...is this sort of journalistic inquiry by the quietly brilliant blog Harmless Sky. Here, it rips apart the idea that green energy - and in particular wind power - is gaining traction as an industry. The stark reality is that people aren't investing their cash in wind power because it's not a viable proposition. Share prices have slumped despite the ridiculously massive government subsidies. This reality check ought to be high on the agenda of the latest round of UN climate talks, which opened today, and the BBC should be analysing such issues with robust fierceness. Instead, Richard Harrabin, the BBC's resident greenie parrot, spouts the usual eco-nut nonsense about his peoples' worries that "agreement" (ie more measures to hobble the developed world)will not be reached. Oh, and our investigative-journalist-of-the-year Roger has apparently deliberately also ignored (for now at least) the hottest news about the UN talks: that IPCC boss Patchy Pachauriis under investigation again.WHAT YOU WON'T SEE ON THE BBC
>> MONDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2010
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
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Britannia Radio