>> TUESDAY, OCTOBER 05, 2010
Brought to my attention by another eagle-eared B-BBC Reader, Ryan.
"Have a listen to the 10-11PM hour on 5 Live from yesterday. A reply of a "live" debate "from the Conservative Conference". Several observations --
1. The Conservative debate was the only one to not be broadcast live but shunted to the late evening schedule at short notice and with hardly any publicity because of the Ryder Cup. What is 5Live SPORTS Extra for?
2. Listen to the first 30 minutes and you will be hard pressed to find a more feral bunch. Much worse then any Question Time audience. Was there any audience moderation? I suspect not.
3. Despite repeatedly being misled that this was "from the Conservative Conference" -- hmm, you do wonder why a Tory audience was so anti Tory policies -- you have to listen for quite a while to hear it was being recorded "just around the corner" from the ICC. Ahh. I began to wonder if it was held at the TUC HQ?"
"Unreconstructed old Lefty Naughtie was in full-on Guardianista modethis morning about bank bonuses, especially when interviewing David Cameron: he took particular delight in quoting the Centre For Economics and Business Research report “revealing” that bank bonuses will amount to £7bn this year (cue righteous shock/horror).
Somehow though he forgot to say that the figure is lower than last year: but what he also didn’t reveal is that the CEBR press release also stresses that more than half of the total figure will be going into the Treasury’s coffers. Yep, that’s right –through a combination of the 50% tax rate on incomes above £150,000 and the main rate of employer’s NICs at 12.8% on discretionary earnings, it’s actually the taxman who will take around £4.1bn of the total.
As the CEBR’s press release put it “Our research shows that the public coffers stand to gain considerably more from city bonuses than city workers themselves”. Funny how that bit got left out of the clip."
Michael Gove is a man the BBC does not like and this was evident this morning than on this item on his plans to enable parents and/or teachers to set up their own free schools. It's a slanted report, aimed at telling just how awful it is and how those hateful middle-classes will simply take this over for their own wretched children. Oh dear - it's the Nasty Party serenade that the BBC is singing.
I was stunned by "Thought for the Day" this morning. It was by Reverend Rosemary Lain-Priestley, Dean of Women's Ministry in central London (natch) and she came on to explain how angered she had been at the Ground Zero Mosque. With me so far? However her ANGER was directed at those New Yorkers who objected to this proposed Mosque aka "Community Centre" She expressed her self righteous anger to a Muslim she was having tea with (as one does) and he, in his kindness, suggested that perhaps the Mosque could be built somewhere else. Give it a listen here - it's just bizarre - brimming with equal measures of dhimmitude and liberalism. You can see why Rev Rosemary gets the gig.
Hi folks! A combination of work pressures and relaunching my other site, A Tangled Web, have kept me away from the fray but I'm back and with a number of posts to follow this. One topic that the BBC has been pushing all day is the outrage of those around Jim Gamble who has resigned as head of the Child Protection unit (Ceop) because it is planned to be further assimilated into the National Crime Agency. This morning, on Today, the BBC afforded Malcolm King, former Ceop, the opportunity to lambaste the Conservatives, at one point he accuses this government of being "pro-Paedo". (Cue sniggers all round from the Beeboids). It's a disgraceful moment, even by BBC standards. Later on during the Morning, on the Regional Nolan Show, ANOTHER Ceop employee came on to also attack the Conservatives. It was a pure left wing rant but Stephen was ever so sympathetic, confirming at one point that he knew Jim Gamble. Naturally there was no-one to counter this ten minute attack on Theresa May. Then on the PM programme, there was yet ANOTHER attack on the Conservatives for daring to break up a quango. It's been an all-day exercise, at National and Regional level, and all aimed at causing as much negative headlines as possible for the Conservatives whilst singing the praises of those in Ceop who appear to spend their time doing media appearances. This was a hatchet-job, plain and simple, and the BBC should be ASHAMED of itself for allowing the pro-Paedo comment.
British Boycott Campaign
The BBC has influenced generations of well meaning citizens to despise Israel.
Feeling impotent, they organise their outrage and demand action. Something must be done. Boycotts must be voted for. Trade Unions, student unions, self-hating Jews, Methodists and socialist workers all agree. Israel must be punished.
A rabble of pro Palestinian activists gather every fortnight outside Ahava, an Israeli based company trading in London. They believe disrupting this shop and the surrounding businesses will somehow help the Poor Palestinians.
Musicians who plan gigs in Israel are pressured to cancel. (Some do, some don’t)
The Methodist church recently passed a resolution to boycott goods that emanate from “illegal settlements.”
A Methodist preacher and former M.P. David Hallam is to sue the Methodist church for breaching EU laws against racism because he believes their boycott shows that they are prejudiced against the Jewish state.
The BBC hasn’t reported this yet, but if the Methodists make a big enough fuss about it they might. Methodists have already started blogging about it,and predictably most of them are outraged equally by the plight of the Palestinians and the expense of the the litigation, calling Mr. Hallam a megalomanic and such. One of the recommended links on a pro-boycotter’s website is to an article on settlements in the rabidly anti-Zionist Guardian. I hold the Guardian/BBC responsible for this misguided groundswell that is gripping the UK.
These ill-thought out postures are more about hate for Israel than love for Palestinians. If any of these BBC influenced organisations were to rigourously carry out their ill-conceived boycotts, there would be serious impediments to computing, phone technology, medicine, longevity, science, national security, technology and much more. There’s nothing like cutting off one’s nose.
Boycotts are only relevant if the target needs your patronage more than you need whatever you’re boycotting. That’s how it works. We'll all be plunged into pre-technology days. Oh well.
'We' may not care if we cut all cultural, academic and scientific ties with Israel, but I’m pretty sure China would be delighted to fill any vacuum.
>> MONDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2010
...is this sort of journalistic inquiry by the quietly brilliant blog Harmless Sky. Here, it rips apart the idea that green energy - and in particular wind power - is gaining traction as an industry. The stark reality is that people aren't investing their cash in wind power because it's not a viable proposition. Share prices have slumped despite the ridiculously massive government subsidies. This reality check ought to be high on the agenda of the latest round of UN climate talks, which opened today, and the BBC should be analysing such issues with robust fierceness. Instead, Roger Harrabin, the BBC's resident greenie parrot, spouts the usual eco-nut nonsense about his peoples' worries that "agreement" (ie more measures to hobble the developed world)will not be reached. Oh, and our investigative-journalist-of-the-year Roger has apparently deliberately also ignored (for now at least) the hottest news about the UN talks: that IPCC boss Patchy Pachauriis under investigation again.