Monday, 11 October 2010

A selection of recent media reports

UKIP - Border Control Pretence Now Gone
The passing of the Fajon report shows that the UK does not control its own borders or...
News on News (10-Oct-2010)

Row over child benefit for East Europeans
Tens of thousands of children living in Eastern Europe will continue to receive child benefit. (By Patrick Sawer and Rebecca Lefort) (10-Oct-2010)

Taxpayer picks up tab in Britain's benefits paradise
WELCOME to Britain - land of the shirking class...
News of the World (10-Oct-2010)

A wasted life then death on the dole
THERE'S a place in England where a boy born today is likely to die sooner than one in...
News of the World (10-Oct-2010)

Binyam Mohamed can stay in Britain - but he wants it kept secret: Former detainee argues story amounts to 'torture'
Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed tonight lost a legal bid to prevent The Mail on.
Mail Online (Jason Lewis) (10-Oct-2010)

Help jobless homes, help the economy
Report argues that the Government should encourage households to find...
The Independent (By Margareta Pagano, Business Editor) (10-Oct-2010)

The new route of human smuggling misery
A series of trials in Belgium have revealed a new people smuggling route used to send... (By Nick Meo in Brussels) (09-Oct-2010)

Violence flares as rival protesters gather in Leicester to demonstrate
Violence broke out and missiles were thrown at police as rival protesters gathered in...
The Mail On Sunday (Daily Mail Reporter) (09-Oct-2010)

EU-India "free trade agreement" will allow flood of Indian skilled workers into Britain
A new European Union trade deal with India, which is scheduled to be signed in December, would reportedly allow thousands of Indian workers to enter...
Irish Sun (09-Oct-2010)

India trade deal with EU will allow thousands of immigrants into Britain
Thousands of Indian workers will be allowed into Britain under a new European Union trade deal that threatens to overturn the Coalition's pledge severely to limit immigration.
Daily Telegraph (09-Oct-2010)

Birmingham to halt housing for asylum-seekers
Birmingham City Council is to stop providing housing for asylum-seekers, citing a need.
The Independent (By Fran Yeoman) (09-Oct-2010)

Asylum seekers last in the housing queue: Britain's biggest council decides to put its locals first
The largest council in the country is to stop providing homes for asylum seekers so..
Mail Online (Jack Doyle) (09-Oct-2010)

Ireland's sham marriage scam Ireland's sham marriage scam How the scam works
Hundreds of women come to Ireland each year to marry non-Europeans with the sole aim of securing visas for their new husbands. They are entering not only a fake marriage but also, often, an underworld of crime and...
Irish Times (09-Oct-2010)

A CITY council yesterday warned it would stop offering housing to asylum seekers to...
Daily Express (Nathan Rao) (09-Oct-2010)

Charity warns asylum seekers 'sleep rough' in Leicester
A new report by Refugee Action in Leicester says more and more asylum seekers are...
BBC News Southern Counties (Allister Craddock) (08-Oct-2010)

Why an immigration amnesty could benefit British workers
An amnesty for illegal immigrants can help boost their income, reducing socio-economic...
New Statesman (Matthew Partridge) (08-Oct-2010)

Birmingham City Council to stop housing asylum seekers
Birmingham City Council is to stop accepting asylum seekers in the...
BBC News England (08-Oct-2010)

This is a coalition shadow cabinet | Will Straw
David Miliband lives. Today's shadow cabinet reshuffle represents a consolidation of power...
M.Guardian (Will Straw) (08-Oct-2010)

Burka ban a step closer in Italy
ITALY Italy is set to ban the burka after a government report ruled in favour of a new law. (08-Oct-2010)

Two Years into Global Recession: new report reveals impact on immigrants
Immigrants, particularly men and youth, have been hit disproportionately by the global...
BBC - Press Office (08-Oct-2010)