Saturday, 2 October 2010

Satanist Explains the Rites of Sodomy

'Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It's just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates. In its highest ranks even British Intelligence uses the back passage.

When initiating children, the Alpha Lodge maintains: the younger the better, for a number of reasons I won't go into. Our methodology is that the child is deprived of food and sleep for days. Depending on how they react, sometimes beatings are employed. Occasionally the child is made to take part in sacrifices. The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the child's third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities.

Those awakened retain the mindset of the age at which their awakening took place and this mindset can be accessed in a number of ways and for a number of purpose.'

Read more: Satanist Explains the Rites of Sodomy

Pregnant Women to be Vaccinated Against Flu For First Time

'The H1N1 swine flu strain is expected to be the predominant strain of flu circulating this year as has happened in past pandemics and is contained in the seasonal jab for this winter. Because pregnant women were disproportionately affected by H1N1 scientific advisers have recommended they be included in the groups routinely offered the seasonal flu jab this year.

In total around 15 million people are vaccinated in England and Wales against seasonal flu each winter at a cost of around £100m'

Read more: Pregnant Women to be Vaccinated Against Flu For First Time

Climategate: 10.10 Propaganda Attacks Skeptics

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