The Third Choice When Not to Vote for a Conservative Democrat Reclaiming the American Dream Three Million Immigrants Annually: Let's Take 18 Million
I guess we have to jump right into this question---are there ANY politicians in Washington who are honest, honorable, balls-to-the-wall Constitutionalists? Are there two? Three? Twelve? Fifty? A Hundred? And don’t bother to get back to me with the name of Ron Paul, because that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the question of whether there are ENOUGH.....
by Jon Rappoport
There are times when it makes sense for a conservative voter to choose a conservative Democrat candidate over a liberal Republican or moderate Republican. Usually in local government races, such as for a city council or county commission seat, voting for the best man or woman makes more sense than simply voting based on party affiliation. However, there are times when.......
by Bill Sizemore
Election day, November 2, is a critical national referendum on President Obama’s big government agenda. That day across the nation Americans will enter their polling booths and cast ballots that will determine whether the regnant Democratic party retains control of the House and the Senate. America has a chance to translate its discontent over high unemployment, massive federal bailouts and.....
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Each year, America accepts 1.3 million legal immigrants. On top of that, immigrants birth 900,000 babies within the United States annually. When you add the minimum of 800,000 illegal alien migrants that walk over our borders or visa overstays, the United States absorbs 3.1 million immigrants, give or take a few thousand—annually. Another 400,000 illegal migrant women cross over to give ‘anchor baby’ births, which I won’t.....
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 25 October 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 10:02