Migrants took 9 out of 10 jobs created under Labour Housing crisis to hit north London Just one in four highly skilled migrants in skilled jobs IMMIGRATION: SKILLED' IN JOBS STORM Just one in four 'skilled migrants' end up in a top job Editorial The pressure will be moved onto the "doorsteps" of the local councils on the outskirts like in north London, with The Guardian reporting that Enfield has already predicted an "increase in overcrowding in the private sector as families are forced to move into cheaper rented homes with four bedrooms or less". Barnet has expressed deep concerns over the potential that families who receive housing benefit will face eviction and homelessness unless the coalition Governments plans are changed.A selection of recent media reports
Nearly nine out of ten jobs created under Labour went to foreign-born workers, astonishing figures revealed last night.
Daily Mail (30-Oct-2010)
Editorial With The Times reporting today that Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea boroughs have...
The London Daily News (29-Oct-2010)
Only one in four of the foreign workers allowed to come to Britain as a highly skilled migrant is working in a skilled job, the Home Office has disclosed.
Daily Telegraph (28-Oct-2010)
ONLY one in four highly-skilled migrants are clearly employed in skilled...
Daily Star (Daily Star Reporter) (28-Oct-2010)
Just a quarter of immigrants allowed into the UK because they are highly skilled is actually in a...
Mail Online (Jack Doyle) (27-Oct-2010)29 October, 2010 08:21 (GMT +01:00) Housing crisis to hit north London Article Video Photos
With The Times reporting today that Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea boroughs have already started facilitating the exodus of families on housing benefit, the panic that is gripping local authorities in north London cannot be under-estimated. 82,000 families face eviction from homes they have been living in, some of which are in the most expensive areas of the capital. The coalition Government clearly has no appetite to pay for west London town-houses costing £2000 per week in rent, paid for by the taxpayer.
Mayor Johnson must not be censored or curtailed by the coalition Government, he has a democratic mandate from London to protect frontline services, and is still the most popular Conservative politician in office. Tory grassroots even though many are supporters of the free market, still understand that you cannot punish the lowest denominator in this way. Lynn Hillan the Conservative leader of Barnet council in a letter to Eric Pickles the communities and local government secretary said the cuts to housing benefit would lead tenants falling "into arrears and face eviction".
Moreover the real cuts should be on those who caused this crisis, namely the overpaid reckless bankers, not your average public sector worker who has worked hard to maintain efficiency and productivity.
It’s now time people made their voices heard; punishing the working middle and lower class families with punitive taxes, and cuts to welfare will engender resentment and opposition. Reform must be made to the housing benefit system, for example why are immigrant families pushed to the top of lists, when in many cases they are working, claiming income support, to the loss of families who have paid into the National Insurance scheme and PAYE for years. There must be a new fairness in "housing benefits", and a new appraisal of immigrant’s status in London, without pandering to the extreme right must also take place.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
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Britannia Radio