Today, we report that Katharine Birbalsingh has left her job in teaching. She was told by the head of her school that she had “misrepresented the school, insulted teachers and exploited pupils”. In reality, she did nothing of the sort. Her principal crime was that she gave a very effective speech at the Conservative Party conference, in which she explained that schools were being systematically undermined by a combination of “low standards and expecting the very least from the poor and disadvantaged”. She added that the unintended effect of ensuring that teachers who discipline black boys for bad behaviour are accused of racism merely means that those boys are untouchable – and they are able to wreck lessons for everyone else as a consequence. Like the communist autocrats who imprisoned dissidents for telling the truth about the Soviet regime, the blinkered bureaucrats in charge of the state system in Britain today cannot tolerate someone who accurately reports the dysfunctional mess those bureaucrats have created. Miss Birbalsingh is out of a job for the unpardonable crime of speaking up for disadvantaged pupils who crave discipline and learning, rather than the pathetic free-for-all that passes for an education in too many state schools. Her frankness should have been applauded by her superiors: nothing in the system can improve when no one can recognise what is wrong with it. But no – she has paid a high price for her honesty. We hope very much that Miss Birbalsingh is soon able to return to teaching in a state-funded school. Michael Gove’s new free schools, independent of local authority control, should be the ideal place for her. But it is a profoundly depressing indication of the condition of state education that someone like Miss Birbalsingh cannot flourish within it. Katharine Birbalsingh was sent home following her speech, after her executive headteacher told her that staff and governors were unhappy. She had been told she could return last week, but she said yesterday that she no longer worked at the school and did not have another job to go to. She said: "I am out of employment and I need people to know that, because all offers are gratefully received. I am in the business of fixing schools and am excited about getting another job in a school." Miss Birbalsingh, 37, said she was unable to discuss details of her departure from the Church of England-sponsored St Michael and All Angels Academy in Camberwell, south London. A spokeswoman for the school also refused to discuss the terms of the teacher's departure. However, sources said that she had resigned after being asked to comply with conditions that she did not feel able to comply with. In her presentation to the Tory conference, Miss Birbalsingh said that teachers failed to speak out about problems in the education system because they were frightened of being fired. Last weekend, she told this newspaper the system was "fundamentally broken". Extracts from her online diary exposed how knife crime, violence and bad behaviour were endemic at schools where she had worked. She was invited to address the Conservatives by officials working for Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, and her powerful speech was widely regarded as a highlight of the week's political events. She was applauded for her description of an education system which was "blinded by leftist ideology". Miss Birbalsingh, who is of mixed-race, insisted that the system contributed to "keeping poor pupils poor" because teachers fear being accused of racism if they attempt to tackle discipline problems among black pupils. Oxford-educated Miss Birbalsingh also rounded on bureaucracy and Ofsted. She made clear that her comments were not intended to be a criticism of St Michael and All Angels, where she had started as vice-principal only two months ago. Earlier this year the 700-pupil academy was criticised for its standards and rated "inadequate" by Ofsted. Irene Bishop, the school's executive headteacher, faced criticism for allowing Tony Blair to launch Labour's 2001 general election campaign at another school where she is the headteacher. Miss Birbalsingh said she was not looking for a job in politics, although she enjoyed public speaking and writing on education. "I love to be with the children and I could not do anything but teach because I love being with the kids every day," she said. "There are a couple of job offers in the table but more are very welcome. I wish St Michael and All Angels all the very best." A spokeswoman for the Diocese of Southwark said: "Following discussions between St Michael and All Angels Academy and Katharine Birbalsingh, Miss Birbalsingh is leaving the academy's employment. "The governing body would like to thank Katharine Birbalsingh for her contribution as vice principal since she joined the academy in September and wish her well for the future." Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, called Miss Birbalsingh’s departure “absolutely scandalous” and called on Mr Gove to intervene. He said: “It sends a shocking warning to others in the teaching profession - they must not say anything which may expose the truth about the system, or they may lose their livelihood.”Paying the price for honesty
We hope very much that Miss Birbalsingh is soon able to return to teaching in a state-funded school.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
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Britannia Radio