Time to stop taxpayer funding of NPR
Sign our Open Letter to Congress today!
Nearly 9,000 have signed so far
Dear Harold,
Regardless of whether one listens to NPR or not, or likes NPR or not, there’s one thing we should all be able
to agree on: NPR’s sacking last week of Juan Williams was an egregious offense to our First Amendment.
It was all the more egregious because NPR receives a portion of its funding from us—the taxpayers.
This isn’t about liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat. As we noted in our Friday email, NPR’s
action goes beyond the “usual” political correctness. It is in effect a capitulation to the demands of sharia
law that no critique or criticism of Islam or Mohammed be allowed.
NPR’s claim that it doesn’t allow the expression of “opinions” by its commentators rings hollow. Of course
it does—so long as they toe a certain politically correct line.
Several Members of Congress have publicly proclaimed that it’s time to stop the taxpayer funding of NPR.
We agree. Therefore, we are urging you to click here to read our one-page “Open Letter to Congress,”
calling for an end to taxpayer funding of NPR.
Please sign this letter today and forward this email to everyone you know. If NPR wants to kowtow
to sharia’s suppression of speech, it should do so without any taxpayer funding.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
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P.O. Box 12765
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Britannia Radio