What do American Jews Really Think?
Ted is correct American Jews support the recognition by the P-Arabs of Israel as a Jewish state but they also support a Pali State and only 60% support a United undivided Jerusalem. A Majority is in favor of ethnic cleansing of Jews from Y & S and E Jerusalem. They are split over creation of a Pali state
I see Nothing to write home about or to be overly encouraged about American Jewish Support. Yamit
AJC Survey Shows Jewish Disapproval of President Obama Rising
Click here to read the full AJC Fall 2010 Survey
October 12, 2010 – New York – Growing Jewish concerns over President Obama’s handling of U.S.-Israel relations and the Iran nuclear threat are apparent in a just-completed American Jewish Committee (AJC) survey, the second national survey of American Jewish opinion conducted this year by the global advocacy organization.
A series of questions regarding the Arab-Israeli peace process yielded results similar to previous surveys, showing continuity in American...
Honigman: The Quest for Justice
Gerald A. Honigman is a good friend of mine and a leading historian on the Middle East.
His book, The Quest For Justice In the Middle East…The Arab-Israeli Conflict In Greater Perspective, made its academic debut in Washington, D.C. in October 2009 at the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) Conference.
According to him,
The Quest for Justice in the Middle East is an endeavor to place the struggle between Arab and Jew into a much broader and far more accurate context, providing that greater perspective needed for this to occur and for all peoples in the region–not only (but not excluding) Arabs–to obtain their own fair share of justice.
Comments from some leading analysts and tv personalties follow.
Jerry Honigman’s The Quest For Justice In The Middle East… is a must read to anyone who wants a greater, in-depth understanding of one of the most challenging conflicts in the world today…
U.S. Jews and Israel versus Barack Obama
[This supports my view of Bibi's declaration of Independence.]
In a recent poll, 95% of American Jews felt the demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state is justified.
By Avi Beker, HAARETZ
Results of a recent American Jewish Committee survey regarding American Jews’ opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the U.S. government leave little room for doubt: 95% of respondents felt the demand that Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state in a final status agreement is justified. Over three-quarters of those surveyed believe the Arabs’ real objective is not the restoration of occupied territories, but rather the destruction of Israel.
The American Jewish community – known for its liberal leanings, and a majority of whom voted for Barack Obama in the presidential election – is delivering a message to the administration: The real test that Arab orientation toward Israel has changed is its willingness to recognize...
Demilitarized Palestinian State?
“The main thing is that Netanyahu has recognized the right of Arabs to establish a sovereign state in our homeland. None of his conditions and reservations can hide this abomination. Whoever recognizes the right of his enemy to establish a state in his homeland has abandoned all principle and all that is left to do is argue over the price. Whoever has left his religion and changed his faith cannot insist on observing the commandments of what is no longer his faith. Whoever has abandoned his patrimony has no basis on which to insist on continuing to build on its lands”.
Once upon a time, there was such a state.
“I don’t think there’s a Palestinian nation. There’s an Arab nation. I don’t think there’s a Palestinian nation. That’s a colonial invention. Since when were there Palestinians? I think there’s only an Arab nation. Until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the southern part of Greater...
Israeli Sovereignty Now!
PM Netanyahu’s demand that Palestinian leaders recognize Israel as a Jewish state is not a semantic tease; Israel’s Jewish character is its raison d’etre and the essence of its sovereignty. That includes Judea and Samaria.
Israeli leaders are addicted to the “waiting-for-their-phonecall” concept – giving up Judea and Samaria, the “West Bank” in return
Despite formal treaties and “peace plans,” most Arabs reject Israel’s very right to exist, not which territory it occupies.
PM Netanyahu’s offer to continue a freeze on Jewish building if Palestinian leaders recognize Israel’s right to exist is more of the same nonsense.
If Israeli politicians are unwilling to extend sovereignty to this “disputed territory,” why should they object if the Palestinians declare it their homeland, with full sovereignty, and ask for international recognition?
Israeli reluctance undermines its...
It’s Islam Stupid…
“The leftist-liberal argument that economic assistance and technological aid would inevitably lead to democracy and secularism is irrational and devoid of any empirical evidence. Prognosticators and bogus secular-liberal politicians have failed to understand Islam. History of Islamic countries suggests that affluence, economic and military assistance and greater wealth will not automatically lead to political freedom, social change and human rights. Islamic religious leaders say that democracy and secularism are incompatible with Islam”.
Only Leftists believe that you can tame the natives with trinkets in exchange for their self-respect. “The Arabs in our midst are a cancer, and you don’t coexist with a cancer. A cancer you either cut out, or you die.” – Yamit
by Dr. Babu Suseelan
As Jihadis express outrage and Imams issue...
Sarah Palin will be the next President
After listening to her latest speech, who can doubt it.
She is absolutely amazing the way she delivers a speech and rallies the crowd. The audience was cheering and clapping throughtout her barn-buning speech. She instilled the audience with pride, patriotism, energy and enthusiam. I have never heard a speech like this. She is incomparable.
One more thing. A few days ago Palin spoke at an event of the Liberty and Freedom Foundation. After the speech she participated in a Q and A and the moderater said he first wanted to thank three groups who organized the event. The second group he named was the Coalition of Jewish Republicans whereupon, Palin yelled “yeah” and clapped her hands. I have never seen a politician so publically embrace Jews.
The EU Should Stay Out of Israel’s Business
Laura: European officials need to stay out of Israel’s sovereign affairs. Israel DOES already guarantee rights to all of its citizens, but that is beside the point. It is not the business of the EU to comment on Israel’s proposed citizenship law or the demand that Israel be recognized as a Jewish state. Let the EU lecture muslim states on equal rights for all of their citizens. After all, they are the ones that persecute their non-muslim citizens and treat their women as property. And as Avigdor Lieberman stated, let the EU tend to their own messes. There is more than enough problems in their own back yard to keep them busy instead of haranguing Israel. However I blame the Israeli political leadership for being dormats in which foreign politicians feel free to beat up on the Jewish state with impunity. They need to get some self-respect and not put up with foreign interference in their sovereign affairs as well as not putting up with constant insults.
Israel strikes again
DEBKAfile Special Report October 15,
A top-secret Iranian military installation was struck by a triple blast Tues. Oct. 12 the day before Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Lebanon. debkafile’s military and intelligence sources report the site held most of the Shehab-3 medium-range missile launchers Iran had stocked for striking US forces in Iraq and Israel in the event of war – some set to deliver triple warheads (tri-conic nosecones).
The 18 soldiers officially reported killed in the blasts and 14 injured belonged to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) main missile arm, the Al-Hadid Brigades.
The Imam Ali Base where the explosion occurred is situated in lofty Zagros mountain country near the town of Khorramabad in the western Iranian province of Lorestan. This site was selected for an altitude which eases precise targeting and the difficulty of reaching it for air or ground attack. It lies 400 kilometers from Baghdad and primary American bases in...
Netanyahu is offering autonomy only
By Ted Belman
No doubt PM Netanyahu would have rather spent the last 18 months in hell than to have spent it participating in the peace process under brutal pressure by the Obama administration. Come to think of it, it must have been hell.
Keep in mind that Netanyahu was voted into office on a platform which denied the two-state solution. The Obama administration succeeded in forcing a dramatic change in that policy. Or did it? On June 14/09 Netanyahu delivered a speech at Bar Ilan University in which he appeared to accept a two state solution with these words,
“In my vision of peace, two peoples live freely, side-by-side, in amity and mutual respect. Each will have its own flag, its own national anthem, its own government.”
Although the world spun it as an acceptance, of a Palestinian state, I submit that the same words would apply to an autonomous entity. Notice that the all important word “state” was not employed.
Then he placed the blame for sixty years...
Ted BelmanJerusalem, Israel