One Click Group Director Jane Bryant
Today I pen a personal account of WikiLeaks events that have taken place over the last few days for opinion former readers of One Click from around the world. Together with millions, I have been totally transfixed by the wonderful work of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks. The work of WikiLeaks is entirely historic and without precedent. Covering the Iraq War Logs information release, the WikiLeaks press conference, the Julian Assange & Daniel Ellsberg talk at the Frontline Club in London, the disgusting hatchet-job done by certain sections of the financially failing traditional media, WikiLeaks has set out to open up the most corrupt societies. The whole world is connected economically when revealing serious abuses. WikiLeaks has support that cuts across every nation no matter what colour, creed or religion of its citizens. Truth is your most particular tool in the long haul. I respectfully ask you to give further of your moral support and mone y to ensure that WikiLeaks thrives for ourselves and for future generations to come.
Jane Bryant, Director, The One Click Group
Related Links:
* Honoring Julian Assange
Ray McGovern, CounterPunch
2. WikiLeaks Rap News Vs. News World Order - The War On Journalism
Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400,000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—and sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense, Donald Rumsfeld. But what starts out as a conventional Rap News interview soon descends into mayhem as the live feed is hijacked by News World Order, eager to spin the record like a disc jockey on crack. Enter Bill O'Really, the champion of Fair & Balanced journalism, dragging us screaming into the No Spine Zone. Only divine intervention can save us now, from a fate worse than death. But beware of imitators; not all is what it seems to be! Join us for a rollercoaster episode of Rap News, featuring a very very special guest appearance.
Robert Foster, JuiceMedia
3. The Alternative Iraq Enquiry- Premiere Screening At Frontline Club
David Lawley-Wakelin, Director
The Alternative Iraq Enquiry was borne from David Lawley-Wakelin, the freelance documentary filmmaker who was so incensed by the Iraq war that he made the bold statement from the audience of Question Time suggesting whether Tony Blair was a liar prepared to kill in the name of oil. On this premise, Lawley-Wakelin travels to Iraq to ask its citizens and military personnel whether they agreed with him. Questioning the motives of the war and the responsibilities for its atrocities on both sides of the Atlantic, The Alternative Iraq Enquiry reaches the fundamental question: who is responsible for the atrocities of war? The film screening will be followed by a discussion with Director David Lawley-Wakelin, Clare Short former MP, Major General Tim Cross CBE key witness at The Chilcot Inquiry and chaired by Mark Seddon the former New York Chief for Al-Jazeera English. This event will take place at the Frontline Club, 7:00pm-9:00pm, 5 November 2010. One Click Note: The Alternative Iraq Enquiry is set to be yet another hot ticket from the Frontline Club. Book your seat now to avoid disappointment. We will be reporting this event live on One Click Twitter.
Information Release, David Lawley-Wakelin, The Frontline Club
4. GlaxoSmithKline To Pay $750 Million To Settle Sale Of Bad Products
GlaxoSmithKline, the British drug giant, has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints that the company for years knowingly sold contaminated baby ointment and an ineffective antidepressant — the latest in a growing number of whistle-blower lawsuits that drug makers have settled with multimillion-dollar fines. Altogether, GlaxoSmithKline sold 20 drugs with questionable safety that were made at a huge plant in Puerto Rico that for years was rife with contamination. Cheryl D. Eckard, the company’s quality manager, asserted in her whistle-blower suit that she had warned Glaxo of the problems but the company fired her instead of addressing them. Among the drugs affected were Paxil, an antidepressant; Bactroban, an ointment; Avandia, a troubled diabetes drug; Coreg, a heart drug; and Tagamet, an acid reflux drug. In a rising wave, recent lawsuits have asserted that drug makers misled patients and defrauded federal and state governments that, through Medicare and Medicaid, pay for much of health care.
Gardiner Harris & Duff Wilson, The New York Times
5. Narcolepsy & Swine Flu - Conflicts Of Interest In Finnish Research
The swine flu vaccine Pandemrix is suspected to be the cause of narcolepsy in 36 Finnish children. The cases have been reported in less than one year's time. In earlier years, only an estimated average of three children in one year have been diagnosed with narcolepsy. According to Finnish citizen's group, non-profit NGO Rokotusinfo ry, the Finnish research to find out whether the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine causes narcolepsy in children has conflict of interest issues and prejudice. The Finnish governmental research institute THL is carrying out a trial worth more than 10 million euros under contract by Pandemrix manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. At the same time it is carrying out the studies to investigate whether Pandemrix is the cause of narcolepsy. The chief responsible person is the same in both trials - head of THL's vaccine department, professor Terhi Kilpi. According to Rokotusinfo, THL also exhibits a prejudice regarding the possible causal associat ion between Pandemrix and narcolepsy. "The answer is mind-boggling - it looks like the outcome has been decided even before the research has started," comments Rokotusinfo's chairman Kuoppala.
Media Release, Rokotusinfo ry
Related Links:
* Finland: Justice Chancellor Conducting Bribery Investigation Into Narcolepsy-Suspect GSK Swine Flu Vaccine Trade
* GSK's Swine Flu Vaccine Suspected Of Causing Narcolepsy In Children
6. Keep Deadly Swine Flu Vaccine Separate, Demands MP
The British Government has been urged to instruct GPs to offer seasonal flu vaccines separately from swine flu inoculations this winter. Labour's Valerie Vaz warned that some doctors were not allowing patients to opt out of having the swine flu vaccine, which she said could lead to serious side effects. In Parliament, Ms Vaz told Commons Leader Sir George Young, "One of my constituents has been offered the seasonal flu vaccine but only in combination with the swine flu vaccine. The swine flu vaccine is causing Guillain-Barre syndrome. Could you make urgent representations to the Secretary of State for Health to instruct GPs to offer patients the choice of having the separate vaccine?," she said. The H1N1 swine flu vaccine has in the past been linked to Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder that attacks nerve linings and can cause paralysis.
The Press Association
Related Links:
* UK Citizens Unable To Opt Out Of Swine Flu Vaccine Despite Deadly Adverse Reactions
Jo MacFarlane, The Mail On Sunday
* FOIA: Multiple Children Disabled And Killed From Child Vaccines
Sarah-Kate Templeton, The Sunday Times
7. India Cannot Afford To Use Vaccines That Are Not Cost-Effective
Dr Jacob Puliyel is head of paediatrics at St Stephens Hospital, Delhi
Your article (Vivienne Parry) about anti-vaccination scares "spilling over into the developing world, where they are threatening to derail global vaccination programmes" failed to present a balanced view of the situation. For a vaccine to be introduced into the national immunisation programme, it must reduce the disease burden sufficiently to justify its costs. Unfortunately, Hib does not fit that bill in Asia. Repeatedly, Asian studies have shown there was no reduction in meningitis or pneumonia among those who received the vaccine. In particular, a vaccine effectiveness trial using Hib – conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in June 2007 and involving 68,000 infants under two – showed that there was no significant reduction in clinically diagnosed pneumonia compared with the control group. It is clear that the vaccine does not save many lives – it merely swallows up funds that could have been used for genuine life-saving interventi ons, such as the provision of clean potable water. Many of the organisations that are pushing these vaccines have profit margins to protect. To put it bluntly, for them, it is not about lives lost in poor countries – it is all about the cash register.
Dr Jacob Puliyel, Head of Paediatrics at St Stephens Hospital, Delhi, The Guardian
Related Links:
* WHO Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) Warned By Doctors
Dr Jacob Puliyel, Drug Action Forum-Karnataka
* Sri Lanken Deaths Following Pentavalent Vaccine - Unacceptable Collateral Damage
Dr KB Saxena, Dr Jacob Puliyel et al, British Medical Journal
* International Agencies Telling Media Lies Over Hib Vaccine
8. UFFC Procession To Downing Street Against Deaths In Custody, Saturday
The United Families and Friends Campaign will be making their twelfth annual procession of remembrance for people who have died in custody this weekend. Assemble at 12noon on Saturday 30 October at Trafalgar Square for a march to 10 Downing Street. Please dress in black. UFFC includes members of the families of Roger Sylvester, Leon Patterson, Rocky Bennett, Alton Manning, Christopher Alder, Brian Douglas, Joy Gardner, Aseta Simms, Ricky Bishop, Paul Jemmott, Harry Stanley, Glenn Howard, Mikey Powell, Jason Mcpherson and Sean Rigg - all of whom have died in custody. You can also join the event on our Facebook.
Information Release, INQUEST
Friday, 29 October 2010
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Britannia Radio