Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Soldiers at the Israeli - Lebanese border
Soldiers at the Israeli - Lebanese border
Flash 90

Audio: Stirring the 'Peace' Pot: Enhancing the Script

10/5/2010 9:33:00 PM
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah
Listen Now!
Has a peace deal already been agreed upon? Is there a 'script' to go by and the game has already been played? How will Israel fair playing by the rules of its enemies? Are Syria, Iran, the Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority all ganging up on Israel for a planned regional war? Dr. Eugene Narrett, author of the book, "WWIII: The War On the Jews " joins Tamar and tells us that Israel needs to basically 'quit the peace game' and make it's own rules if Israel wants to survive. An enlightening show!