Oxford-educated Katherine Birbalsingh describes the ‘madness’ in her academy, comparing it to the notorious prison Alcatraz because ‘none of the kids choose to go there’. A barrister has received £100,000 and an apology from the Metropolitan Police after he was dragged away in handcuffs while defending a client at the High Court. The English Defence League (EDL) and Unite Against Fascism (UAF) were holding protests in Leicester, prompting the city's largest policing operation in 25 years.PETER HITCHENS: Lattes, beach barbecues (and dodging missiles) in the world's biggest prison camp
A pupil called Gangster: How the Tories favourite teacher first exposed the 'madness' in her school in a devastating blog
Barrister who was dragged from court in handcuffs wins £100k from the Met
Policeman injured after missiles are hurled at English Defence League protest in Leicester
Binyam Mohamed can stay in Britain - but he wants it kept secret: Former detainee argues story amounts to 'torture'
Sunday, 10 October 2010
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Britannia Radio