A selection of recent media reports
India trade deal with EU will allow thousands of immigrants into Britain
Thousands of Indian workers will be allowed into Britain under a new European Union trade deal that threatens to overturn the Coalition's pledge severely to limit immigration.
Daily Telegraph (09-Oct-2010)
Birmingham to halt housing for asylum-seekers
Birmingham City Council is to stop providing...
The Independent (By Fran Yeoman) (09-Oct-2010)
Asylum seekers last in the housing queue: Britain's biggest council decides to put its locals first
The largest council in the country is to stop...
Mail Online (Jack Doyle) (09-Oct-2010)
Ireland's sham marriage scam Ireland's sham marriage scam How the scam works
Hundreds of women come to Ireland each year to marry non-Europeans with the sole aim of securing visas for their new husbands. They are entering not only a fake marriage but also, often, an underworld of crime and...
Irish Times (09-Oct-2010)
A CITY council yesterday warned it would stop...
Daily Express (Nathan Rao) (09-Oct-2010)
Charity warns asylum seekers 'sleep rough' in Leicester
A new report by Refugee Action in Leicester says.
BBC News Southern Counties (Allister Craddock) (08-Oct-2010)
Why an immigration amnesty could benefit British workers
An amnesty for illegal immigrants can help boost.
New Statesman (Matthew Partridge) (08-Oct-2010)
Birmingham City Council to stop housing asylum seekers
Birmingham City Council is to stop accepting...
BBC News England (08-Oct-2010)
This is a coalition shadow cabinet | Will Straw
David Miliband lives. Today's shadow cabinet...
M.Guardian (Will Straw) (08-Oct-2010)
Burka ban a step closer in Italy
ITALY Italy is set to ban the burka after a...
Mirror.co.uk (08-Oct-2010)
Two Years into Global Recession: new report reveals impact on immigrants
Immigrants, particularly men and youth, have...
BBC - Press Office (08-Oct-2010)
Will Intra Company Transfer abuse have long term damage on UK economy
Channel 4 news last night featured a report on...
Computer Weekly (08-Oct-2010)
23 New Yorkers held for sneaking in Chinese immigrants
Twenty-three business owners from New York City have been arrested for 'sneaking' illegal Chinese immigrants into the US to work at restaurants and other establishments, officials...
Irish Sun (08-Oct-2010)
The price of cheap labour | Bridget Anderson and Martin Ruhs
Capping skilled labour immigration of...
M.Guardian (Martin Ruhs, Bridget Anderson) (07-Oct-2010)