Responding to the passing in the European Parliament of the Fajon Report, which gives EU entry visas to people from Bosnia and Herzegovina. UKIP's Civil Liberties spokesman said: "The passing of this report shows that the UK does not control its own borders or immigration policy - all pretence is now gone. "It is now third party states like Bosnia and Herzegovina which decide who can and cannot come to the UK on an EU Visa." This proposal would extend the list of countries whose nationals do not require Visas for entry into the EU to Bosnia & Herzegovina and Albania. It would therefore act as yet another step in the collapse of control of national borders since once they are in the EU and acquire rights of residence/work they will inevitably be able to enter any member state. "Given that Bosnian President Izetbegovic gave a general amnesty to Al Qaeda terrorists in the 1990s, this report also increases the danger of Islamic terrorists gaining easy access to Britian. This is a very bad deal for British citizens," Mr Batten warned. The report states that "the European Union is a strong supporter of the abolishment of the visa regime for all the countries of the Western Balkans. [...] Every effort should now be made to deliver visa-free travel for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania as soon as possible.UKIP -
Border Control Pretence Now Gone
The passing of the Fajon report shows that the UK does not control its own borders or immigration policy - all pretence is now gone, says UKIP's Gerard Batten.