a lynch situation. He felt his life was in danger.”
Well, it was a 'lynch situation' and the kids weren't throwing rocks. But there weren't 'tens' of them unless you count the photographers.
Let's go to the videotape.
An Al-Jazeera video clip and AFP photos from the incident show just four youths with rocks surrounding Be’eri’s car, and then two youths getting hit. One was lightly injured, and one was in moderate condition. Both were evacuated to Moqassed Hospital in the area.
Be’eri lives in the area and was on his way home with his son at the time of the incident, Ragones said. Be’eri was taken by the police for an investigation, and later released on bail. An investigation is ongoing, lead by an examiner with the police’s traffic division. Police are using photos from the incident in their investigation.
But over at the Jawa Report (Hat Tip: Shy Guy), DMartyr posts video from Fox News and points out some things worth noting.
The mainstream media would like you to believe these kids were throwing pebbles and, at worst, were only going to scratch the car. That they were the victims, not the driver.
Watch the video again, but this time take special note at the end when the adults are physically forcing the boy into a waiting vehicle:
Let's go to the videotape.
So why is this kid fighting so hard to stay at the scene? The obvious answer is that he isn't hurt that badly (or doesn't think he is hurt) and wants to stay for more stoning fun.
But my conspiratorial mind came up with another theory.
We all know Palestinians love death more than they love their children. But even more than death, they love good propaganda to use against Israel. Now that the video clip above has made world headlines, this kid is suddenly worth more, propaganda-wise, dead than alive.
Note that the driver has no place to go. He can't go backward because of the car behind him. He tries to go up on the sidewalk and the stone throwers corner him. Note also as he drives away that his back window has been blown out by rocks. He had his own kid in the car with him.
What would you do? I would have panicked and hit the brakes and probably have gotten killed - which is why I try not to drive in places where this could happen to me. But that's exactly what the 'Palestinians' are hoping for, isn't it?
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Britannia Radio