Harare, Zimbabwe-2010, October 29 Source Url: http://zimbabwenewscrisis.bigforumpro.comURGENT PRESS RELEASE:
A 67 year old white farmer, Kobus Joubert was shot (on Monday 25 October 2010) at his Scotsdale farm in Chegutu, west of Harare. The farmer heard her wife screaming in the bathroom, as he go to investigate he was shot by a man right in the head.
The murderers got away with Cell phones and $10 000 but failed to get a Laptop which they demanded. This was not the first incident the Jouberts suffered government persecutions. In 2008 Joubert was attacked by a mob of ZANU PF militias who needed his farm. ZANU PF government of President Robert Mugabe has declared that white farmers are "enemies of the people." Therefore many farmers have been targeted, beaten, tortured and murdered by war veterans, militias and hired assassins.
The Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) state's, "The shooting at point blank range of another white farmer in the Selous district (near Chegutu) of Zimbabwe again highlights the deteriorating situation currently being faced in the rural farming areas. This is a symptom of the flagrant disregard for the rule of law in these areas over the last ten years and the Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe urgently requests that the authorities take immediate action."
In 2009 Mike Campbell, 76, was attacked by ZANU PF. The youths gave him 10minutes to pack away his belongings and vacate his farm. The bloodthirsty youths told Campbell that they did not care about the law or the police. ‘We are taking over.’
In June 2008 Mr Campbell, his wife, Angela, and Mr Freeth were abducted by the war veterans who severely assaulted them for five hours.
In May 2008 Farmers, William and Annette Rogers were attacked by ZANU PF militias at Chegutu Extension Farm. Mr. Rogers said, "They told me that l had two minutes to vacate my property otherwise they will send the mob there and the house is not worthy sacrificing my life for because we would lose our lives. They said they (ZANU PF mob) were like hungry lions."
The Rogers were tied up, kicked and beaten. Mr. Rodgers was having his fit burnt by cigarettes. "We got to the Chegutu Police Station...No police personnel of any authority seemed to show interest in taking our statement."
On 23 October 2010 in Nyazura east of Harare farmer Van Rensburg who owns Rubeni Farm was ordered by a Colonel from 3 Brigade Army Headquarters to vacate the property within 72 hours or face eviction.
The CFU criticized the grabbing of commercial farms "beneficiaries of the farms and their hired thugs are taking the law into their own hands, breaking into homesteads using bolt cutters and locking the owners out, leaving them with nothing but the clothes they are wearing." ZANU PF government has defied SADC tribunal ruling in Namibia which ordered it not to interfere with farming activities.
The News Week Reports, “Freeth wrote an open letter that was widely disseminated outside of Zimbabwe detailing the intimidation of black farm workers, many of them supporters of the opposition MDC party, by ZANU-PF party activists—who rounded them up for all-night vigils and political harangues in the Chegutu area, often meting out beatings to workers on the Mt. Carmel farm and to MDC supporters. "None of us knows what will happen next," Freeth wrote. "Dictators like Mugabe do not step down. Like Hitler, they go on till their country is in ruins and their people are in rags. World leaders tut-tut as the crimes against humanity go on unhindered; but their perpetrators live on and travel the world with impunity."
Officials in ZANU PF government have been grabbing farms and companies from whites. The government acts of racism and terrorism are well documented. Zimbabwe still faces serious political motivated violence, opponents of the government are harassed, beaten, tortured and some murdered. On Sunday 20, September 2010, a Security Guard in Harare, Crispen Mandizvidza was murdered by 50 ZANU PF militias using craw bars and iron bars.
Zimbabweans are suffering serious poverty and starvation, both those at home and in Diaspora. The country is operating without official currency. The US dollars and Rand which are being used are not easily available to many citizens. Thousands women have turned to prostitution and some man to crime in order to earn living.
The Government of National Unity has crumbled since Mugabe and ZANU PF have refused to honor the Global Political Agreement which form basis of the unity government. Mugabe continues to appoint Ambassadors and other official without consent of the two factions of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) who are in the unity government.
Zimbabweans continue to live in fear of their government. Soldiers and Police continue to beat up people forcing them to support ZANU PF meetings and threatening them if they do not vote for ZANU in forthcoming elections. In various parts of the country soldiers and militias have been deployed to enforce conformity to ZANU PF regime.
Foundation of Reason & Justice is campaigning for human rights, democracy and justice in Zimbabwe. Its imperative that Zimbabwe is gets rid of ZANU PF dictatorship. Our campaign needs your support.
Please kindly support us by either making the plight of Zimbabweans known in your community or by making a financial donation.
Mr. Collen Makumbirofa
Foundation of Reason & Justice
Johannesburg, South Africa
http://zimbabwenewscrisis.bigforumpro.com http://forjustice.atspace.org
Fax 0027 86 5585 405
Posted By: Collen Makumbirofa
Foundation of Reason & Justice
Email: makumbirofa@justice.com
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Date Posted: Friday 29-Oct-2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio