Linking it to the new US drive into Pakistan was too artificial to work.
They may have already been planted in Iran, Syria, Hizballah missiles.

The Israeli and Greek Air forces embarked Monday, Oct. 11, on a joint four-day exercise code-named Minoas 2010 over Crete and the Peloponnese Peninsula, DEBKAfile's military sources report. Both areas are characterized by long coastal strips and high mountain peaks extending into the sea, similar to some Iranian shores. Taking part are 16 Apache and Black Hawk UH-60 assault helicopters - eight Israeli and eight Greek.
The Israeli choppers were refueled in mid-flight to Greece.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

Information reaching the West indicates Iran has put to death atomic scientists and technicians suspected of helping plant the Stuxnet virus in its nuclear program. The admission by Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, on Friday, Oct. 8 - the frankest yet by any Iranian official - that Western espionage had successfully penetrated its nuclear program is seen as bearing out those reports. The Iranian program is further slowed by extreme security.
Read moreDEBKAfile Exclusive Report

Senior US diplomat Frederic Hof landed in Damascus Friday Oct. 8, with a strong ultimatum from US President Barack Obama warning Syrian President Bashar Assad that he would be held personally responsible for any military action Hizballah may pursue in Beirut or any other part of Lebanon. Such action would have consequences for the Syrian ruler's standing in Washington and that of his country. This is revealed by DEBKAfile's sources in Washington and Beirut.
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US diplomat Fred Hof is due in Beirut Thursday, Oct. 7, to try and get Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon cancelled.DEBKAfile's sources say he is too late. With six days to go, Beirut and South Lebanon up to the Israeli border are Ahmadinejad-land, taken over by an estimated 2,500 airlifted Revolutionary Guardsmen and covered in Iranian flags.
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