UPDATE: Style Editor Ned Martel tells Post ombudsman Andy Alexander that he chose to pull the cartoon after conferring with Executive Editor Marcus W. Brauchli and others because "it seemed a deliberate provocation without a clear message." He adds that "the point of the joke was not immediately clear" and that readers might think that Muhammad was somewhere in the drawing.
Wow. Surrender of the mightiest, most magnificent, most moral civilization in human history to savages is a mere update to a week-old WaPo article.
In yet another crushing blow to our basic founding principle of free speech, The Washington Post has pulled the "Where's Muhammad" cartoon off its website. The cartoon does not even depict Moe. It mentions him. But even this is too much for the dhimmedia. Afraid to publish the innocuous cartoon in their hard copy edition last Sunday, they made the transparent gesture, the half-assed accommodation to free speech, to publish the cartoon in their online edition. I wrote about it here, back on the 6th -- and it didn't take but a couple of days to surrender to Islam.
When you trade freedom for peace, you get neither.
This is the same newspaper that is shamelessly shilling for the Ground Zero Islamic supremacist mega mosque on hallowed ground, spitting on the memory of our precious loved ones. 70% of the American people are offended by the mega mosque. Sensitivities are not created equal. Not in Islam and not at the Washington Post.
Do the American people know what is being done to their basic freedoms? I think not. Will the news channels and the opinion shows make this their breaking story? Of course not. We have surrendered America in installments. Broken, piece by piece, we feed it to an insatiable, implacable enemy. America hasn't a clue. She's like Helen Keller and someone has moved the furniture again.
Just like the Ground Zero mosque, the media aided and abetted that stealth attack on the US by their silence. People found out about that outrageous stealth attack without the media. I only pray a story like this, just as devastating, gets the attention it deserves despite the media's complicit silence. The corrupt and gutless media won't do their jobs. They have abdicated their role of public servant in the dissemination of news and instead have become sharia puppets. It is the sharia (Islamic law) not to "defame" and not to "insult" Islam. The media is self enforcing sharia.
I despise their fear. My
question to all of these cowards is, isn't the alternative more frightening? Isn't the ascension of sharia and blasphemy laws more frightening than proudly standing up for free speech and publishing a silly toon? Isn't the silencing of free men a scarier prospect than the whole of the global jihad?
Isn't freedom worth fighting for? Worth dying for? How dare they so casually relinquish that which our fathers, grandfathers and founding fathers fought so hard for and died for. Centuries of blood and toil brought us the gift, the United States of America, and it is disappearing. Thugs, barbarians and savages are dictating what we can and can't do and what we can and can't say.
This is not happening in a vacuum. It is all over. The ban on defenders of freedom like Robert Spencer, Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warraq, et al at college campuses is chilling. Free speech, the cornerstone, the bedrock of our constitutional republic, is being lost without a shot.
The name Molly Norris should be a household word, but she is rarely spoken of. The poster girl for a free press doesn't exist.
Remember "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day?" A relatively unknown cartoonist, Molly Norris, declared "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" in response to the death threats (fatwa) issued against the producers of South Park on Comedy Central. Her thinking, rightly, of course, was that if everyone drew Muhammad, the jihadists couldn't kill everyone.........
But Ms. Norris had no clue what she stepped into. After Norris's brilliant idea went viral online, she became so spooked and worried that she had offended Muslims that she apologized for it and divorced herself from the idea, refraining from participation. That didn't matter; it wasn't long before the "charismatic" imam to the devout Muslim world had placed the Seattle cartoonist on an execution hit list. The ummah reacted to the contest with the same open-mindedness, tolerance and modernity we have come to expect.
*Crickets chirp in newsrooms worldwide.*
Nihad Awad, co-founder of Hamas-linked, unindicted co-conspirator, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR, was whining and deliberately inciting Gd knows what against me on O'Reilly for one of the cartoons I ran on May 20th, "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day." Watch this.
That's how far down the rabbit hole the shining beacon of freedom has gone: no stick figures or any depictions of Muhammad without putting your life in jeopardy.
Last Sunday: Editors Pass on Comic Strip With ‘Where’s Muhammad?’ (from Editor and
Some editors opted not to run Sunday’s “Non Sequitur” comic strip, which included a “Where’s Muhammad?” reference, according to The Washington Post’s “Comic Riffs” blog.
Wayne Miller’s strip on Sunday depicted a scene in a park with a variety of characters, with the caption, “Picture book title voted least likely to ever find a publisher: ‘Where’s Muhammad?’”
Some 20 papers, including the Portland Press Herald and the Boston Globe — both of which “Non Sequitur” Wiley Miller reads — opted to run a Sunday replacement strip featuring the recurring character Obvious-Man. "Non Sequitur" is syndicated by Universal UClick.
The Washington Post ran the strip online Sunday, but not in its print edition.
Miller told Comic Riffs, "I have absolutely no information on why any of the editors chose not to run it. All I can do is surmise that the irony of their being afraid to run a cartoon that satirizes media's knee-jerk reaction to anything involving Islam bounced right of their foreheads. So what they've actually accomplished is, sadly, [to] validate the point."
"Non Sequitur," which bowed in 1991, has won National Cartoonists Society division awards for Best Comic Strip and Best Comic Panel.
The irony of the cartoon's message should not get lost on anyone.
The quislings at the Washington Post pretended to be staunch defenders of free speech by running it online, but they weaseled out of their pathetic attempt at primciple. Here's what Wa Po said last week:
Depending on what newspaper you take, you may or may not see today's "Non Sequitur" comic that's captioned, in part,"...Where's Muhammad?"
Some newspapers chose instead to run a Sunday replacement strip featuring the recurring character Obvious-Man. So what was the editorial thinking behind the choice?
The Washington Post chose to run the "Where's Muhammad?" comic in its online edition but not in its Sunday print funnies, running an "Obvious-Man" replacement. Spokeswoman Kris Coratti said The Post had no comment on that decision.
But even that was too much for the spineless, gutless wonders. They have posted this update.
Update: Style Editor Ned Martel tells Post ombudsman Andy Alexander that he chose to pull the cartoon after conferring with Executive Editor Marcus W. Brauchli and others because "it seemed a deliberate provocation without a clear message." He adds that "the point of the joke was not immediately clear" and that readers might think that Muhammad was somewhere in the drawing."Non Sequitur," launched in 1991 by the Washington Post Writers Group, has won National Cartoonists Society division awards for Best Comic Strip and Best Comic Panel. Prior to creating "Non Sequitur," Wiley Miller was an editorial cartoonist at the Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record and the San Francisco Examiner.
[....]Wiley's "Muhammad" comic comes in the wake of this year's "South Park" controversy over satirizing Muhammad; Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris's poster art in support of "South Park" having spawned "Everybody Draw Muhammad! Day"; and such illustrators as Norris, Lars Vilks and Kurt Westergaard having been placed on a death-threat list by Yemeni American cleric Anwar al-Aulaqi.
This is a dark day, my friends. They have no problem "offending" me and Spencer and calling us vile names (anti-Muslim, islamophobic, bigot, etc.) in their embarrassing and pathetic attempts to slake the bloodlust of their Islamic masters. How dare they surrender our freedoms and the future of our children and our nation for the comfort of their cocktail parties?
UPDATE: Wait, it gets worse. These sniveling cowards can't even own up to their gutlessness. Now they are calling it "an oversight." So censorship is now policy retroactively. Lying about it is SOP. Andrew Alexander at WaPo here:
Through an apparent oversight, the "Where's Muhammad?" cartoon was put on The Post's Web site. [Executive Editor Marcus] Brauchli said he was unaware, adding, "Ideally, we wouldn't have done that if we withheld it from print.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 10:51 AM in Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, Freedom's Enemies | Permalink | Comments (18)
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Are we to believe that this was not an honor killing, the way the Times Square car bombing was not Islamic jihad? Or the Fort Hood jihad was not ..........jihad?
We have been told that Mrs Shahzad had been seeing other men and I suppose it is likely that her sons may not of approved of this.
What's important here is not that a vibrant, wonderful woman who was civic-minded and guided other Muslim women was brutally murdered by her sons in an honor killing. What's important here is that we not mention the motive or the religious motivation behind honor killings, so as not to insult or defame Islam. That is what is key. That is what is important. Do not insult Islam. Honor killings are epidemic in the Muslim world (only Gd knows how many girls are buried under the porch in Pakistan), but they are increasingly on the rise in the West (more on that here -- scroll.) But the feminists and the leftists and the Islamic machine scold us, remind us and admonish us to ignore this gender-cide and instead adhere to the sharia. Do not defame Islam.
It is why the Islamic supremacists tried to ban my taxi honor killing campaign here and my bus campaign for Muslims who must live in fear for their lives simply because they wanted to leave Islam.
Sons held after estranged wife who had been seeing other men is stabbed to death at luxury home Daily MailTwo sons of a wealthy businesswoman were being questioned last night on suspicion of stabbing their mother to death after her marriage broke down and she began seeing other men.
Marriage broke down? They had been separated for several years.
Assia Shahzad, 40, suffered multiple wounds during the bloodbath at the £600,000, six-bedroom family home.
Neighbours and family friends said that she was estranged from her husband and her relationships with other men angered close relatives.
Police were holding her sons Usman, 21, and 16-year-old Suleiman.
The mother of three, who lived with her sons in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, had been separated from her husband, Rashad, 45, for several years.
She was taken to Stoke Mandeville hospital on Saturday night after a relative raised the alarm and died shortly afterwards, at about 8pm.
[...]'We have been told that Mrs Shahzad had been seeing other men and I suppose it is likely that her sons may not of approved of this. It might explain the motive, although we do not know.'
Another added: 'Assia was a strong-minded, independent, modern woman. This did not always sit well with some parts of the family.'
Police said they were treating the horrific incident as 'domestic related' rather than an honour killing.
Muslims arriving at the mosque at the end of Mrs Shahzad's road for prayers spoke of their shock yesterday.
Raj Khan, a Buckinghamshire county councillor who grew up with her, said: 'We lived on the same street, went to school together and we were in the same business together.
'We have a good friendship through our fathers, so there's a long history between us.
'I am devastated. I only saw her yesterday.
'It seems like a total nightmare. She seemed okay - she was her normal self and was talking about going for some food.
'It's a devastating time, not only for her family but for the community. She was a very community-spirited lady.
She helped where she could, particularly with Asian [code for Muslim in the UK -- Atlas] women's issues by filling in their forms and advising them.
Once again, a faceless victim. If anyoen comes across a picture of Assia, please send it along. She was a vibrant woman. She's not just another honor killing that no one will speak of.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 02:42 PM in Honor Killings: Islam Misogyny | Permalink | Comments (1)
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No, this is not a flyer for a talk by Major Hasan (the jihadi who came out on grand rounds) before mowing down 14 US soldiers at Fort Hood. The silence on their bloody slaughter is treasonous. But it is strangely evocative of Hasan's dawah on Grand Rounds. I wonder if this Dr. Hassan will use other Dr. Hasan's powerpoint presentation on Islam I do. It is the must succinct presentation on jihad and the threat doctrine (below).
This is a taxpayer-funded New York hospital. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want my taxpayer dollars used to proslytize for Islam. Separation of mosque and state, right?
This is still America, is it not? Contact the hospital. Politely explain your position. This is wrong.
Jacobi Hospital
1400 Pelham Parkway South
Bronx, NY 10461
(Corner of Eastchester Road and Pelham Parkway South)
General Information: Appointments: (718) 918-5700
Admitting: (718) 918-5370
Patient Information: (718) 918-5374
Patient Relations: (718) 918-5245
E-mail Jacobi
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 01:00 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (12)
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
UPDATE: Q and A video just posted -- scroll.
Despite the rabid attacks of the leftist. Islamic smear machine and their promises to shut us down, Robert Spencer and I spoke at Temple University Thursday without incident. It got a little noisy during the Q and A, but so what?
Kudos to Alvaro E. Watson President. Temple University Purpose, who stood fast and would not cave to the pressure of school officials or bullying (fascist-like) students.
Much thanks to Pamela Hall for pictures and videos.
Meanwhile outside the rapid mouth foamers were screaming about "no hate in their state, Geller and Spencer hate hate hate." Here are some shots that Alvaro's mom grabbed for me.
Say that three times fast -- betcha can't!
Shocka -- antisemites too.
Check out the flyers they were passing out (I scanned it for your enjoyment):
And this:
Here is a quick clip of the clowns protesting us and trying to intimidate people into not going into the event. Listen to the chanting. "When Islam is under attack, what do we do, stand up, fight back!" Did you ever hear the left chant, "When America is under attack, what do we do, stand up fight back!"? Never. Ever.
The jackboots posted about the event here. Apparently, they were hoping for an incident to happen and to write about. Ha Ha. Denied. (hat tip on that David)
UPDATE: Here's the Q and A:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 09:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (72)
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Terrorist street art hits a new low in New York, and that's not an easy thing to do. The bar is so low...... what am I talking about? There is no bar.
Signed 'Bunny bin Laden.'
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 06:23 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (10)
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THE ONE GOOD THING .............
Talk about a silver lining. The one good thing about the Times slam is that a lot of new readers see through their bias. Yes, I have been getting the usual rabid leftwing obscene hate emails, etc. *Yawn* More importantly, I have been receiving letters like the one below. Excellent.
Dear Ms. Geller,
One good thing about the NYT article, it led me to your blog.
As a Jewish guy who lived in Israel for almost 5 years this blog is like the breeze off Lake Michigan in the morning(I live in Chicago's version of Long Island I guess Highland Park) it clears away the fog.
I had despaired of finding a person in the States who understood the situation. The analogy I like to use is that after Pearl Harbor did FDR get up there and say, We don't hate Japanese, there are certain people who happen to be Japanese that have attacked us but they are not all our enemies, just the bad ones. No, he had Congress declare war and the only acceptable outcome was Unconditional Surrender.
And nobody talked about discrimination, we certainly did not invite Japanese nationals and German Nazis to immigrate here during the war "for a better life". They were the enemy, full stop no question.Today Islam is what the Nazis and Japanese were then.
To be fair, all countries and ideologies want to be top dog.
So, they are just doing their job.
However , as of now, we hold that spot and I see no reason to give it up without a fight.
Thank you for what you do.
Best Regards,Name redacted
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 12:13 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power | Permalink | Comments (81)
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I am traveling, so posting is light, but I had to share the love. Online New York Times front page looks like this.
But wait. It gets wilder. I can't scan this, but .... you get the picture(s)
Check it out: Front page of the Sunday Metro section
National edition (left) two page spread in black and white
Metro section (right) -- full color double truck
Front page Atlas -- heh
My take on their piece here
Actual interview excerpts here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 11:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (44)
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Saturday, October 09, 2010
As expected, the New York Times did an extraordinarily nasty and fallacious piece on me. It is full of distortions, inaccuracies and lies from beginning to end.
Referring to me using terms like "socialite," "dilettante," and other words invoking silly, superficial, purposeless women, is downright farcical. Show me a socialite who is fighting for American values 20 hours a day. I don't even have lunch, let alone gala charity events. The only thing worthwhile in this piece is the actual interview, which is, frankly, all that really matters. But let's have a cursory look at this piece, shall we?
The numbers quoted from my divorce settlement are grossly, wildly inaccurate. I don't want to air dirty laundry in public, but there is absolutely no truth to what Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer "reported" about this. And although I do not want to get into personal matters, how do they know that my deceased ex "didn’t always agree" with what I was saying? Did they employ a ouija board? Just for knowing, this claim also is patently false.
Of course they hold up my lack of journalistic "credentials" as a disadvantage. Clearly we see how this "advantage" has rendered the New York Times and the rest of the fraternity of credentialed journalists hopelessly inaccurate and incapable of objectivity and responsible journalism. Why no piece like this on Daisy Khan, or Feisal Abdul Rauf, or Sharif El-Gamal?
Here is credentialed journalism: they say without explanation that I "posted doctored pictures of Elena Kagan, the Supreme Court justice, in a Nazi helmet." They don't bother to mention that the Kagan photoshop came after it was revealed that Kagan had cited in her thesis a German Marxist who became a Nazi when Hitler took power. They claim that I said that "a young Barack Obama slept with 'a crack whore,'" without mentioning that in that post I was making a point about unfair journalists (like these Times writers), constructing a reductio ad absurdum about media bias.
Just to show how avid and careful they were in their quest for the facts, they have me video blogging from an Israeli beach. Won't Fort Lauderdale be surprised to find out that the Zionist war machine is now occupying Florida beaches? Richer still was their reference to "arching her bikini-bared back provocatively." Please. I was submerged in the water with my kids in the background. Talk about easily titillated! I never arched my back except to swim away. They've been spending too much time with the Taliban. And they fault me for equating Palestinians with Hamas. The Palestinians elected Hamas, but who cares?
I know they spoke to Pamela Hall, but she is not mentioned in the article. They asked her what my worst traits were, but she must not have given them any grist for their mill.
It's revealing how many times they refer to my "Long Island-accented voice" and upbringing. It says more about them than it does about me. It's elitist, it's snobbish, and it's condescending.
But while they have room for that, you'll notice that the Muslim Brotherhood is nowhere mentioned in this piece, although I referred to them extensively. Even when they referred to the halal Campbell's Soup story, they declined to mention ISNA or the Muslim Brotherhood, only referring to a nameless Islamic group. Why is the New York Times so solicitous or afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood, that they won't mention its name? Nor do they mention the mega-mosque's earlier name, Cordoba Initiative, although it was only known as such for many months.
They refer to my work as a "crusade," but never refer to the supremacists' jihad as anything nefarious. They refer to my work as waging "a form of holy war," but never, ever discuss the real holy war against the West.
They say Paypal branded me a hate site. I know that facts are irrelevant, but they didn't.
In talking about my role in the mosque controversy, they say:
Two days later, Ms. Geller invited readers to protest the “9/11 monster mosque being built on hallowed ground zero,” in a post that was among the first to spread the misimpressions that the project was at the World Trade Center site and would solely house a prayer space.
Who's misimpressioning here? The site of the building is Ground Zero. You can have your own opinion, but you can't have your own facts. That building was hit by the landing gear from one of the planes, and destroyed. It is part of the Ground Zero attack site. And I never said that the building would solely house a prayer space. (Note "prayer space": the Times can't bring itself to call it a mosque, even though the prayer space in this building will be a mosque.)
Even the links they provide are deliberately deceptive. When deriding me for calling Sharif El-Gamal a thug, they don't link to his rap sheetor his threatening of a moderate Muslim. They only link to the post about his being a tax deadbeat, which is not about his thuggishness.
They minimize the mortal threat to Rifqa Bary's life, mischaracterizing her father's death threat to her for leaving Islam for Christianity as Rifqa having "accused her parents of abuse." They say I helped draw "vociferous objectors to a hearing this summer on a since-scrapped proposal for a mosque on Staten Island." Here again, they make no mention of the fact that it was a Muslim Brotherhood mosque. "Vociferous objectors" is Times-speak for patriots and defenders of freedom.
As far as the public school madrassa in Brooklyn goes, I referred extensively to Pamela Hall's seminal work. She was responsible for taking what should have been a Pulitzer-Prize-winning picture of the Almontaser-sanctioned "Intifada NYC" t-shirt. They quote the head of the school, Dabah Almontaser, saying: “New York is the cosmopolitan city of the world. They figured that if they could do it here, they could do it anywhere. And sadly, they did.” Do what? Fight for justice? Stand up against the jihad against Israel? Stand up against a public school being made into a madrassa? I would do it again. And going to Almontaser for her take on the madrassa is like going to the fox for his take on the henhouse.
They gave space to hit-and-run insults from anonymous people at the New York Observer, which was swarming with doctrinaire leftists like Mike Tomasky and Joe Conason, and note: they made no mention of the fact that I worked all my life, from the time I was thirteen. I worked full-time from the time I was seventeen. My high school was on split session; I got out at noon and worked til eight. I worked through college, and never stopped working until I left to raise my children in my late thirties. "Socialite," my eye!
The New York Times said: "And Ms. Geller said, without evidence, that the center’s financing might be tied to terrorists." We know that Rauf is a leading member of the Perdana Organization, the single largest financier of the Turkish terrorist group's jihad flotilla against Israel. Rauf and Daisy Khan have received funding from the Xenel Corporation. The connection between Xenel and al Qaeda, according to the Orlando Sentinel, was persuasive enough that the city of Orlando decided to cancel the contract it had previously awarded to Xenel. The involvement Bin Laden-tied Xenel led to the cancellation of a different 100-million-dollar project in Florida. If such ties would cancel a convention center, why not a 100-million-dollar Islamic supremacist mega mosque at the site of largest attack on American soil by these same players? And yet the Times says I have no evidence.
They ridicule the idea of taqiyya, calling it "the hiding of true beliefs, religiously sanctioned for Muslims, usually minority Shiites, under hostile rule." They don't mention that the idea of religious deception in Islam is not just held by Shi'ites, but is founded on the Koran, which tells Muslims that they can pretend to be friends with unbelievers to "guard themselves against them" (3:28). A hadith explains this as meaning "We smile in the faces of some people, but behind their backs we curse them." That sounds like Rauf, with his love for religious dialogue in English and rejection of it in Arabic, to me.
They claim that I am branding Rauf a "radical Islamist," when in fact his own words are those of a radical: "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims. You may remember that the US-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations. And when Madeleine Albright, who has become a friend of mine over the last couple of years, when she was Secretary of State and was asked whether this was worth it, said it was worth it." Referring to jihadis, he says: "How do you tell people whose homes have been destroyed, whose lives have been destroyed, that this does not justify your actions of terrorism? It's hard. Yes, it is true that it does not justify the acts of bombing innocent civilians, that does not solve the problem, but after 50 years of, in many cases, oppression, of US support of authoritarian regimes that have violated human rights in the most heinous of ways, how else do people get attention?" Rauf calls Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi "a very very well known Islamic jurist, highly regarded all over the Muslim world" -- Qaradawi has approved of Palestinian suicide bombings and genocide of the Jews. It was on Qaradawi's authority that Hamas began to use women in suicide attacks. He has called for "drastic" punishment of homosexuals. (Video here.)
They refer to the pain expressed by those who oppose the Ground Zero mega mosque as "heckling." And I had to laugh, of course, when the New York Times said that Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin were getting their talking points from me. Has anyone told Rush yet?
Barnard and Feuer write, "Opposition to Park51 grew — and with it, antipathy for Islam." It wasn't "antipathy for Islam" -- that is more of that racist-Islamophobic-anti-Muslim nonsense. It was outrage at the lack of compassion and sensitivity to the pain and the grief the mega mosque organizers were causing. To suggest that I provided the vocabulary to express this grief, under the guise of "worries about Islam," is laughable. It is justifiable concern about slaughter in the name of jihad, Islamic supremacism, the subjugation of women, and gender apartheid. The dead can't speak.
They're snarky about anyone who goes off the reservation, but they actually refer to the disinformationalists and propagandists of Media Matters as a "media tracking group," and not the left-wing propaganda hate site that it is, void of facts -- like this article. They say: "Her claims were disputed often enough that the liberal media-tracking group Media Matters called on stations (ineffectually) to stop presenting her as an expert." They do not and cannot, however, cite one example where I was actually wrong; instead, they just resort to ad hominem attacks. The Times is implying in this that I was so inaccurate that the smear machine Media Matters called on stations to stop featuring me in the interests of accuracy, when actually Media Matters was afraid that some of the truth was getting out to the public despite their best efforts. That they mention Loonwatch, a Goebbels-style hate site, speaks volumes.
And they say this about the EDL: "Ms. Geller went on to champion as patriotic the English Defense League, which opposes the building of mosques in Britain and whose members have been photographed wearing swastikas. (In the interview, Ms. Geller said the swastika-wearers must have been “infiltrators” trying to discredit the group.)" They don't mention that the EDL unequivocally supports Israel, waves the Israeli flag, has a Jewish division, has Hindu and Sikh members, and does have an ongoing problem with leftist infiltrators joining their rallies in order to try to discredit them by making racist or neo-Nazi statements.
They expose themselves completely when brushing over the death of Aqsa Parvez. They never mention why she didn't have a headstone in the first place (because she brought dishonor to the family, which is why she was murdered, and that dishonor did not merit her being remembered after death). They put "honor killings" in quotes, as if it were something I made up. In all their combing through my site, they seem to have missed this post. Is it any wonder that these reporters don't understand the whole idea of compassion and decency in regard to the Ground Zero mosque, when they put the term "honor killings" in quotes?
One thing the Times got right: the picture of me accompanying the article is accurate!
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, October 09, 2010 at 01:51 PM in Atlas Articles | Permalink | Comments (358)
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The New York Times is doing a Sunday piece on ....... Pamela Geller. Yikes. Let me say that I was very reluctant to speak with them, for the obvious reasons. I did not want to do it. But they were going to do a Geller piece with or without me. My thinking was that if I could present my ideas, perhaps I could influence the rational thinker.
I sat down with Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer for over three and half hours. They pulled interview excerpts from our long conversation and posted them in their Saturday online edition. Check it out. I don't know what they plan for Sunday; I can only imagine. I do know that these quotes are online today -- not in print. Nor is their a link to them on the Region main page. I will be curious to see if they make it into Sunday's piece alongside their narrative...... Here are a few excerpts of their excerpt:
Pamela Geller: In Her Own Words NY TIMES
The following are excerpts from an interview with Pamela Geller, a conservative blogger who has been vocal in opposition to the Islamic center and mosque to be built near ground zero. Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer interviewed Ms. Geller on Sept. 28, 2010.
Fight Against the ‘Mosque’
Ms. Geller on whether she is a leader in the fight over the planned Muslim center:
PAMELA GELLER I didn’t choose this moment; this moment chose me in that you decided that I was responsible, which is so amusing to me. I’ve been doing what I’ve been doing for years. I update the blog 10, 15 times a day. I treated the ground zero mosque story the way I treat every other story. To me it was an outrage, to me it was deeply offensive, to me it was indicative that interfaith dialogue and mutual respect and mutual understanding is a one-way street with Islamic supremacists, not Muslims. I believe that Muslims are more victimized by Islamic supremacists than even non-Muslims. But I covered it the way I covered any other story.
ALAN FEUER Do you consider yourself at this point a, or the, or one of the leaders of this fight against the mosque?
PAMELA GELLER Because I think that I’m giving voice to the voiceless. But how am I a leader? Look, there is no way that I have a magical power wherein 70 percent of the American people are opposed to this mosque. It’s demeaning and it’s condescending to the individual, for you — not you, sir — for someone to say that.
Now someone somewhere decided that we’re going to make it about her and we’re going to demonize her and marginalize her and call her a racist Islamophobic anti-Muslim bigot so that anybody that agrees with her is a racist Islamophobic anti-Muslim bigot. But you know what? Maybe it’s because all the Tea Partiers were called racists, or because it’s been tried too many times, it’s just not sticking. Maybe it’s sticking on the left, but the chattering classes and the political elites do not represent the American people. Not at all. And you’ve lost their trust, which I think is the absolute worst thing.
Her DriveMs. Geller on what motivates her:
I feel as if I am doing something that must be done. I’m making an important contribution in the information battle space, because that’s where we are now. You know, it really is a war of ideas and it’s important. That’s why the free-speech issue for me is everything. It’s the line in the sand; it is the difference between peace and war, because with freedom of speech, peaceful men can effect change. Without freedom of speech, peaceful men have no choice but to resort to violence. You have no alternative. Freedom of speech is the line in the sand.
And that’s why when I see the press, I see this self-imposed Shariah. And it’s Shariah: do not defame Islam, do not insult Islam.
A Moderate MuslimMs. Geller’s definition:
ANNE BARNARD Just to be completely clear, so you’re saying if someone is a devout Muslim, meaning if he or she is practicing and believing in the tenets of Islam, they cannot in your view be a political moderate?
No, no, they can’t. Now I also believe that a true translation, an accurate translation of the Koran, is really not available in English, according to many of the Islamic scholars that I’ve spoken to. That’s deeply troubling. And I don’t think that many westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they’re cursing Christians and Jews five times a day. I don’t think they know that.ALAN FEUER Right. So you believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim, if not...
PAMELA GELLER Oh, I absolutely ... Oh, I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam.
ANNE BARNARD What would be a moderate Muslim then?
PAMELA GELLER I think a moderate Muslim is a secular Muslim.
Seminal MomentMs. Geller refers to the landing gear of one of the 9/11 planes, found at the site of the planned mosque:
PAMELA GELLER You guys ran the landing gear —
PAMELA GELLER — that I held up at all my rallies, thank you very much. That was the — for me that landing gear was the seminal moment, it was the — the landing gear is in the building? God, it gives you the chills. I mean the Japanese could build a Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor; they never asked. They would never ask. It’s just wrong.
Even the cabdriver who was slashed, the Muslim cabdriver, by a pro-mosque supporter, who had an affiliation to Park51, who worked for Park51, the cabdriver said the mosque is wrong. That story did not get the ink it should have gotten because, A, it wasn’t someone who was against the mosque. If it was someone that was against the mosque, forget about it, I’d be hanging. I’d be hanging in Union Square. Yeah. Whatever.
ShariahMs. Geller on Islamic law in the United States:
ANNE BARNARD So do you really think that creeping Shariah is the biggest danger to America right now?
PAMELA GELLER No. The biggest danger to America? No. Do I think it’s a big danger? Yeah. Am I worried about it for tomorrow? No. Is that how it happens? No. It’s a drip, drip, drip, drip, drip. The mosque-ing of the workplace where you’re imposing prayer times on union contracts, non-Muslim workers have to lengthen their day: it’s wrong. And in places like Greeley and in Marshall, in Colorado, the media doesn’t report on it, but they’ve come to fisticuffs, there’s been rioting. The non-Muslim workers, they’re mainly Hispanics, they don’t want to lengthen their day.
The thing is: I don’t care if you worship a stone; just don’t stone me with it. These demands are a way of imposing Islam on a secular society. Asking for prayer space in public schools for Muslim children is imposing Islam. If the child is religious, send them to madrassa. If you don’t want to handle meat that’s not halal, don’t become a cashier at Target or Wal-Mart. If you want to wear the hijab, don’t work at Disney.
ALAN FEUER Do you detect a level of coordination behind this?
PAMELA GELLER No. Yeah, yes. The level of coordination is Shariah, is the Koran. This is living under Islamic law. It’s not that there’s a — look, I guess there’s conspiracy theory and there’s conspiracy fact. And clearly the global jihad, the installation of a universal caliphate, is the objective of a great many Islamic supremacists who make no secret of it.
Separation of Mosque and StateIslam in European politics:
PAMELA GELLER I understand what you’re saying and I have no problem with the identity politics. Honestly, I have no problem with hijab, I have no problem with burqa, I have no problem with purple hair. I don’t care. What I’m saying is the separation of mosque and state needs vigilance, that’s what I’m saying. And all you need to do is look at the current global map and the historical evidence to see what happens when you get these increased demands to Islam. Now, depending upon the region. The Middle East was once a Christian region, and look at all the Muslim countries that are living under the Shariah.
Look at even in Europe, the Islamization of Europe, you cannot ignore it. You cannot ignore the fact that there are no-go zones, where the police cannot go in France, cannot go in England, the fire department cannot go. When they go, it’s a trick, it’s an ambush many times. And there are no-go zones and the rule of law is the Shariah.
So what are we talking about? What are we looking at, if we can look past our watches in 10 years, 20 years? What are you looking at? Are you looking at reverting to city-states in Europe? I’m serious. This is not static. You think that where we are right now is where we’re going to be?
ALAN FEUER No, of course not.
PAMELA GELLER Of course not. So yes, I look at Europe and I’m concerned. I think the first country that will be Islamic in Europe will be the U.K. They already have introduced the Shariah law into their judicial system. And again you’ll say, “So what’s wrong with that?” What’s wrong with adjudicating family disputes and, and I say to you it’s always incrementally. The fact that welfare benefits in the U.K. go to multiple wives. If you have multiple wives, you get multiple benefits. Why would you encourage polygamy? I know it’s happening in America, the polygamy, but so far I have not heard of multiple benefits, and if I have, it’s not a matter of law, it’s not a sanctioned entitlement.
And so freedom of speech is in jeopardy. Religious freedom under the Shariah does not exist, and while it all may sound outlandish, you’ll wake up one day, you won’t recognize your own country. I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with a political Islam. And I’ll say it once, I’ll say it 100 times that the separation of mosque and state needs to be maintained, and it’s not as simple as you’d think. Because you see a little kid and he wants to pray, you give him a prayer space. You’re not thinking. I mean, I see the face, I’m a mother. But I do. One’s not thinking in terms of precedent.
On the Prism of Israel ................here
Go, read the whole thing. There are three pages.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, October 09, 2010 at 10:20 AM in Atlas Articles, Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (39)
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Much thanks to Pamela Hall for capturing our appearance at the David Horowitz Freedom Center event at the historic Union League in Philadelphia. Watch it --
And Robert Spencer
UPDATE: Here's the question and answer portion to our talk of October 7.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, October 09, 2010 at 10:18 AM in Atlas events, Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (7)
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Protest Ground Zero mosque developer and CAIR honoree. The FBI itself has "suspended all formal contacts between CAIR and the FBI."
Further, "...until we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS, the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner." (go here.)
That El-Gamal is being honored by a group the FBI won't even partner with speaks volumes.
We are in Washington, DC! Join us -- Simon Deng, Rob Spencer, James Lafferty et al and me -- to protest the Ground Zero mega mosque. CAIR is honoring Ground Zero Mosque developer Sharif el-Gamal, the waiter turned thug/shady developer. This charlatan is speaking at the Hamas-linked CAIR banquet on Saturday October 9th -- they appear to be sharing harassment and intimidation tips.
5:30 p.m., Saturday, October 9
at the Marriott Crystal Gateway
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA.
CAIR will honor Ground Zero Mosque developer Sharif El-Gamal.
JOIN US AND STAND AGAINST ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM, INTOLERANCE AND HATE9/11 families were joined by immigrants from India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Iran and Europe to show opposition to the construction of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero at our rally in June. Others flew in from overseas to speak or just to share their particular ethnic communities’ experiences at the hands of moslems.
The waiter-turned-millionaire developer (a transformation not yet satisfactorily explained) Sharif El-Gamal has said that "when you beat up someone physically you get exercise & stress relief," and he has a history of run-ins with the law.
And now he shows us yet again how "moderate" the entire Ground Zero mosque initiative really is: he is going to address the annual banquet of Hamas-linked CAIR:
Sharif El-Gamal, the main developer of the Park51 project in lower Manhattan, will speak at CAIR's 16th annual banquet on Saturday, October 9 in Arlington, Va. A recent summit of national Muslim leaders expressed strong support for Park 51 project.Register today to hear from the man at the center of a manufactured controversy that has sparked an anti-Muslim backlash nationwide.
GO TO: http://www.cair.com/banquet/
CAIR is also holding an intensive day-long critical leadership skills training conference on the same day as the banquet.
The conference will include training sessions for public speaking, on-camera interviews, using social media, political engagement, challenging Islamophobia and knowing your legal rights with law enforcement agencies.
You can find details, including session descriptions here.
Whether you are an imam, president or board member of a mosque, a young business leader, a student leader, an activist, or just someone who wants to help the community, this is the conference you must attend.
Islamophobia has become a growing threat to American Muslims and must be challenged vigorously, methodically, and comprehensively. You, the Muslim grassroots, are a key player in this organized effort. During the conference, we will also present a strategic vision for the American Muslim community for the next 20 years.
As a community, we will stand firm to defend the ideals of civil rights and equality. Empower yourself to take an active role by joining us at the leadership conference. We have only 200 spaces available for the workshops, so reserve your place right away.
We're looking forward to a day of practical trainings and an evening of celebrating our community. Please join us on Saturday, October 9, by making your reservations today.
GO TO: https://www.cair.com/banquet/
SEE Descriptions of the training sessions: http://tinyurl.com/CAIRworkshopsTo make a reservation over the phone or to reserve an entire table for eight people, call 202-742-6454 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202-742-6454 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or you can e-mail banquet@cair.com
Nihad Awad
CAIR National Executive Director
CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case. Several of its former officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. Two of its other officials have made Islamic supremacist statements. CAIR also was involved in the Flying Imams' intimidation suit against the passengers who reported their suspicious behavior.
If you get interviewed by the media, make sure you drive home the message – I am deeply offended by the Ground Zero Mosque and I will do everything I can to oppose it legally. It is not only about New York, America opposes the Ground Zero Mosque.
James Lafferty media note:
A word about mischief by those who oppose us. .. At a Ground Zero Mosque rally in New York, an ABC News cameraman deliberately tried to provoke some of our people. He asked nasty, insulting questions and then stood ready to record an angry even violent response. Don’t fall for this. It may give you some temporary satisfaction to chew these people out but, you can be sure, it will be edited and presented in the most unflattering way. Remember the wise counsel of John Wayne – talk low, talk slow and don’t talk too much.
If someone hassles you, please tell the nearest police officer. Don’t throttle the troublemaker or part his hair with your sign. See you Saturday at 5:30 p.m. at the Marriott Crystal Gateway.
Good advice.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, October 09, 2010 at 01:15 AM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (21)
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Friday, October 08, 2010
Another poor misunderstood misunderstander of Islam.
Planes, trains and automobiles.
Tube driver 'planned to take part in jihad' The Express
A London Underground Tube driver who is from Essex, planned to travel to Afghanistan or Pakistan with the intention to take part in a "violent jihad", a court has heard.
Amir Ali, who drove trains on the Bakerloo Line for five years, purchased a plane ticket to travel to Islamabad and wrote a farewell letter to his family telling them that "Allah and his prophet Mohammed" came first, jurors were told.
When police searched the 28-year-old's home they found pictures of him posing with weapons including two AK47 rifles and a self-loading pistol, prosecutor Duncan Penny said.
He said: "It is no coincidence that also in his possession were various forms of extreme literature and propaganda advocating the use of violence against the non-believer - or kuffar - in the name of Islam."
Mr Penny said that in March 2009 Ali paid cash towards a flight from Heathrow to Islamabad and planned to leave his wife and four-year-old daughter and three-year-old son behind.
"He was to travel alone, leaving his wife and children behind him at their home in east London. He had written a letter to his wife in which he instructed her and his little boy what to do after he had gone.
"In the letter he told her not to be upset or depressed with him for not being there as, he claimed, he always would remember her and his children. He told her to tell the children that he loved them very much but that he had to go for the sake of Allah, because Allah and his prophet Mohammed come first."
Do you ever feel like Barbara Stanwyck in the film noir classic Sorry, Wrong Number? I know I do.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 08, 2010 at 10:48 PM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (9)
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Tonight's open music thread is Charlie Parker's Laura. Parker is special for me. He was the first saxophonist who lit me up when I was very young. Over and over and over, I would play that man.
His take on the theme song from the film Laura is magnificent. If I could run that movie on Saturday Night Cinema, I would -- repeatedly. First choice. But it's not public domain.
Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, and Clifton Webb starred in this unparalleled film noir classic. Directed by Otto Preminger, Laura was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" in 1999.
It is one of Atlas's ten best films of all time. So the song, the movie, the musician and the weekend. How hot is that?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 08, 2010 at 07:23 PM in Art that speaks to me | Permalink | Comments (9)
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Another poor misunderstood misunderstander of Islam. Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour, call your offices.
British Airways worker in terrorism court appearance
A British Airways computer expert from Newcastle who is alleged to have offered himself as a suicide bomber has appeared in court.
Rajib Karim is accused of planning suicide bombings and his own martyrdom, and fundraising for the purposes of terrorism. He was arrested in February.
No pleas were entered when the 30-year-old appeared at Winchester Crown Crown Court earlier.
He remains in custody and is due to go on trial on 12 January 2011.
Mr Karim was arrested while working for the airline's call centre in Newcastle.
He faces two charges of engaging in conduct in the preparation of terrorism acts, under 2006 anti-terror legislation.
He is also accused of one count of fundraising for the purpose of terrorism and one count of possessing a record containing terrorist material, both under the Terrorism Act 2000.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 08, 2010 at 05:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (9)
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What's funny in this exchange, apart from the obvious, is that the scientist decimates her propaganda with logic and reason. And she thinks she got him.
I love this guy Robinson. He can run my country, any time.
I am sure that Atlas readers will throw their heads back in laughter when when we hear this shameless shill, Madcow, talk of worry about thepossibility (completely unsubstantiated) of foreign contributions. Wow. Remember, it was Atlas who broke the explosive news stories ofObama's contributions from Gaza (Hamas controlled Rafah) (documentation here) and of how he lied about refunding those jihad donations, not to mention the tens of millions of dollars Obama received in donations from foreign countries (scroll this link).
First story broke July 19th, 2008
CAMPAIGN FINANCE FRAUD: Obama, who is Jeanne McCurdy? July 19, 2008
Obama's Foreign Contributions: Who is Ronald Hickel? July 23
Obama's Anonymous Foreign Donors and Other Bizarre Illegal Activity July 30
Obama's Gazan Contributions July 30
Obama's Contributors: Good Will? Loving you? UPDATE: Doo da DooDa July 31
And then there is Obama's Gibberish Donors .... August 2
Obama Response to FEC: Chicago Style "Plausible" Deniability? August 11
Obama Contributions: Moving On MoveOn's Money August 11
OBAMA LIED: "Palestinian" Campaign Contributions NEVER RETURNED OR REFUNDED August 26
More media on Obama's Foreign, Illegal Contributions October 1
Mad Maddow: GOP Candidate Tangles With MSNBC Host in Wild Interview Blaze
The segment started promising. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow began her interview with Oregon Congressional candidate Art Robinson (R) by telling the audience she was “delighted” to have him on the show. But delighted was soon replaced by words such as “criminals,“ ”communists,“ and ”concerned.”
Maddow was trying to to accuse Robinson of receiving a de facto $150,000 campaign contribution because a third party group produced an independent ad apparently costing that much. The ad targeted Robinson’s challenger: 12-term Democrat Rep. Pete DeFazio.
“Isn’t this essentially an in-kind donation of that size?” Maddow asked. Robinson was overtly evasive in his response, deciding instead to drive home his talking points.
That wouldn’t do for Maddow: “Does the fact that the donations [to the independent group] are anonymous bother you at all, just as an American? If you get elected in part because of this spending and you find out that its from criminals, or foreign interests, or communists or something, wouldn’t that bother you?”
Robinson refuses to answer the question directly, and instead accuses Maddow of trying to “smear” him. The interview degenerates from there, and includes Maddow yelling, laughing, and throwing her hands in the air:
Part I
Part II:
UPDATE: More MSNBC vile leftist racism and smears. MSNBC Shake-Up Called for After Host's Racial Remarks Against Black Conservatives
Washington, D.C. - Despite MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell's alleged regrets about making race-tinged remark about Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, the nature of the offense and the double-standard regarding liberal hosts has a member of the Project 21 black leadership network is calling for a shake-up at a network known for it's antipathy for anything right-of-center.
"MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell has joined a long line of liberal talking heads who make racist statements on the air when it comes to black conservatives, only to hear a deafening silence from the rest of the national media and the civil rights establishment," said Project 21's Jerome Hudson. "It's time for that to change."
On the October 5 edition of his new "The Last Word" program, McDonnell read a scripted commentary about Steele, who is black, and his party's relations with the tea party movement. O'Donnell said, "Steele is dancing as fast as he can trying to charm independent voters while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider." In one statement, O'Donnell stirred up analogies of both slavery and minstrel shows.
"Imagine what would happen if Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity derided a black person's support for the liberal agenda as 'dancing for his master'? Nothing could save them from the onslaught of criticism," added Project 21's Hudson. "Their show would quickly disappear from the Fox News Channel, just like when John Gibson was booted from his show after he made improper remarks about the late Heath Ledger. Conservatives as a whole would not hear the end of it."
Hudson added: "This is a clear double-standard, and it's gone too far. Something must be done. Let this be a catalyst. It's time for the executives at MSNBC and the other news channels to step up and tell the chattering class to be both objective and civil."
Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives since 1992, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research (http://www.nationalcenter.org).
UPDATE: Oh, the irony:
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 08, 2010 at 05:21 PM in Critical Races, How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (34)
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The Times is mosque-shilling again. This time with a new narrative. *sigh* Now it is equating the opposition to the building of the city's first Roman Catholic church by Protestant New Yorkers in 1785 New York. Nuts. This is not even analogous. How does that relate to this? Why is The NY Times embarrassing itself this way? They are publicly soiling themselves to get this victory mosque built.
The Cordoba [conquest] House, a 15-story mega mosque, is being erected on the site of a building destroyed in the 911 attacks in the name of Islam. Hundreds of millions have been slaughtered in the name of Islam. Where is the humanity of Rauf, Khan and Gamal? Where is their common decency?
Does The Times really think people are that stupid? Don't answer that. It is contemptible. This is not a religious issue. This is about erecting a 15-story mega mosque on a building destroyed in the most heinous Islamic attack on US soil in American history. Helllooooo.
You have to wonder where these clowns find these people. I am sure there are many priests, pastors, rabbis etc. who would make the righteous case for anywhere but there.
ApolloSpeaks wrote in a previous comment thread,"The New York Times, sliming the people of New York and America, published an article likening opposition to the Ground Zero mosque with anti-Catholic bigotry of the past (see). The article was about opposition in 1785 New York to the building of the city's first Roman Catholic church by Protestant New Yorkers who at the time understandably hated and feared Catholicism. The original site of the church on Broad Street was in the heart of the much smaller 18th century city. After boisterous protests, sometimes turning violent, city officials pressured Catholic authorities to move the church's location (named St. Peters) to what was then outside city limits. The church was built where it stands today at Barclay and Church close to Ground Zero two blocks from Abdul Rauf's anti-semitic designed supremacist mosque. Believing that Rauf is a harmless, moderate, peace loving Moslem St. Peter's pastor Father Madigan supports the mosque while urging Rauf to quiet fears by assuring us that he doesn't embrace "an ideology antithetical to American ideals."
Over at the paper of submission:
Many New Yorkers were suspicious of the newcomers’ plans to build a house of worship in Manhattan. Some feared the project was being underwritten by foreigners. Others said the strangers’ beliefs were incompatible with democratic principles.
Concerned residents staged demonstrations, some of which turned bitter.
But cooler heads eventually prevailed; the project proceeded to completion. And this week, St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church in Lower Manhattan — the locus of all that controversy two centuries ago and now the oldest Catholic church in New York State — is celebrating the 225th anniversary of the laying of its cornerstone.
The Rev. Kevin V. Madigan, who is the pastor of St. Peter’s, said that when he began reading about the history of his church early this year in preparation for the Oct. 5 anniversary, he was not initially struck by the parallels between the opposition it had faced and what present-day Muslims have encountered in proposing a community center and mosque near ground zero.
“There was no controversy when they first proposed it, and we were just pleased to have a new neighbor,” said Father Madigan, whose church, at Barclay and Church Streets, sits two blocks from 51 Park Place, the site of the proposed Islamic center. Both are roughly equidistant from the construction zone at ground zero.
But as an uproar enveloped the Islamic project over the summer, the priest said he was startled by how closely the arguments and parries of the project’s opponents mirrored those brought against St. Peter’s in 1785.
Father Madigan detailed those similarities in a letter to parishioners over the summer, in two sermons he delivered at an interfaith gathering last month and at a special Mass last Sunday marking the church’s anniversary.
For starters, he said, there was the effort to move the church project somewhere else.
City officials in 18th-century New York urged project organizers to change the church’s initial location, on Broad Street, in what was then the heart of the city, to a site outside the city limits, at Barclay and Church. Unlike the organizers of Park51, who have resisted suggestions they move the project to avoid having a mosque so close to the killing field of ground zero, the Catholics complied.
Then there were fears about nefarious foreign backers. Just as some opponents of Park51 have said that the $100 million-plus project will be financed by the same Saudi sheiks who bankroll terrorists, many early-American Protestants saw the pope as the sworn enemy of democracy, and feared that his followers’ little church would be the bridgehead of a papal assault on the new United States government.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 08, 2010 at 11:12 AM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir!, Islamic/Leftist Alliance, Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force |Permalink | Comments (36)
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Thursday, October 07, 2010
Top Photo courtesy Pamela Hall, Bottom photo thanks to Craig Snider
Posting is a bit spotty today, as I am speaking in Philly today and tonight. The David Horowitz Freedom Center hosted a lunch and book signing for Robert and me. Although it was a book event, the Ground Zero mega mosque took center stage. The intrepid and wonderfulPamela Hall came down and filmed it -- I will post the video as soon as she has it up.
Tonight we enter the snake pit -- join us, won't you?
Thursday, October 7 · 7 pm -9:30pm
Location Howard Gittis Student Center, Temple University Main Campus
1755 North 13th Street
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 07, 2010 at 04:54 PM in Atlas events | Permalink | Comments (12)
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Once a thug, always a thug. More peace and love coming from the developer of the triumphal Cordoba mosque at Ground Zero. Thug Gamal (Park 51 nee Cordoba) is whining about the one news outlet that is not shilling for his grotesque mega mosque. Unbelievable. This little girl should have one day of Pamela Geller media treatment. He'd be curled up in a ball in his basement. Coward.
Here's something I will never understand: if the developers of the Ground Zero Mosque (GZM) truly want to co-exist with those around them, why do they keep hurling incendiary insults?
Under the username Park51, on Twitter the developers of the GZM lashed out at Fox News recently. Writing about a report on Bill O'Reilly, Park51 wrote:
That link at the end leads to a Media Matters report that alleges, "Fox News has much closer ties to Truthers than [Imam] Rauf allegedly does." Smooth. Seriously, did the GZM developers actually think that it was smart to link to an article that claims that Fox News might have connections with people who think 9/11 was an inside job?
The "cc: @cordobainit" is the Cordoba Initiative, another group in favor of building the GZM. Cordobainit writes such things as asking its supporters to sign petitions from the ACLU:
And also hilariously claiming that "77%" of Americans support the building of the Mosque:
Once again, I don't understand why the developers keep doing things like this. Maybe you all can make sense of it.
I can. He is an islamic supremacist.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 07, 2010 at 04:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (35)
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Islamic supremacists prop up their own shills and denigrate, smear and defame the real scholars.
Now we know why his vaunted academic findings just happened to whitewash the role of Islamic texts and teachings in encouraging suicide bombings and other violence. "CAIR, Academic Scheme to Inflate Book Sales," from IPT News, October 6:
University of Chicago political scientist Robert Pape, whose research finds religious extremism has a limited role in suicide bombings, is working secretly with a suspected Hamas front to pump up sales of his new book, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned. That includes a secret agreement by CAIR to have its chapters around the country to buy them in bulk so they can manipulate the sales to move up the bestseller ranks. Pape is also scheduled to appear at this weekend's national banquet for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop It, is Pape's latest project touting his thesis that religion is not a prime factor in suicide bombings. Rather, it is a response to occupation, he argues.
That's appealing to CAIR, which court records show was part of a Hamas-support network in the United States. Prosecutors say CAIR, which touts itself as the nation's leading Muslim civil rights organization, never withdrew from the conspiracy to support Hamas politically and financially. And the FBI cut off communication with CAIR in 2008, saying it won't resume until "we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS."
Emails reviewed by the Investigative Project on Terrorism show Pape reached out to CAIR this past summer, hoping to have the Hamas-front group buy 1,000 advanced copies of his new book. Pape asserted in his emails and other communications to CAIR that the book would advance and reinforce CAIR's ideological views that it is the occupation of Arab lands that causes suicide bombings. CAIR's officials responded with enthusiasm to Pape's thesis and to his proposal for bulk purchases to artificially boost his rankings into the best seller lists.
"Pre-orders are especially helpful," Pape wrote on his University of Chicago email account, "because they allow the press to increase the advertising for the book when it is published, and so help to build momentum for the message in the book -- that ending Western occupation of Muslim countries is the best path for reducing the spread of suicide terrorism."
Pape did not respond to an email seeking comment. CAIR's national banquet is scheduled for Saturday evening outside Washington, D.C. In a release, CAIR says Pape will be on hand promoting his book. The release says Pape will participate in a workshop on "Challenging Islamophobia" and quotes CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad:
"This groundbreaking new book offers a powerful educational tool to be used in challenging Islamophobia that is based on the false linkage between Islam and suicide terrorism."...
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 07, 2010 at 11:09 AM in Historical Accuracy | Permalink | Comments (12)
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Check out my latest oped in Big Journalism:
In Wilders Trial, Free Speech Is Also On Trial Pamela Geller, Big Journalism
In what can only to be described as a throwback to the seventh century, Dutch Parliamentarian and anti-jihad warrior Geert Wilders was back in court Monday on specious “hate speech” charges filed by a corrupt, criminal dhimmi court in the Netherlands.
How dare they subjugate their Western values to Islamic supremacism in this dangerous farce?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 07, 2010 at 10:19 AM in Atlas Articles, Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD, GEERT WILDERS: FITNA |Permalink | Comments (23)
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Islamic scholar William Warner, whose work I have long admired, has devoted recent study to statistical Islam. I was fortunate to spend the day with Mr. Warner when he came to see me speak in Tennessee. His work is seminal.
For the statistics, go to: http://cspipublishing.com/statistical/index.html
It is a must-read series; here is part I.
Statistical Islam, Part 1 of 9
One of the great questions of the 21st century is: What is the true nature of Islam? There are two distinct answers to this question from the media and leaders. The popular message is that Islam is one of the great world religions, a peaceful religion, a foundation of world civilization, its Golden Age was the highpoint of history, and it preserved Western thought while we were in the Dark Ages. The alternative message is that Islam is a brutal, backward, woman abusing, violent, intellectually narrow ideology that is out to annihilate civilization.
Which side is right? How do we resolve this issue? Can it even be resolved? If we turn to the “experts” of any of the opinions, they will tell you that their view is correct. What then is the ultimate authority that will give us a firm foundation for reasoning and judgment about Islam? Is it possible to use critical thought or must we just accept the authority of experts?
There is way to achieve consensus about ideas that goes beyond expert opinion. The use of facts along with logic is the basis of critical thought. The ultimate form of critical thought uses measurements and numbers to resolve questions. This paper will use the foundational texts of Islam and measure the importance of ideas by how many words are given to concepts. The assumption is that the more content that is devoted to a subject, the greater the importance of the subject is. As an example: the Koran devotes 64% of its text to the subject of the unbeliever. This is assumed to imply that the unbeliever is important in Islamic doctrine.
The use of critical thought may seem counter-intuitive since many people view Islam as a religion that does not have a rational basis. Actually, Islam is not only rational; it is hyper-rational, but it uses another form of logic than the one we take for granted.
If we are to use critical thought, we must have a firm foundation. All Muslims agree that:
“There is no god, but Allah and Mohammed is His messenger.”
When this is repeated as a public testimony, you become a Muslim. However, this statement is not only the beginning of Islam, it is also the foundation and totality of Islam. It is not enough to worship Allah; you must worship as Mohammed worshipped.
Who is Allah and where do we learn about Him? This question points directly to the Koran.
Then the Koran, in turn, points directly to Mohammed. It says 91 times that Mohammed is the perfect Muslim. He is the divine human prototype, the only pattern acceptable to Allah. The actions and words of Mohammed are so important that they have a special name—Sunna. We find the Sunna in two texts. The Sira is the biography of Mohammed and the Hadith is the collection of hadiths (small stories, traditions) about Mohammed.
Islam is based on Koran and Sunna. Since the Sunna is found in the Sira and the Hadith, this means that three books contain all the doctrine of Islam—the Trilogy. If it is in the Trilogy (Koran, Sira, Hadith), then it is Islam. If something is not in the Trilogy, then it is not Islam. All of the Islamic doctrine is found in the Trilogy. Now, we have the complete information with no missing pieces.
We have established our first criteria of knowledge. All authoritative statements about Islam must include a reference to the Trilogy to be authenticated. It does not matter what a scholar, imam, media guru, or anyone else says, if what they say cannot be supported by the doctrine in the Trilogy, then it is not Islam. If it is supported by the Trilogy, then it is Islam.
We have been taught that the Koran is the source of Islamic doctrine. However, the Koran is only 14% of the total sacred texts . Actually, the Sira and the Hadith are 86% of the total textual doctrine . Islam is 14% Allah and 86% Mohammed. This is very good news. The Koran is obscure, but anyone can understand the life and sayings of Mohammed. These statistics point to the easy way to know Islam—know Mohammed. Anyone, absolutely anyone, can understand Mohammed and hence, Islam.
Islam is a text-based doctrine, so the nature of these texts must be made clear. A Muslim believes that the Koran is perfect, complete, universal and eternal. It does not contain the slightest error and it is the exact words of the only god of the universe. Mohammed is the perfect example of how to live the sacred life. This idea of complete, final, universal, and perfect textual truth is very hard for non-Muslims to comprehend. Most people read the Koran with the attitude of: “Oh, they don’t really believe this.” When Muslims read the Koran, their attitude is: “These are the perfect words of Allah.” Muslims call themselves the “believers” and by that they mean that they believe the Koran is perfect and Mohammed is the perfect pattern of life.Remember, we started with the question: Can we evaluate what the media commentators, politicians, imams and other “experts” say about the true nature of Islam? Yes, we can know the true nature of Islam—it is found in the Trilogy. If what the expert has to say can be supported by the doctrine found in the Trilogy, then it is valid, since the Trilogy is the final arbiter of all opinions and statements about Islam.
Critical thought provides a powerful first step. Now, let us measure the doctrine of Islam. The following cases show how the technique of counting the number of words that are devoted to a topic can be used to discover the dominant themes of Islamic texts and, hence, Islamic doctrine.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 06:43 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (69)
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More media capitulation to Islamic supremacism, as explained here. I understand their fear, but my question to all of these cowards is, isn't the alternative more frightening? Isn't the ascension of sharia and blasphemy laws more frightening than publishing a silly toon? Isn't the silencing of free men a scarier prospect than the whole of the global jihad?
Isn't freedom worth fighting for? Worth dying for? How dare they so casually relinquish that which our fathers, grandfathers and founding fathers fought so hard and died for.
Someone said that if you trade freedom for peace you get neither -- or something along those lines. True that.
Editors Pass on Comic Strip With ‘Where’s Muhammad?’ Reference Editor and
PublisherSome editors opted not to run Sunday’s “Non Sequitur” comic strip, which included a “Where’s Muhammad?” reference, according to The Washington Post’s “Comic Riffs” blog.
Wayne Miller’s strip on Sunday depicted a scene in a park with a variety of characters, with the caption, “Picture book title voted least likely to ever find a publisher: ‘Where’s Muhammad?’”
Some 20 papers, including the Portland Press Herald and the Boston Globe — both of which “Non Sequitur” Wiley Miller reads — opted to run a Sunday replacement strip featuring the recurring character Obvious-Man. "Non Sequitur" is syndicated by Universal UClick.
The Washington Post ran the strip online Sunday, but not in its print edition.
Miller told Comic Riffs, "I have absolutely no information on why any of the editors chose not to run it. All I can do is surmise that the irony of their being afraid to run a cartoon that satirizes media's knee-jerk reaction to anything involving Islam bounced right of their foreheads. So what they've actually accomplished is, sadly, [to] validate the point."
"Non Sequitur," which bowed in 1991, has won National Cartoonists Society division awards for Best Comic Strip and Best Comic Panel.
The irony of the cartoon's message should not get lost on anyone.
UPDATE: The quislings at the Washington Post are pretending to be staunch defenders of free speech, but they took the cowards way out. They ran the toon online, but not in print. lol. You can't make this stuff up. Here's their take:
Depending on what newspaper you take, you may or may not see today's "Non Sequitur" comic that's captioned, in part,"...Where's Muhammad?"
Some newspapers chose instead to run a Sunday replacement strip featuring the recurring character Obvious-Man. So what was the editorial thinking behind the choice?
The Washington Post chose to run the "Where's Muhammad?" comic in its online edition but not in its Sunday print funnies, running an "Obvious-Man" replacement. Spokeswoman Kris Coratti said The Post had no comment on that decision.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 03:33 PM in Free Speech Silenced, FREEDOM OF SPEECH IN THE AGE OF JIHAD | Permalink | Comments (34)
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I assure you that if the roles were reversed, Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front CAIR would have gotten millions for a Muslim coach. Note the last line of the article.
Dearborn schools pay to settle lawsuit by coach One News Now (hat tip Dave)
DETROIT - A wrestling coach who claimed he lost his job at a suburban Detroit high school because of his Christian faith has settled the lawsuit for $24,500.
Gerald Marszalek, who is 65, also received $500 from Dearborn Public Schools in exchange for waiving any claim of age discrimination.
Marszalek was a coach at Fordson High School, where Muslim students are a majority. He said his troubles with the school's Muslim principal, Imad Fadlallah, began in 2005 when a volunteer assistant, the Rev. Trey Hancock, introduced some wrestlers to Christianity during a camp away from school.Marszalek's contract wasn't renewed in 2008 after 35 years.
Fadlallah recently retired as Fordson principal. In August, two award-winning teachers filed a lawsuit accusing him of harassment because they're not Muslim.
Back story posted at Atlas in July 2009: Lawsuit Filed Against Dearborn Schools and Muslim Principal
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 03:07 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, Education: Hijacking the System | Permalink | Comments (11)
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Back in June, if you recall, Atlas had a falling out with Paypal. The leftist/Islamic machine tried to have me labeled a hate speech site, and Paypal was considering suspending my account. The whole story is here.
It caused quite a brouhaha on the net. There was a good piece at PJM here and this at Human Events. Paypal caved when Atlas readers and freedom lovers expressed their outrage.
I switched to Gpal at the time in the hopes that Paypal would remove "hate speech site" designation status. Gpal came highly recommended. It was a relatively new payment clearing house devoted to second amendment rights and gun rights, which we love. The G in Gpal stands for guns, and the impetus for this start-up was in respone to Paypal's spineless business practice of refusing gun transactions.
But GPAL is having problems. How bad? I don't know, but I do know that I have not been able to transfer any monies donated to Atlas and SIOA out of GPAL. Robert at Jihadwatch is experiencing the same thing.
I withdrew funds last week for a new bus campaign I was initiating, and still nothing. An August transfer still has not come through. These are critical funds for us. And yes, I am worried.
Last night, Atlas reader Mike sent me a link to a gun forum discussing this very thing. I am investigating and will update as I know more. They have had a recent "security advisory" and unexplained charge back problems that raise red flags as well. Is it ineptitude (new business growing pains) or something more nefarious? I don't know, but I have removed their buttons from my sites (Paypal is back for the time being) and recommend that you hold off doing business with them until they explain -- which they haven't done. Proceed at your risk.
If you are experiencing similar problems, write support@gpal.net (they are very slow to respond). Their phone number is 1-800-813-GPAL(4725). I have called several times -- and sat on hold forever.
Not good.
UPDATE: When I went back to find the exact date of my transfer, I was shocked to discover that all transactions prior to 30 days have been scrubbed from the account. WTF? We must have those records in order to report these contributions to the IRS. Scrubbed?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 02:16 PM in Blog Affairs | Permalink | Comments (69)
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Ok, let's recap. Wali ur-Rehman, a senior Taliban commander, recently issued a direct threat against the Netherlands and the Dutch people. (here)
"The Dutch government is on a dangerous course," he was quoted on Friday, October 1, in the Dutch TV program RTL4 News. "Therefore, we will teach them a lesson and they will pay a price because of recent anti-Islam laws." A direct threat to stage terrorist attacks in Holland. Obviously, Taliban terrorist leaders are following closely what is happening both in Europe and Holland.
Free speech is insulting. No free speech. Do not insult Islam. Do not reveal the truth about Islam. No historical accuracy or context.
The ummah gets offended if you draw Muhammad. Embassies are burned, people are slaughtered because of innocuous little cartoonist renderings. Brutal assassination attempts on made on the lives of Kurt Westergaard and Lars Vilks. American cartoonist Molly Norris must go into witness protection, change her name, her home, her life at her expense. No drawings of Moe.
Controversial radical Imam wants to build a 15-story mega mosque on a site destroyed by the 911 attacks and iconically name it Cordoba House. The American people and free men across the world express outrage, grief and pain and request the mega mosque be moved. The West is warned by the radical imam that if the 15-story mega mosque is not built, we will be attacked by the devout, by the jihad. The radical imam is standing between us and "the extremists." Ground Zero mega mosque mocking, taunting the greatest loss on American soil in our considerable history must be built.
The United States is attacked in the name of Islam on September 11, 2001. Almost 3,000 good souls are mercilessly slaughtered, the last words they hear, 'allahu akbar.' America goes in to Afghanistan and Iraq to begin to fight this scourge. Defense of nation is "creating more jihadis." No self defense.
Let me know if you want me to go on. Don't get me started on Islamic anti-semitism and their annihilationist dreams of wiping the Jewish people off the map.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 11:33 AM in Global Jihad 2010 | Permalink | Comments (8)
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Lean forward or bend over? I think it's the latter. But this is too funny. As if ........... this is going to stop the rout. The hunchback doesn't see his own hump.
"MSNBC wanted to move from a traditional media company to a thought-leader"
Directed by Spike Lee! Move from traditional media! "It's time to think gigantic!" Oh yeah. This is huge. Like the Edsel. There is no accounting for delusion.
Mono Unveils New Brand Campaign for MSNBC Breitbart
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- mono, the award-winning Minneapolis-based creative branding and advertising agency, today announces the new brand position, campaign and tagline for cable news giant MSNBC.
The line, "Lean forward" is a simple, yet bold statement designed to impassion MSNBC's audience and urge them to engage with the issues of the day.
The new campaign, based on a vision by MSNBC President Phil Griffin and the largest in the network's history, includes anthemic 60 second TV spots directed by Academy Award Nominee Spike Lee, a national print campaign, as well as station domination campaigns in Grand Central and other train stations in New York City. With headlines like, "It's time to think gigantic," and, "The future belongs to the fearless," the work targets those who believe progress happens when you look forward rather than backwards.
"MSNBC wanted to move from a traditional media company to a thought-leader in the television news space," said mono Managing Partner James Scott. "We believed a campaign with a tone that is positive and hopeful, as well as energetic and confident, would help realize Griffin's vision and clearly define the mission of the network."
[...]"We wanted to work with mono because of their passion for simplicity, innovation and storytelling," said Sharon Otterman, the chief marketing officer for MSNBC. "This campaign is as brilliant as it is bold and it carves out an authentic and defendable space for us in the marketplace."
As brilliant as it is bold. Indeedy.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 06, 2010 at 11:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (15)
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