Subject: Re: Rabbi Parry: Elect Indep. Robert Kunst to Congress in S. Fla., Dist. 20, ...You are 100% right Wasserman is not for us, Thanks Jack GIn a message dated 10/14/2010 2:01:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, shalominternational@mindspring.com writes:Subject: Rabbi Parry: Elect Indep. Robert Kunst to Congress in S. Fla., Dist. 20, Punch #27
Elect Jewish Indep. Bob Kunst To Congress in South Florida...
Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:09 PM
Shalom,I am Rabbi Moshe Parry from Los Angeles, California. I am writing to all of you this afternoon on a very important subject. Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel) and K'lal Yisroel (The People of Israel) are in great danger. We face an uncertain future to say the least. I am an Orthodox, observant Jew. A Ba'al Tshuvah of 35 years duration now. I am observant to the strict letter of Torah law to the very best of my ability. With this in mind... please read the following crucial and vital message which I seek to convey to you all.
bob kunst for congress/defeat debbie wasserman schultz...
Bob Kunst is running for the House of Representatives in the State of Florida's 20th Congressional District His chief opponent opponent is 3-term Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. This race covers the areas of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties including Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach.Bob is Jewish and gay (more on this subject later on herein). He is legitimately perceived as a very close friend of the State of Israel and during his tenure in Washington he would be the greatest advocate for Jews and Israel that this country has ever seen. Schultz is also Jewish and has portrayed herself as a strong supporter of Israel, as well. However of late, since the Obama Administration has moved to town, Rep. Schultz has clearly been seen to be "marching to the beat of a different drummer".All this despite the fact that this "drummer", her party's boss, is looked upon with distrust by over 80% of Israelis. And especially here in the U.S. among the 70%+ of American Jewry who voted for Obama in 2008 of whom polls now show that nearly half of them (46%) would not do the same again if the election were to be held today. All due to his policy directives vis a vis Israel.
Yet Schultz still supports Obama's policies toward Israel and the Middle East. And presumably, therefore, this would include the re-dividing of Jerusalem. A highly treasonous stance or position for any Jew worthy of the name to go along with or to take outright oneself!Case in point within the past year by way of example, has Rep. Schultz said anything at all publically on the subject of Obama’s undignified and disrespectful handling of Prime Minister Netanyahu on his first state visit to the White House after the 2008 Presidential election? Nada, absolutely nothing whatsoever! This incident served both to highlight and to signal to the world Obama’s virulent anti-Israel stance and severe shift in policy away from Israel and in favor of the Arab position in the Middle-East conflict. And for her to do nothing and say nothing about this is categorically unacceptable. In Judaism we have a maxim: "Silence on a matter is a sign of concurrence".
Rep. Schultz's lack of concern over Obama’s glaring animus toward Israel is cause for our extreme alarm. This incident and other similar ones he has made in recent months are indefensible and clearly demonstrates to us that her carefully fashioned pro-Israel reputation is fundamentally flawed and was fraudulently devised and calculatingly foisted upon us over the course of her 6-year incumbency. And therefore it must now be viewed with suspicion to have been and to remain still more likely attributable to partisan political motivations and crass power-hungry considerations here at home against a President from the opposite side of the aisle (during the Bush Jr. years) than to be a true reflection of her sincere desire to see Israel survive its mounting existential crisis which has slowly evolved and developed throughout all of her years in the House to the point where we find ourselves today in all of this madness.
For how else can you explain Congresswoman Schultz’s backpedaling away from her prior, vociferous support for Israel remaining ever-vigilant, always maintaining its military superiority in the region, and now, of course, all of her downplaying by way of her continued silence on the issue of the obvious threat to our homeland’s continued existence which Obama’s cynical and manipulative tactics against Israel undeniably present?
I mean, it has been bad enough that Schultz along with Sherman, Boxer and Waxman out here in California (with the possible exception of Berman – the jury is still out on him about all of this) and a host of other "Jewish" members of the Senate and House that they were all and still are, despite their all being Jewish, in such absolute and total lockstep with the constant mantra beating out of Washington these last couple of decades to the tune of support for a two-state solution which in reality would be a death-knell for Israel as it clearly would put a radical fundamentalist Islamic terrorist-state on Israel’s very doorstep.
However, now the situation has become infinitely worsened to the point of being utterly intolerable by adding to the mix the craven, servile, fawning of Obama being done by our supposedly “Jewish” elected officials and representatives in our nation’s capital. In sum, the intense and immense pressure being brought to bear by world governments upon the state of Israel for her to make objectively suicidal concessions “for peace” along with the concomitant unremitting din emanating from the patently false and unjust harangue spewing forth 24/7 from media outlets across the globe about “how little Israel is committed to resuming negotiations with the ‘Palestinians’ and concerning “how unresponsive and disinterested Israel really is in resolving the centuries-old Israeli-Arab dispute”, all of these factors combined together have placed our ancestral homeland and our newly-reconstituted nation in severe detriment and in extreme peril.
Bob Kunst understands all of this. He "gets it," whereas Schultz and all of our previously referenced so-called “Jewish leaders,” most evidently do not. Bob eloquently and passionately makes the case for a one-state solution as the only viable option for Israel's survival. The current two-state solution is a disaster and Bob has reminded his audiences of this repeatedly over the years of his activism. His position papers on the Middle East in favor of the one-state (Jewish) option, which we prefer is firm and solid and we can rely on him to always maintain this viewpoint. We cannot trust any other politician (even the "Jewish" ones) in Florida, California, New York or anywhere else in the U.S. for that matter to do the same.And so, we simply must see Bob elected to the House Of Representatives from your state. Bob stumps against the Oslo "Death-to-Israel"/Roadmap "back to Auchwitz" process with all of his strength and might and I might mention at great personal risk and with tremendous self-sacrifice. And he does so with no sadness or remorse over the abject failure of the “peace process”. So he won't be seen to switch his loyalty because he continues to hold out hope for a peaceful solution. This in sum is the great difference of Bob Kunst from any other potential "Jewish" leader which we may wish to rely upon.Bob knows Oslo was and is a complete ruse and an utter fraud perpetrated against world Jewry. And as such, out of a sense of fairness and justice for the Jewish People due to the ‘Palestinian’s’ blatant lack of good-faith and flagrant refusal to honor their commitments stipulated and signed under the Oslo Accords to recognize the basic, unalienable right of existence of the state of Israel and its legitimacy as the one and only Jewish state on Earth and to thereby cease all violence and terror directed and aimed against her and at her citizenry, he therefore courageously stands against the tide and refuses to concede a single tenet of his philosophy and creed of defense for Jews and Israel and ceaselessly calls for the declaration of the whole of the Oslo Accords as null and void.Furthermore, Bob whole-heartedly embraces the point of our moral and ethical basis of certitude in our claim to all of biblical Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel) stemming directly from G-d and exhibiting His express will that the Jewish people shall and do indeed possess the Promised Land for all eternity. His take on all of this is just what the Jewish people need in Congress and in our midst within our Jewish communities world wide. For truly, where the Jewish people stand right now a Bob Kunst is a G-d-send!
We can work with Bob despite some of his different outlooks on life from that which Torah-true Judaism mandates and holds in sanctity. We must see the bigger picture here and grasp ahold of and rise to support that which is for the greater good for our people and homeland. We must put away from ourselves our concerns about more individualistic moral issues and focus upon the needs of Am Yisroel (the entire House of Israel).We do not have anywhere else a Bob Kunst ready to go to Washington to fight for the survival of our people and land. "Beggars cannot be choosers" as the age-old adage goes. A heterorsexual Jewish Schultz (who by the way most certainly does not keep Taras Hamishpacha -- Family Purity Laws and so what's the essential difference between the two of them here?), but someone who will not fight for us the way Bob will, is not our preferred choice at this moment. In fact, to choose her over him due to gender-preference concerns would essentially be suicidal for us which is an even greater sin than the above two ones delineated above! And it is the height of insanity and the depths of absurdity for us to think any differently while Israel and the Jewish people are in the throes of a state of emergency.And so, from out of Bob's great understanding and perception of the existential crisis situation currently confronting our people and land along with his great ability to articulate both the problem and the solution we have a chance to endure and to find a way to fight back. But we absolutely have no chance to prevail if we keep returning to office the same cowardly and ineffectual "Jewish" leadership that we have elected time and time again for close to a century now. We just cannot and will not survive this grave error in our judgement and discernment.As the late, great 20th century Spanish philosopher, George Santayana said: "Those who cannot learn from their past are doomed to repeat it!"And so, we simply can no longer countenance (and should not abide anymore) the jaundiced and convoluted outlook of positions which have been adopted by our so-called “Jewish political leadership” over the last twenty or so years. Positions which portend such dire consequences for us if we ever dare embrace them in their entirety, all of their diseased and truly distorted visions of a "peace" which plainly is not there. Which just is nowhere to be found and which, as a result of the continued mistaken insistence of their rectitude, so endangers Eretz Hakodesh (the Holy Land) by its implementation, if this plan is ever allowed, G-d forbid, to proceed any further to completion; to full effect and maximum impact.
Finally, given everything we have discussed here, that some Torah observant Jews (or any other types of Jews) residing in your community within the greater Miami area would reject Bob Kunst because he is gay and continue to support Schultz for the things she does for all of you there at home - at the expense of what our besieged and embattled brothers and sisters are currently facing in Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria - the West Bank) ever since that very dark and black day in September of 1993 on the White House lawn, is more than just a tad bit of self-centeredness on your part and therefore something merely lamentable. Rather, it is something which exhibits on your account a downright callous abandonment and abject betrayal of our extended family members, for your own benefit, advantage, aggrandizement and regarding Bob specifically, your holier-than-thou, self-righteous arrogance.Our brothers are turning towards us and look to us to alleviate these threatening concerns for them. They require from us our proper choice of our American leadership, Jewish or otherwise. A leadership which will be for the greater good and the common welfare of the entire Jewish people.And our nationhood begins in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Without Yerushalayim we have nothing and we are nothing - anywhere in the world . And sadly, in this consideration we are letting our people in Eretz Yisroel down and actually, ourselves, as well. And this is more than just regrettable and disconcerting... it is unforgivable.Furthermore, Bob Kunst is ready to stand up to radical Islam and its political infiltration of our society. For that matter, Bob stands against all forms of racist thuggery, ethnic-hatred and especially so against Jew-hatred and anti-semitism. And this is a great, great thing for American Jewry, for if we persist in our misguided and myopic attitude we are going to need his strength and courage, in contrast to and in comparison with the current crop of weaklings and appeasers of evil which liberals like Ms. Schultz and her ilk represent to us.For if we lose Yerushalayim and the rest of Yesha (the entire West Bank) it will once again become open-season on Jews (G-d forbid of course) and our lives here in the U.S. won't be worth a plug-nickel as we will then all find ourselves suddenly cast back again into the Middle Ages replete with all manner of its various and assorted inquisitions, crusades, massacres and pogroms... holocausts big and small!And this is why I support Bob Kunst for Congress on November 2nd! And I humbly and prayerfully urge you all to do the same. Thank you.
Be well and G-d bless.
Rabbi Moshe Parry
Adjunct Liaison to the Jewish Communityfor the Bob Kunst For Congress Campaign.
480 678-5879
The YouTube address to just the video Bob Kunst, pro-America & Israel activist, vies to unseat Obama-ess, FL Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itFvrqW6ako
Please see my article on Rabbi Moshe Parry's article on JooTube.TV http://bit.ly/dyDslq , Videos directly on YouTube:
"Moses" blasts shofar alert at Obama & Jewish donors: "Heed the God of Israel"
New "Moses" challenges Pharoah Obama; Calls for Americans to fight new fascism
New "Moses" challenges Pharoah Obama; Calls for Americans to fight new fascism
US Rabbi: Obama's betraying Israel provokes God's wrath against America
Official sequel to Daniel vs. Palestinian lions den. In their own words
Moshe is a vigilant, principled religious Zionist