From my book: Decades before the post-American president took office, Ayn Rand saw the U.N. for what it was, and what every free person should have known it was – and it has only gotten worse since then: “Psychologically, the U.N. has contributed a great deal to the gray swamp of demoralization – of cynicism, bitterness, hopelessness, fear and nameless guilt – which is swallowing the Western world.”[i] That, of course, was just the kind of guilt Obama and his cronies were playing upon. This guilt and demoralization was largely due to Communism in those days; now, the “gray swamp” is still there, but it stems from Islam. Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Signet, 1986. P. 148. In May 2009, the U.S. joined the notorious cabal of evildoers, the United Nations Human Rights Council – which the Bush Administration had boycotted for its relentless defamation and demonization of Israel and refusal to condemn human rights violations in Islamic countries, notably Sudan. Ironically, the U.S. would sit on the council with four notorious human rights violators: China, Cuba, Russia and Saudi Arabia.[i] In December 2009 the watchdog group UN Watch issued a report showing that the Human Rights Council had effectively become an enabler for human-rights violators, rather than a genuine defender of human rights. Hillel Neuer, UN Watch’s executive director, remarked: “Paradoxically, as our report today shows, the U.N.’s main human rights body has turned into the world’s leading sponsor of impunity for gross human rights abuses worldwide. It’s a case of the foxes guarding the chickens, with countries like China, Russia, Pakistan, Cuba and Saudi Arabia shielding each other’s abuses. Democracies should send a signal by opposing the council’s resolutions, even if they will be outvoted. WikiLeaks inadvertently reveals Israel took great care to avoid civilian casualties Tom Gross Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 01:16 PM in Israel, the struggle for Good vs Evil | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Back in October 2006, I reported here that Mohammed was already the most popular name for new-born boys in Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and other major European cities. Holy atomic pile, Batman! - the UK has achieved that dubious distinction as well. Mohammed has become the most popular name for newborn boys in Britain. It shot up from third the previous year, overtaking Jack, which had topped the list for the past 14 years but was relegated to third spot. In order of popularity, the variant spellings used during the year were: Muhammad, Mohammad, Muhammed, Mohamed, Mohamad, Muhamed, Mohammod, Mahamed, Muhamad, Mahammed and Mohmmed. There are still other possible spellings but these were not used for births in England and Wales in 2009. Regionally, the single spelling of Mohammed came top of the list for the West Midlands. Good luck with that............. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 01:05 PM in Eurabia: Dhimmitude, Eurabian emigration | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I give the relationship of any infidel couple that gets married in a Muslim country two five years max. As for this wretched story, it's good to know what they are really thinking as opposed to what they say to our faces. But this hapless pair were instead humiliated when the man presiding over the ceremony took advantage of the language barrier to publicly brand them ‘pigs’ and ‘infidels’. The supposedly spiritual service was captured on video and beamed around the world via YouTube. Read more here. There is a dispute whether or not the local Maldivians support their government's tourist campaign. This past week a British couple posted their wedding video online only to discover that instead of receiving the local blessing ceremony which they paid $1350 for at their resort, the officiant hurled abuse at them. He called them, "swine, infidels, fornicators and atheists." He went onto to call their future children bastards. The ceremony concluded with the locals helping the bride to plant a coconut palm but it too was ruined by the obscene comments about her bust line. Police in the Maldives have arrested a marriage celebrant who abused a foreign couple as "swine" and "infidels" during a luxury ceremony in the holiday paradise, an official said today. Maldivian police spokesman Ahmed Shiyam said the celebrant, who conducted the ceremony in the local language at an upmarket resort fringed by white sand and turquoise water, had been arrested with another hotel employee on Thursday. A video of the ceremony, during which the hapless couple are taunted and subjected to a series of insulting and religious-tinged abuse, was posted on YouTube and has sparked fears for the country's tourism-dependent economy. After explaining the ceremony in English, the group stands and the 'minister' starts chanting in Dhivehi. Unfortunately for the happy couple, he is insulting them Oblivious: The couple are unaware that they are being insulted during the ceremony that was conducted in the traditional Maldivian tongue of Dhivehi In the 15-minute clip, employees at the Vilu Reef Beach and Spa resort abuse the couple in their native Dhivehi tongue. The hotel’s food and beverage manager Hussein Didi is heard hurling insults at the pair as he conducts the service pretending to be the celebrant. He even declares their marriage to be illegal. At one point he is heard reading verbatim from a script which, on closer inspection, is a document outlining staff employmentregulations. At the end of the 'service' the couple plant a coconut tree as Hussein Didi - who conducted the ceremony - and his crew make rude remarks about the bride's breasts Chanting in a tone favoured by religious scholars, Didi says: ‘You are swine. The children that you bear from this marriage will all be b****** swine. ‘Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. ‘One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel and, we have reason to believe, an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion.’ The unfortunate woman, wearing a white dress, and her husband, also in white, smile at each other lovingly and remain oblivious as Didi calls for the marriage to be enshrined in Islamic law. Despite more than ten employees watching, none of them attempts to stop the event and some even take photographs. As the bride bends down to plant a coconut tree, a man shouts: ‘Can see her breasts.’ Another responds saying: ‘My beard has gone grey watching those things… I have seen so many of them now that I don’t even want to look any more when I see them.’ Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 12:36 PM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (3) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! If he chops off both hands, he'll have 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in his sights. Backstory here at Atlas: Muslims chop off hands of Christian professor who put "defamatory" question on exam... Sharia (Islamic Law): Jihadis chopped hand of Christian Professor ... It's the sharia. More moderates in action, peace, tolerance, interfaith "dialogue": The prospects for a democracy to succeed in upholding human rights and a free society are ultimately only as good as the values that inform those who participate in it. An update on this story. "Kerala man accused of chopping hand wins poll," from thePress Trust of India, October 28 (thanks to GS): Whose prophet? Joseph was then fired in addition to being maimed. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 01:25 AM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Do you want Muslim Brotherhood operatives serving in the Congress? Sestak is in the pocket of Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood CAIR, and I have been reporting on this evil axis since 2007. He is lying about his ties to CAIR. What does that tell you? Art Moore over at WND: 2nd Sestak scandal days before election Unindicted terrorist co-conspirator leader claims to have hosted home fundraiser for Democrat Now in a tight race with Republican Pat Toomey for Sen. Arlen Specter's open seat, a report asserting Sestak was caught in a lie – denying that he was ever in the home of the director of CAIR's Pennsylvania chapter for a fundraiser on his behalf – has resurfaced. CAIR-PA's Iftekhar Hussain affirmed to WND's Aaron Klein yesterday in a recorded interview for Klein's WABC radio show that he hosted a fundraiser for Sestak during the 2006 congressional campaign. But in an April 9, 2007, radio interview with WPHT's Dom Giordano in Philadelphia, Sestak told a caller he had never been at the CAIR leader's home. The interview, along with a recorded excerpt of a November 2006 lecture by Hussain in which the Muslim leader referred to the event, was reported at the time by Pamela Geller on her Atlas Shrugs blog. The 2007 radio interview took place just two days after Sestak went through with a controversial decision to speak at CAIR-PA's fundraising banquet in Philadelphia, and the freshman congressman was seeking to minimize the depth of his relationship with the controversial group. Giordano played the 2006 clip of Hussain on his show earlier this week, and last night he played the portion of the 2007 interview in which a caller named Brian confronted Sestak on his ties to CAIR. "Have you ever received any funds from CAIR or have you ever been in the home of the chairman of the local CAIR?" the caller asked Sestak. Sestak's spokeswoman April Mellody told Klein yesterday she didn't recognize Hussain's name and was not aware of the congressman ever having been in his home. She promised to inquire further but has not responded. Sestak was the center of controversy last spring when he revealed the Obama administration offered him a position if he would drop out of the Democratic primary to clear the way for the incumbent, Specter. Republicans charged the offer was illegal, but Democrats insisted it was legitimate because the position was unpaid. Sestak went on to defeat Specter in the Democratic Party primary. CAIR describes itself as a civil-rights group, but FBI evidence points to its origin as a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot Hamas, and the Justice Department designated it an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-finance case in U.S. history. The Washington, D.C.-based group, which has more than a dozen former and current leaders withknown associations with violent jihad, is suing WND and two investigators behind the best-selling expose "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America" Rich Davis, a 20-year Navy veteran, told WND he recorded Hussain's 2006 lecture at Grove Methodist Church in West Chester, Pa. Davis was participating in a class taught by Hussain that was part of a 10-week series called "Understanding Islam and the Quran." Sestak is now the target of a $1 million ad campaign by the Republican Jewish Coalition that criticizes him for his involvement with CAIR, his support of a civilian trial for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his backing of partisan congressional declarations against Israel. Prior to Sestak's appearance at the Philadelphia CAIR-PA fundraiser, Jewish leaders held a meeting in which they pleaded with him to withdraw from the event. They argued that even leading Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer has described CAIR as an organization "which we know has ties to terrorism." Sestak declined and gave a speech to the CAIR supporters in which he lauded the Muslim group for doing "such important and necessary work in a difficult environment to change such perceptions and wrongs – from racial profiling and civil rights to promoting justice and mutual understanding – at a time when it is challenging to be an American-Muslim and pass, for example, through an airport checkpoint." At the banquet, CAIR-PA gave an award to the Muslim TV network founder who was convicted of beheading his wife. The presentation by Hussain and CAIR National Chairman Parvez Ahmed was made to Muzzammil Hassan less than two months after he was charged with killing his 37-year-old wife, Aasiya Hassan. April 2007 SESTAK RAISES $$ FOR CAIR TERROR April 2007 - Sestak Moneyman for CAIR April 2007 - CAIR'S CONGRESSMAN CAUGHT LYING June 2007 - Gubmint & Media Pimps and Hos for CAIR CAIR's King Governor of the Jewicidals More Atlas posts here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 12:44 AM in CAIR: JIHAD IN AMERICA 2010, Critical Races | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! There's a fascinating series over at Newsflavor from a White House mole deep inside and high up -- think 'deepthroat." I was waiting for the bomb to drop, but it's more like Scheherazade ............... Obama is a disaster. Everyone knows. Anyone aiding and abetting the enemy in the White House be damned. It's America first, stupid. This is why the left is so dangerous. I really believe the party needs to purge itself of this administration. And I think we will. November is a start in that direction. New leadership will emerge. The White House will be marginalized – perhaps so much so that there will be a Democrat challenger to Obama in 2012. Purge the party of this administration? You really feel the Obama White House is that bad? You remember that question – and then you can come back and ask me again later next year when this scandal finally comes to the surface. The scandal in Chicago? Chicago is the primary component – but it will likely start in D.C. – one thing will lead to the other. The Justice Department, and back to Chicago. And what if this never happens? What if there is no scandal? What if Obama is simply re-elected in 2012 and serves a full and successful second term? I suppose that is a possibility – but not a probable one. They are scrambling to make that happen, but after November, the White House loses its protection. I told you that – you understand that, right? You are talking about Congress? Yes-yes…without Congress, without the Congressional leadership to quash potential hearings, the White House is far more vulnerable. Remember Lewinski? If the Democrats had not lost Congress in 1994, there would have been no scandal – at least not to the extent that it became. But Democrats didn’t control Congress, and so the scandal was allowed – encouraged by those -expletive- Republicans to move ahead. Same thing with Watergate. Democrats in Congress allowed the scandal to grow and move ahead. That’s how it works. And now we have a Democrat President, realizing he is looking at a Republican Congress, and he is facing a real -expletive- storm. You used Watergate as an example. Do you really think Obama could be facing a Watergate type scandal? I mean, something that big? Yes I do. I hope not. That is what is going on right now – I’m trying to explain that part of it to you but maybe I’m not doing a good enough job of it. There are those in the party – the Democratic Party, who are right now actively preparing for that possible outcome and taking protective measures to protect the party. Let Obama go down for it – but save the party. President Obama in turn – at least those around him who are capable enough still to function in that way, are trying to keep the party entangled in the mess, to motivate them to continue protecting the White House. THAT is what is going on right now. And the stakes are very high – the repercussions very serious. That is why I keep telling you to fully appreciate the dangers here. This stuff is no joke. That is why I came to you. If this goes bad, and it could just like that, I can pull the plug. And make no mistake – I will. I get that – but I’m still having a hard time believing a scandal so big is not being reported by the media. You’re wrong there. It is being reported – bits and pieces of it. The story will already be out there and growing before the mainstream finally runs with it. Don’t forget, most of them still want to protect the White House. That is simply fact. I know this – I worked directly with them during the campaign. But it’s starting to change – and eventually it will break. The barbarians haven’t broken down the gate yet – but after these midterms, they will. Look at the Democrats who are now openly challenging the president. Every day another one rebukes the president. That is an incredibly dangerous thing to do politically – it can destroy a career. Ask yourself why they would be so willing to do that. Are they just stupid, too bold – or is it something else? I don’t know… (shakes head) The word is out there – President Obama is in real trouble. They may not have the specifics, but the story of a big scandal coming is circulating now within the party – both parties. So why put your own political career on the line supporting a president who is facing such a fiasco? Simple – they won’t. And so you are seeing the separation happening. The party itself is starting to separate itself from the president. You ever watch those nature programs where the herd doesn’t hang out with the sick one? You got that poor sick antelope or whatever standing all by itself and when it tries to join back with the herd they run away from it? They’ll even attack it themselves if they have to. That’s what happens in politics. If you are in real trouble, the others separate from you. That is what is happening to the president right now. [...] Ok, I’ll just come out and say what is already underway, and to hell with the possible consequences to me. I will not support Barack Obama in 2012. That possibility has left the table for me. Based on what I know, what I have been told, what I have seen in recent weeks…no, I cannot support the President for a second term. My concern for the party, for the country…my conscience does not allow me that option any longer. Obama is not fit to be president. He simply does not possess the inclinations necessary to lead the country. And I don’t like saying that. I helped the man get elected. I was in the trenches day after day from city to city helping things get done in 2008…I take no pleasure in saying I was a part of that. And I take no pleasure in saying Obama should not be re-elected in 2012. Here is a terrible but telling anecdote: That is a very strong statement – anything recent that causes you to now say you will not support Obama in 2012? (Long pause – question is repeated) There is much I have been told, some I know, some more that will probably develop in the coming weeks and months. But you want specifics, right? I understand that…I’ll give you an example of why President Obama is not right for America. He sure as hell has not been right for the party. Not long ago, the president took a meeting. He’s late, which apparently is becoming more and more common with him. The meeting was almost cancelled. In strolls the president, joking with an aide. He plops down on a sofa, leans over and claps another guy on the back asking how he’s been. Apologizes for being late, says he was “held up”. He laughs some more. The meeting begins. After just ten minutes, during which time the president appears to almost totally withdraw into himself, an aide walks in and whispers something to the president, who then nods and quickly stands up, shakes a few hands and tells another aide to update him later on the rest of the meeting. As the president is walking out he is laughing at something yet again. He asked no questions of those at the meeting – not one. He left after just ten minutes, coming in laughing and leaving laughing. His behavior during that brief time he was there was described as “borderline manic”. "Now I sincerely fear for my country" Ok, you have already stated previously that the president doesn’t show much interest in the day to day business of being president – why is this example so bad, or different? Care to know what that particular meeting was about on that day? Certainly. Afghanistan. That meeting was an update on Afghanistan, and the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, could give a -expletive-. Were you actually there to witness this? No, I was long gone from the White House by then. It was told to me though by someone who was. They were there. First hand. They were also left to apologize to the ones left in the room after the president left. Some of these were military. They were not happy. No…that is not accurate. They were pissed. They didn’t say much at the time, but word got back. They were in shock at the president’s behavior. The country had just lost a number of soldiers the week prior, the public opinion on the war was falling…and the president didn’t seem to care. He arrives late, leaves early, appears to emotionally shut down during the actual discussion, and to then start laughing once again as he is leaving…how does someone reconcile with that kind of behavior? I can’t. It turns my stomach. I didn’t want to believe what I was being told, but I had seen similar kinds of behavior from the president myself, and I can’t dispute the credibility of the source. They have no reason to lie. So is that one example the real tipping point for you in no longer being willing to support Obama in 2012? Or do you have any others you wish to share? Oh, I have others, though I cannot share all of them at this point because they involve some still in range of potential White House retribution. Then again, I suppose I am still in range of such retribution myself. Read more here I do not know if the country can survive another four years of Barack Obama, and frankly, I want nothing to do with helping us find out. The man is an incompetent. The man is a tool of the extreme far left that has utterly corrupted the Democratic Party. The man and those now closest to him in the administration appear to abhor America’s history. They detest anyone who does not fully subscribe to their positions. They are corrupt, they are increasingly paranoid, and they are taking this country down a path by which we may never recover. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 10:09 PM in President Hussein | Permalink | Comments (28) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Great tea party up in Westchester. What a wonderful crowd of patriots. One patriot brought me flowers; let me tell you it just doesn't get any better. Thanks, Chip. I love America! I have seen the future -- it's the tea party. We are the boots on the ground. Quick shot with Liberty, yes, that's her name:) Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 06:09 PM | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! It seems I made the "50" list this year of the progressive, liberal Jewicidal newspaper, "The Forward." Pamela Geller In December of 2009, long before the controversy over what became known as the “Ground Zero mosque” took hold of the national conversation — back when one of the organizers of the project could still appear on Fox News for a mostly friendly interview — one blog began to beat the war drums. That blog was Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs, which launched the opposition to a planned Islamic cultural center in Lower Manhattan with a post titled “Mosque at Ground Zero: Adding Insult to Agony.” Neglecting to mention that the proposed center, now known as Park51, is not a mosque, per se, and is being planned blocks from the former site of the World Trade Center, is par for the course for Geller, 52, a far-right, anti-Muslim provocateur. Known for her outrageous rhetoric and her Ann Coulter-like glamour, she was a key voice in spurring on the grassroots fervor that eventually catapulted the story into the mainstream political discourse. Her website is hardly a credible source of analysis: Geller famously posted an essay by another author on the eve of the 2008 presidential elections arguing that Barack Obama is actually the son of Malcolm X. But as a key anti-Muslim voice both before and after the Park51 controversy, she has had an undeniable impact. "Ann Coulter like glamour" -- woo hoo. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 03:37 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power, Atlas Articles, Atlas Interviews ...., Atlas Observes | Permalink | Comments (26)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! We need to take the culture back. We need more of this. Good start. Thanks to Jane for the vid. What have you done today to save the Republic? It's up to you. And me. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 03:13 PM in Take Back America! | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 01:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Triumphal mosques make for strange bedfellows. But I concur with the Prince on this. He got it right. Pretty pathetic when our own liberal media and politicians need lessons in sensitivity from a Saudi prince. Sheesh. The part where he says, "Christians have the right to build churches where they want and Jews have the right to put synagogues where they want" is perplexing, considering this is not the case in Muslim countries, namely Saudi Arabia. WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Prince Alwaleed 'against' Ground Zero mosque Arabian (hat tip Randolph) Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed has said he is against the construction of a mosque close to the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York. In an exclusive interview with Arabian Business to be published on Sunday, His Royal Highness also said he had no part in financing the controversial project. In his first public comments on the issue, he said: “I heard and saw a lot of news about me being associated with it and this is all wrong. We did not finance this thing. “I say that I am against putting the mosque in that particular place. And I’ll tell you why. For two reasons: first of all, those people behind the mosque have to respect, have to appreciate and have to defer to the people of New York, and not try to agitate the wound by saying 'we need to put the mosque next to the 9/11 site'. "The wound is still there. Just because the wound is healing you can’t say 'let’s just go back to where we were pre-9/11'," he said. “I am against putting the mosque there out of respect for those people who have been wounded over there.” Prince Alwaleed added: “More importantly, the mosque is not in the best location, the mosque has to be in a dignified location. It can’t be next to a bar or a strip club, or in a neighbourhood that is not really refined and good. The impression I have is that this mosque is just being inserted and squeezed over there. So I am personally against putting the mosque over there…" "I believe that Christians have the right to build churches where they want and Jews have the right to put synagogues where they want and Muslims have the right to put a mosque where they want. But you have to take care and respect the dignity of those New Yorkers who have been hit badly. Ten years ago is nothing when you talk about history.” Several US news organizations claimed earlier this month that the prince had been involved in funding the construction of the mosque. In the interview, the prince argued that the wounds of the twin terror attacks could take up to 30 years to heal. He said: “For sure, the wounds are so deep. What I’m saying is, it’s been a decade right now, and I would evaluate things at being at a standstill. They did not improve dramatically but they didn’t worsen. You see pockets of deterioration from people who don’t want things to advance,” he said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 12:02 PM in Ground Zero Mega Mosque: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Enforcing the sharia ....... MOGADISHU, Somalia – An Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia executed two girls by firing squad, and hundreds of residents of a town were forced to view the spectacle. Sheik Mohamed Ibrahim on Wednesday sentenced the girls to death in the town of Belet Weyne for spying for government soldiers fighting the Islamist group al-Shabab. The local al-Shabab administration appoints judges and the only needed qualifications are that the person must be a man who knows the Quran. Al-Shabab is linked to al-Qaida and has carried out several whippings, amputations and executions to enforce its own strict interpretation of Islam. This was the first public execution of girls in Belet Weyne, a western Somali town. Abdiwali Aden, a witness, told The Associated Press by phone that al-Shabab militiamen had walked through Belet Weyne's streets, informing residents about the pending executions by loudspeaker and ordering everyone to attend. Ayan Mohamed Jama, 18, and Huriyo Ibrahim, 15, were brought before hundreds of residents. Ten masked men opened fire Wednesday on the girls, who were blindfolded, soon after the sentencing. As the girls were shot, they shouted "There is no God but Allah," said a witness who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals. A woman fainted after she saw the girls being shot, said Da'ud Ahmed, another witness. An al-Shabab official, Sheik Yusuf Ali Ugas, said the girls had admitted to spying. But Sadia Osman, who witnessed the execution, said one of the girls said she was innocent. Ugas also warned residents against using their mobile phones or cameras to document the execution, saying violates of his rule risked amputation. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 11:38 AM in The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Westchester Tea Party...... Fight for your country, join the movement to save the republic America is being tested in a way that she has never been tested before. America is under attack from within at the highest levels of power. Barack Hussein Obama’s policies are bringing America to her knees. With a consistency that can only come from deeply held conviction, Barack Hussein Obama is damaging the office of the presidency and compromising American sovereignty. Domestically, Barack Obama despises capitalism and rugged individualism. Internationally, Barack Obama is enabling Iran’s Islamic bomb, is inveterately hostile to Israel, and generally appears intent on turning America’s historical enemies into friends and friends into enemies. His dream seems to be to turn America into something like the Indonesia of his youth or the Pakistan he visited as a college student: at best, just another country, unexceptional in any way. Barack Obama has carefully distanced himself from any sign of patriotism or national pride throughout his political career and his presidency. In his mind, apparently, to be a forthright believer in American exceptionalism would be unfair, chauvinistic, maybe even bigoted. On Barack Obama’s playing field, there is no American exceptionalism. (The irony here, of course, is that his presidency would have been impossible without it.) The idea of America is freedom and individual rights – a historical first. Ayn Rand articulated the essence of American exceptionalism when she wrote in a letter: “America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more – nothing less. The rest – everything America achieved, everything she became, everything ‘noble and just’ and heroic and great, and unprecedented in human history – was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle.” This is anathema to Barack Hussein Obama. Obama is setting America on the path to ruin. His Congress must be removed next Tuesday. This is not a dress rehearsal; the future of the free world hangs in the balance. America. Fight for her. Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 12:16 AM in Atlas events | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Must read on the Obama destruction machine from the Hillbuzz gang. I do love them. (hat tip John) I was a Democrat for 32 years before the heavy-handed push for Obama alienated me from the party…and I borrow what Hillary Clinton said about Republicans once, back when she was a Goldwater Girl, and will paraphrase by saying that I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me. After it beat me to a pulp, called me a racist, berated and insulted me, and used Alinsky Rules to hit me with everything it had. Not just me, but all Hillary supporters. This is the part I don’t think you understand because I don’t know if you and your listeners paid much attention to what the Obama campaign and DNC did to malign and assault Hillary Clinton’s supporters during the 2008 campaign. None of this has been forgotten by any of us. If you have not seen it already, Rush, you need to watch Gigi Gaston’s documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced 2008″. I’m featured in a segment on the voter fraud that was committed in the Iowa Caucus back in January of 2008. While I was always aware Democrats use unions and other means to cheat in elections, I never knew the Democrat Party was capable of the large-scale, aggressive, unapologetic fraud it committed on Obama’s behalf all through 2008. In Iowa, I watched Obama’s ACORN and SEIU goons push and shove old people, bully them, and intimidate them when they wanted to vote for Hillary Clinton. I saw scores of Illinois license plates fill the parking lots outside caucus locations, with Chicagoland Obama supporters illegally entering the Caucus sites to vote for Obama and game Iowa for him. Having planned ahead, Obama supporters actually RAN those caucus sites, and held the doors open for all these fraudulent voters to walk right in, without being asked for IDs, where they then took control of the caucuses and bullied the Iowa residents into supporting Obama — lest they be called RAAACISTS! out in the open in front of their friends and neighbors in those open-air caucuses. The media has never talked about this. I don’t remember ever hearing you talk about it. But one of the biggest reasons the Democrats are in the trouble they’re in right now is because of how frequently the Left and the media (one and the same, really) called anyone who opposed Obama a RAAACIST. If you supported Hillary Clinton in the primaries instead of Obama, you were called a RAAACIST. If you were someone like me who fundraised for Hillary, who hosted events for her, who put yourself out there and wrote columns advocating her or did media spots talking up her candidacy, you were aggressively targeted by the Obama campaign and his supporters…relentlessly attacked as a RAAACIST! and assaulted with the Alinksy Rules for Radicals in hopes of breaking your spirit, terrorizing you, and making you abandon Clinton for fear of having these people destroy your life, ruin your business, and make you an absolute pariah in your community. This is what the Obama campaign, the media, and the DNC did to DEMOCRATS. For almost a year, the Obama zealots and the Left waged all-out-war not just on Hillary Clinton, but on lifelong, loyal, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat voters like me. This came straight from the top, from Obama himself. Both he and his wife Michelle called the Clintons racists. Obama’s surrogates like James Clyburne, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, John Lewis, and others called Geraldine Ferraro, Madeline Albright, and others racists. The Obamas toxified the South Carolina primary, in particular, with foul race-baiting and turned North Carolina and Indiana into racial powder kegs by ramping up accusations that anyone not supporting Obama was a vile racist that needed to be pounded into the ground. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, my former Congresswoman back home in Cleveland, was a black Hillary Clinton supporter to the very end — and she was called a “race-traitor”, an “Aunt Jane”, and all manner of worse names as she was bullied, berated, and verbally assaulted by the Obama team…because she was black and dared to stand with her friend Hillary Clinton, the person Tubbs Jones knew would make a better president than “The One”. To her dying day in August of 2008, Tubbs Jones was threatened by the Obama campaign and told she’d be primaried in 2010 and kicked to the curb for being a “race-traitor”. She died of a brain aneurysm while driving her car, and Obama supporters filled Daily Kos, DemocratUnderground, and other George Soros-supported sites with lies about her drunk driving, doing drugs, and other slurs because even after she died these people wouldn’t stop hating her for daring to be an outspoken black woman who would never abandon Hillary for Obama. This is similar to the grief that I’ve received here in Chicago for being a gay Hillary former Democrat in Boystown who never drank any Kool-Aid, never stopped speaking out against Obama, and who recently fully came out as a conservative — in the face of the same kind of Alinsky-grade, identity-based, “traitor” hectoring that Tubbs Jones got for being a black woman who didn’t kneel before the Obama altar. Well, Rush, let me just tell you, from personal experience, that the tens of millions of people relentlessly abused and hounded by Obama supporters (remember that back in 2008 he urged his followers to “get in their faces” and “confront their neighbors” if they weren’t drinking his unicorn-pumped sparkly Kool-Aid ) will NEVER EVER FORGET what the Obama campaign directed at them, in terms of all this Alinsky bullying. To quote Jeremiah Wright, the man Obama spent twenty years eagerly listening to at Trinity United Church of Christ: somebody’s chickens have now come back to roost. During the campaign, Donna Brazile famously said that the Democrat Party no longer needed the people Obama once described as “bitter, religion-and-guns-clinging, Midwesterners”. Brazile took this further and said, outright, that the Democrat party did not need blue-collar white voters, the Jacksonian voters, the Hillary voters, because the party was “Obamafied” and would win elections for generations with the Obama coalition of blacks, Leftist elites, Hispanics, low information gay voters, and self-hating Jews. This is all the Democrats have left, Rush. Speaking from personal experience, as someone who has worked in fundraising for over 10 years and who has been a part of every presidential campaign since 1992, the Democrats have permanently alienated tens of millions of people who normally turned out reliably every year not just to vote Democrat, but also to write checks and otherwise participate in campaigns. No more. Never again. Here in Chicago, just about everyone who was part of Team Hillary efforts with me on the ground has completely divorced themselves from the Democrat Party. Being called a racist repeatedly and hearing from Donna Brazile that we are not needed will do that to a person. But in a bigger sense, Democrats, by being so shameless and aggressive with the voter fraud in 2008 have opened too many eyes for us to ever go back to pretending that fraud and corrupt practices aren’t the hallmark of the Democrat Party. There was a show on ABC a few years ago called Alias starring Jennifer Garner in which she played a woman working for a company called Credit Dauphine…which she was told was a front for a CIA organization called SD6. Garner’s character, Sidney Bristow, carried out her missions for SD6, overlooking different things the organization did that she might not have liked, because she thought she was doing what was best for the country. And then, one day, Sidney learned SD6 was actually an enemy of America…that it’s real mission was to destroy the country…that everything Sidney was told about SD6 was a lie. The mask came off SD6, and Sidney Bristow realized she had to work aggressively to take the whole enterprise down. Rush (and his listeners), please hear me on this because you will not read this in the media — but just about every one of us from the Hillary 2008 campaign is a Sidney Bristow today. Those of us who worked Democrat campaigns in the past put up with union associations and the other unsavory aspects of being a Democrat because we were told this was the only way Democrats could win…with union muscle. But, in 2008 the Democrats revealed themselves to be an SD6 conglomeration of every force in this country that wants to bring America down, tank our economy, usurp our Constitution, and lay waste to the American way of life. Democrats took off the mask. The DNC reveled in being fully Leftist-controlled. Crazy people unapologetic in their Communist admiration took over positions of great influence not just in the DNC, but in our state and federal governments as well. I’m horrified by that. Hillary supporters are horrified by that. And we have not sat back quietly to allow this to happen without a fight. I know for a fact that people I worked with on the Hillary 2008 campaign have been actively working against every single Democrat who supported Obama’s nomination. Everyone who backstabbed Hillary Clinton is being undermined and sabotaged by people who might still be registered as Democrats but have no more loyalty to the party. Sometimes, conservative sites try to make this into a “sour grapes” sort of “Hillary’s revenge” meme — and there might be a taste of this in what’s going on — but the real driving force is that we former Democrats saw just how insane these people really are and we are now doing everything we can, behind the scenes, to use everything we know about the Democrat Party to collapse it from within. If you think about it logically, there is not enough energy to sustain a years-long drive to remove Obama supporters from office just because people are still upset Hillary Clinton was not the 2008 nominee and is not president today. Sometimes, I think even you believe this is what this is all about. Your “Reverse Operation Chaos” initiative seems predicated on this, but that belief is apocryphal in that it misses a few big marks. This is and it isn’t about Hillary. What it’s really about is what the Democrat Party did to Hillary that alienated tens of millions of Jacksonian/Clintonian/middleclass Americans from the party permanently — and this includes what the party and Obama campaign did to Hillary’s supporters themselves (ie, calling them racists, telling them they weren’t wanted, calling them bitter clingers, etc.). For the first time in our lives, so many of us former Democrats were given an Alinsky taste of what the Democrat Party really stand for…what it really believes…and how it really feels about America, our Constitution, our economy, and our way of life. Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama took the mask off the Democrat Party…and the Leftist gorgon that lurked beneath is something America-loving, middleclass, Jacksonian/Clintonian Democrats want nothing to do with. As part of your “Reverse Operation Chaos”, you really need to emphasize something the media just won’t talk about — and that’s the simple fact that even if you called yourself a Democrat for 32 years, the way I did, because everyone you grew up with and everyone in your family was a Democrat, that in 2010 it’s time to ask yourselves what that really means. Do you want to be in a party that calls people racists for stepping out of line and voicing opposition to the socialist lurch of the current administration? Do you condone voter fraud and the shameless, undemocratic tactics employed by Democrats? Do you wish to associate with the likes of ACORN, the SEIU, the Black Panthers, and all the other thugs, goons, and degenerates the Obama campaign and White House employ as the DNC’s muscle on the ground? It is crystal clear that being a patriotic American who loves this country is intellectually incompatible with being a Democrat. If you love America and want it to prosper, the Democrat Party is at absolute odds with everything we need for a thriving, successful economy. Hillary supporters realize this. We received a heaping helping of Alinsky assaults to wake us up to this reality. The reason so many of us support Governor Palin is not just because we see the same Alinksy assaults being waged upon her…but the woman is pitch-perfect in outlining exactly why Obama and the Left are wrong, and why Democrats under Obama are dangerous to have in elected office. I know you talk about a “Hillary 2012″ but Rush, as much as I love Hillary Clinton, and as much as I worked my heart out for her in 2008, there’s no way that even she can repair the damage Obama has done to the party. Certainly not by 2012. MAYBE the Clintons and their supporters can purge the Obama lunatics from the party by 2016…but I doubt even that will happen. Just like with the Leftists Carter infected the Democrat Party with, Obama legacy hires will be in the DNC for a generation to come…and it might not be until the 2030s before the Democrats can remove the taint Obama and his Leftist agenda have put on the party. Democrats have made themselves synonymous with anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and anti-democracy. Obama and his acolytes decidedly upped the ante when it came to their aggressive push towards socialism…and this Center-Right nation is resisting it in what I am certain will be an epic refudiation (to borrow the Governor’s term) next week. On November 3rd, no one I know will be resting on any laurels. November 3rd starts the 2012 campaign…and not just the presidential race (where we’ll back Governor Palin) but the drive to knock people like Claire McCaskill out of office, continuing our work to take down every last one of the Obama supporters who backstabbed Hillary Clinton and helped install this socialist into the White House back in 2008. When you hear talk of a Hillary “enemies’ list”, or just “The List” as we call it in HRC supporter circles, this is very much real…and we are truly committed to making sure the Claire McCaskills out there get everything that is coming to them for all their service to Obama and his agenda. Here that, Ben Nelson…voters will be coming for you. All of you. Every last one. We will not forget those Obamacare votes. We will not forgive being called a racist because we don’t support this terrible man and his awful agenda. We will not be silenced. We will not give up. Read it all. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 11:38 PM | Permalink | Comments (77) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Farooque Ahmed has been arrested over a plot to bomb subway stations in the US capital. What is being done to expunge the qur'an of its violent texts? Yesterday, a NYC Muslim was arrested for planning to join the Army so he could be deployed to Iraq. Once there, he would join the jihadis (Taliban) to kill American troops. Abdel Shehadeh, a U.S. citizen, went so far as to try to enlist at the Army recruiting station in Times Square (lest we forget the Muslim who attempted to car bomb Times Square as well, and kill tens of thousands). The Islamic supremacists target me and my colleagues. We are not the problem. What all the obfuscators and islamic apologists refuse to address is that the millions of jihadis all quote the same book, the same chapters, the same verses, the non-abrogated (later, more violent) chapters of the qur'an. Man arrested over 'plot to bomb Washington DC metro BBC (hat tip Tom) A man has been arrested over a plot to bomb subway stations in the US capital. Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Ashburn, Virginia was conspiring with people he believed were from al-Qaeda, the Department of Justice said. Mr Ahmed was taken into custody on Wednesday morning. If convicted he faces up to 50 years in prison. The suspect allegedly conducted surveillance of a metro station in Arlington, on the outskirts of Washington, DC, on four occasions. "It's chilling that a man from Ashburn is accused of casing rail stations with the goal of killing as many Metro riders as possible through simultaneous bomb attacks," said US attorney Neil MacBride. "Today's arrest highlights the terrorism threat that exists in northern Virginia and our ability to find those seeking to harm US citizens and neutralise them before they can act." The indictment against Mr Ahmed said that on 18 April he drove to a hotel in Dulles, Virginia, to meet someone who he believed was a terrorist courier who had details of locations for future meetings. Officials said that on 15 May, at a nearby hotel in Herndon, Virginia, Mr Ahmed agreed to carry out surveillance on a hotel in Washington and a metro station in Arlington, Virginia, to determine security and the busiest times. Mr Ahmed, according to the indictment, later provided a USB stick with video of the station to a person he believed was from al-Qaeda. On 28 September, Mr Ahmed allegedly handed over another USB drive with more images of stations. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 03:28 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (44) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! There are lessons that we can learn from the enemy. There is little admirable in the evil machinations of the left's tactics, but their defense of their own people is one of them. When one of their own is under attack, they circle the wagons, hunker down, dig in their heels and defend to the death, no matter how egregious the act (think John Edwards, Barney Frank, Charles Rangel, et al -- a veritable rogues' gallery). The right lacks this quality. We tend to eat our own, and then wonder why we have no real leaders. The right allowed the jackals, the vultures to destroy Sarah Palin; even now we hear that she is unelectable (for 2012). Why? She's perfect. Palin is the most glaring example, but she is but one in a long line. It has to stop. Would Tom DeLay have resigned if he had been a Democrat? Would Jack Ryan have pulled out of the US Senate race (against Obama, no less) if he had been a Democrat? The list is too long. The right has to man up. Robert Spencer published this piece at Front Page magazine. He has been a staunch defender of me and my work, a rare and wondeful quality. Thanks, Robert. Over the last year, as I have been working with Pamela Geller on various initiatives in defense of human rights against Islamic supremacism, I have witnessed her rise to becoming one of America’s foremost and most prominent voices for freedom on the scene today. In response, the Leftist media establishment has mounted an all-out assault against her, with hit pieces coming virtually every day, following classic Alinskyite tactics. Her treatment in the media has been a textbook case of how the Left follows Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky’s playbook to destroy its most formidable opponents. And the response from the Right? Silence — raising larger questions of how such a fractious group can ever achieve victory. “Pick the target,” Alinsky directs, “freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Because of her work in raising awareness of Islamic honor killing and the death penalty for apostates, and above all in opposing the Ground Zero mega-mosque, Pamela Geller’s public presence increased swiftly. She appeared on the Hannity Show and other Fox shows, as well as on 60 Minutes, CNN, Joy Behar’s show, and numerous other Left-leaning media outlets in the U.S. and Europe. She was the subject of a lavish but slyly contemptuous profile in the New York Times. And as her notoriety grow amidst all this, she was picked as the target. First, the hard-Left self-styled media watchdog Media Matters drew up a dossier full of distortions, half-truths, and outright lies about Geller. They directly and explicitly challenged media outlets, as the Times profile noted, “to stop presenting her as an expert” – but they did so “ineffectually.” Ineffectual or not, however, some of the Media Matters farrago was featured in that same Times piece, including material Geller herself remarked upon in delineating the Times’ spin-by-omission: [..] Eventually the relentless assault began to bear fruit. When Salon pointed out that Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell listed Geller among her endorsers, and in the process repeated many of the circulating lies about Geller’s statements and associations, O’Donnell unceremoniously and without explanation deleted Geller’s endorsement from her website. It was an unfortunate moment for those who had hoped for more integrity and resoluteness in the face of mainstream media dirty tricks from O’Donnell, but it was emblematic of the Right’s general response to the smear campaign against Geller. While Leftists display a notable unity, and rarely betray or abandon one of their own, the nation’s conservative voices have generally stood by silently as the Leftist media has savaged Pamela Geller. This may stem from the Left’s collectivist bent as opposed to the value the Right places on individualism, but it raises larger issues as well, far beyond the particular case of Pamela Geller: if conservatives are not going to defend their own, and stick up for their own, then Alinskyites will pick us off one by one, and never themselves be exposed. Read the rest. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 12:02 PM in Blogosphere: The New Power | Permalink | Comments (19) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! It's hard to feel anything but contempt for this man. Notice the uptick: Obama's rhetoric is increasingly radical. Obama thinks he's back in some third world country where banana republic dictators steamroll over the little people and the fat cat corruptocrats rule. Not so fast, buddy. This is something I have been discussing on various radio shows and spoke at great length about on today's Jaz McKay show and the Caplis and Silverman show on KHOW 630 in Denver. It is not enought to win Tuesday. We must win big, by a landslide. Obama and his thugocracy have every intention of stealing the election. They cannot win on merit; they cannot do anything on merit. They steal. They have had plenty of practice -- ask Al Franken. The ghost vote used to account for maybe 6-8%. There is no telling where that number is now, with Democrat criminal organizations like ACORN and SEIU gaming the system for years. When Nancy Pelosi speaks confidently of keeping her leadership position, it's not because she is crazy. It's becuase she is crooked, and she knows something we don't know. Do not underestimate the moochers and the looters. They will do anything to illegally hold on to the reins of power. Consider this, our soldiers are being denied their right to vote while they lay down their lives for us in the bloody war waged by the Islamic jihad, but the votes of felons and convicts count -- as do the those of the homeless (whose benches are registered as their homes). But not our soldiers. And the Demoncrats do this every election. Is there no rule of law? Is there no one protecting/preserving the Republic? We laid down too long. They can't steal the country, we won't let these thieves, carpet baggers, thugs, moochers and looters steal it -- they will have to fight us first. Ask yourself: what have I done today to save the Republic? Volunteer at the polls, volunteer for a candidate, volunteer to drive an elderly or infirm neighbor to the polls. Do something, anything. Nevada voting machines are automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members. NEVADA Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid's name on the ballot: Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked. Just in Nevada, the SEIU has given a lot to groups that are heavily vested in the state -- in just one prominent example, the SEIU gave $500,000 to the Patriot Majority PAC, which has spent $1.3 million against Reid's opponent Sharron Angle. They've and have dropped large sums directly on candidates: NV-3 Joe Heck (R) Oppose $140,000.00 NV-3 Dina Titus (D) Support $344,984.00 NV-Senate Sharron E. Angle (R) Oppose $225,000.00 Now the county voting technicians aren't unique here -- many of Clark County's employees are also represented by the SEIU. But it is worth mentioning, the SEIU is hyperpoliticized and has seen its fair share of corruption. (It certainly seems more questionable than Diebold, the voting machine manufacturer with Republican ties that was at the center of many conspiracy theories on the left during the Bush administration.) Unions increasingly have a major financial stake in election outcomes, both as a matter of their own election expenditures, and as a function of what they stand to gain if their legislative agenda is enacted. Should they really be responsible for tabulating the votes? That's certainly something voters ought to think long and hard about. Below is Clark County's SEIU contract -- On Page 75, in Appendix A, voting machine technicians are listed as positions represented by SEIU. CHICAGOLAND ILLINOIS: Glitch with vote-by-mail system An Illinois county election official is telling the ABC 7 I-Team that thousands -- potentially hundreds of thousands -- of voters who are expecting a ballot sent to them by mail may be disenfranchised. Chicagoan Rosia Carter is one of 404,000 registered Illinois voters who recently received vote-by-mail requests that were sent by the Illinois Democratic Coordinated Campaign. "By the time I filled it out and sent it in, my vote would not get counted," Carter said. Military Vote in Question After DOJ Gives Illinois 'Pass' on MOVE ... -- Fox News UPDATE: Top Official at NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) discussing what he describes as a rigged election in Hudson County, NJ.) UPDATE: It's rampant. Thanks Robert B for these links: Here's a link to an announcement of American Majority's new Voter Fraud app Exclusive: Patrick Murphy’s Campaign Linked to Fictitious Voter Office Scandal Bucks County, Pa. – Last week, it came to light that voters in southeastern Pennsylvania’s 8th district were receiving notices warning that their right to vote could be in jeopardy if they did not return an absentee ballot to the “Pennsylvania Voter Assistance Office,” a fictitious agency headquartered at a post office box. The letters, shown below, were underwritten by the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee. “By failing to return the enclosed [absentee ballot],” warned the notice, “you may be placing your ability to participate in this year’s general election at risk.” The mailer contained a postage-paid envelope instructing voters to return their ballots to a post office box controlled by the Democratic Party. That post office box, Battle ‘10 has learned, was controlled at least in part by Tim Persico, the campaign manager for Rep. Patrick Murphy. Persico was apparently listed as one of two authorized to access the post office box listed in the mailers. The Pennsylvania GOP has released a photograph of the access list bearing Persico’s name, available here. The photograph was taken yesterday, Oct. 26, in Bristol, Pa. At issue is whether Rep. Patrick Murphy was directly involved with the absentee ballot scheme, which is being investigated by the local district attorney’s office and has so far resulted in the rejection of at least 600 absentee ballots for “defects.” The number of reject ballots, which is “significantly higher” than in previous years, has been reportedly fueled by errors including mismatching signatures and incorrect birth dates, indicators of potential fraud. Again, this is the same tactic as in Illinois (see above). Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community. Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas. “The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized and systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes,” the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney. A spokesman for the DA’s office declined to discuss the case. And a spokesman for Vasquez said that the DA has asked them to refrain from commenting on the case. The union thug behind this particular criminal enterprise admitted only that there “had been mistakes made.” Yeah, like not worrying about icebergs was just a “mistake” made by the Titanic’s crew! Of the 25,000 voter registrations turned in by Caddle only about 1,793 were legal. And this from Big Government: AZ Group Accused of Massive Voter Fraud Is Offshoot of SEIU And here's LIO's latest write-up, posted just minutes ago, detailing the rampant intimidation tactics going on in Harris County. You need to be prepared in case the same sort of intimation occurs on November 2nd. New York: ILLINOIS joins NY in preventing Soldier Votes (hat tip Conrad): UPDATE: North Carolina NC Voter reports problem with ballot machine....... UPDATE:Florida: Daytona commissioner arrested for ballot fraud DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested Wednesday, charged with committing absentee ballot fraud during Henrys 2010 re-election campaign. The arrest of Henry and Genesis Robinson comes a little more than two months after Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Ann McFall requested an investigation into irregularities in absentee ballot requests coming into her office. McFall brought her concerns to the Volusia County Sheriffs Office in August, prompting the Sheriffs Office and the State Attorneys Office to immediately launch a joint investigation that ultimately led to the filing of a dozen felony charges against both defendants. The investigation revealed that Henry and Robinson devised a strategy to boost Henrys re-election bid by obtaining absentee ballots for numerous people, most of whom never requested the ballots. By law, residents are only allowed to request absentee ballots for themselves, immediate family members or for someone for whom they’re acting as legal guardian. McFall filed the complaint on August 11 after her office received a large number of requests for absentee ballots that were all initiated from the same e-mail address. Based on the e-mail address, it appeared that the requests came from someone with an interest in the Daytona Beach City Commission Zone 5 race. Henry, the Zone 5 incumbent who was locked in a three-way primary, was re-elected on August 24. The subsequent investigation revealed that between the two of them, Henry and Robinson had requested a total of 92 absentee ballots through the elections offices web site. Four of the absentee ballots were found at Henrys house when investigators searched it on Sept. 23. Investigators also recovered absentee ballot applications and receipts for some of the absentee ballots along with handbooks outlining Florida election laws. The four absentee ballots were found under a computer keyboard. Previously at Atlas: Read the rest of Atlas' previous posts here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 12:58 AM in ACORN, SEIU: Democrat Racketeering Tools, Democrats' New Leadership: Slash and Burn, Democrats, Dhimmicrats, Democraps ........aka The Fifth Column | Permalink | Comments (68) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! A Staten Island Muslim planned to join the Army so he could be deployed to Iraq. Once there, he would join the jihadis (Taliban) to kill American troops. Abdel Shehadeh, a U.S. citizen, went so far as to try to enlist at the Army recruiting station in Times Square. "He's just a regular kid." said his cousin. Yes, I am sure he is. He found his religion, Islam. What all the obfuscators and islamic apologists refuse to address is that the millions of jihadis all quote the same book, the same chapters, the same verses, the non-abrogated (later, more violent) chapters of the qur'an. This is is jihad. Feds nab former Staten Island resident Abdel Hameed Shehadeh in failed Taliban bid NY Daily News A former Staten Island resident has been arrested in Hawaii and will be brought to New York to face charges of lying about a failed attempt to join the Taliban. Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, 21, tried to wage jihad with the Taliban, then schemed to join the U.S. Army so he could be sent to Iraq and defect, authorities said yesterday. The arrest of Shehadeh on Friday was revealed last night. According to a Brooklyn federal criminal complaint unsealed last night, he booked a flight in 2008 from Kennedy Airport toIslamabad but was turned away by Pakistani officials when he landed. When he returned to America, Shehadeh came up with a plan to join the Army so he could be deployed to Iraq. Once there, he would join the insurgents fighting American troops, authorities said. Shehadeh, a U.S. citizen, went so far as to try to enlist at the Army recruiting station in Times Square several weeks after the failed Pakistan mission, the complaint said, but his application was denied when it was discovered that he had concealed his trip to Pakistan.[..] Bader Suleiman, 35, a cousin on Staten Island, said last night that as far as he knew, Shehadeh was studying history in Hawaii. "He's just a regular kid" who graduated from Tottenville High School, he said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 08:25 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (21) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Spencer took down the clown Aslan (hard for this subversive to go any lower) again. Seems he is on a shrieking tour. The mainstream media refers to this agent of treason as "a scholar." lol. One of Robert's readers was there: "Islam in America will survive current turmoil, author says," by Ben Fulton for The Salt Lake Tribune, October 25: Islam will in time surmount the same obstacles, he said. But the politicized rhetoric against all things Islam means the stakes are much higher this time in the fight against divisiveness and for the American dream.... This is a familiar theme among Islamic supremacists these days. It completely ignores, of course, and hopes you don't notice, the jihad terror attacks committed in the name of Islam in the U.S. (Fort Hood, Little Rock, the Detroit underwear bomber, the North Carolina plot, the Fort Dix plot, the JFK Airport plot, etc. etc. etc.), which have no parallel in the history of Catholics, Mormons or Jews in the United States. Aslan knows better, but he hopes you don't. Regarding the claims, often repeated (indeed, Aslan's talk in Salt Lake City seems to have consisted entirely of recycled talking points from Hamas-linked CAIR), that the mosque at Ground Zero is neither a mosque nor at Ground Zero, in fact it is both. The Burlington Coat Factory building that will be torn down to build the mosque is part of the attack site, as the landing gear from one of the 9/11 planes crashed into its roof and fell five stories to the basement. The building is thus an essential part of Ground Zero itself, which will greatly enhance the mosque's symbolic value in the Islamic world as another triumphal mosque, a la the Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (the grandest cathedral in Christendom for a millennium, converted to a mosque in 1453, now a museum), and thousands of others throughout the Islamic world. And as for its not being a mosque, it will contain a mosque, and thus it isn't in the least unjustified to call the whole thing a mosque, as did Daisy Khan. No one says that the evangelical mega-churches that contain swimming pools and counseling centers, etc., are not churches because they contain things other than a worship space. Yes, notice how often this oily hypocrite uses it regarding opponents of Islamic supremacism. "I had no idea our constitutional freedoms depended on the actions of one of the most draconian nations on earth," Aslan said. This is outstandingly dishonest, even by Aslan's standards. Gingrich's point is not that the U.S. should become more like Saudi Arabia, but that Saudi Arabia should become more like the U.S. The point would be to call upon the Saudis to offer the same religious freedom to non-Muslims that the U.S. offers to Muslims. Aslan, of course, being a Sharia supremacist, doesn't want non-Muslims to have such freedom in Islamic states, so he twists the argument. And now here is an eyewitness account from Evan Mark: "One day we'll look back with the same derision, and scorn, and ridicule at the Robert Spencers and the Pamela Gellers as we do now at those who discriminated against Jews and Catholics..." He slammed Pamela for her non-existent attack about Barack Obama being the "bastard child of Malcolm X," and slammed you for the halal Campbell's Soup issue, which the room ate up, of course. This kind of thing shows that Reza Aslan has no interest in the truth whatsoever, and will lie in whatever way he thinks will advance his cause. For if he had bothered to do some fact-checking, he might have found this two-year-old statement from Pamela Geller on the actual post in question: "The 'Atlas says that Barack Obama is Malcolm X's love child' charge has gone viral among leftards and lizards. The only problem with it is that it is false. I am not the author of this post, and I posted it because the writer did a spectacular job documenting Obama's many connections with the Far Left. The Malcolm X claim is one minor part of this story, and was of interest to me principally as part of the writer's documentation that Stanley Ann Dunham could not have been where the Obama camp says she was at various times. I do not believe that Barack Obama is Malcolm X's love child, and never did -- but there remain many, many unanswered questions about his early life and upbringing." And regarding the halal soup, he misrepresented my position at the Daily Beast a couple of weeks ago, and I responded by pointing out that I had never said that the halal soup was a sign of Sharia coming to America (this was an invention of Leftist pseudo-journalist/propagandist Rachel Slajda), but was troubled only by the Campbell's connection to Hamas-linked ISNA. Did Aslan tell his Salt Lake City audience about ISNA's ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood? Somehow I doubt it. In any case, I am surprised to hear that he mentioned Pamela Geller and me -- apparently several times. When I speak to public audiences, I don't talk about Reza Aslan. We are, apparently, living in his head, and he is growing desperate about the fact that the truth is getting about him and about the Islamic supremacist agenda in general. But as slick as he is (and that is far less than he clearly thinks he is), he won't be able to stop the truth from coming out. Evan Mark continues with his paraphrases of Aslan's remarks, and his comments on them (in italics below): At this I laughed loudly, vomited a little in my mouth, and had to walk out. Reza Aslan has got to be the most pretentious, power-hungry little weasel of a human being I think I've ever had the displeasure to hear speak. "Adherents of the world's great religions -- Christians, Muslims, and Jews, are all the same since they all share historical ties to Abraham." "Nothing can stop the spread of Islam. There are those who would try, but it simply will not happen. Absolutely nothing can stop the spread of Islam." (He became wide-eyed and fanatical when he said this.) "I'm being paid to tell you that what will change the world will be ideas and information, but I'm here to tell you that this isn't true. Ideas and information will not change the world because ideas and information don't change people." I guess that's why he feels so free to lie. O'Reilly is a clueless empty suit, anyway, and the Islamic supremacists already own him, so why should Aslan bother sitting down with him? "What will change the world will ultimately be human relationships." He is so pretentious! He oozes smugness and arrogance. Listening to him talk is truly painful. For anyone there who may have been interested in honest analysis, I'm sure it was painful. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 04:53 PM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, Cultural Jihad | Permalink | Comments (29) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Read this story and keep in mind the media's savaging of the EDL. NO Jail for RACIST Muslims who Kicked Stabbed & Bludgeoned Lone Boy The Opinionator One can truly understand this father's and mother's frustration, anger and disgust knowing the muslim perpetrators of the savage racist attack against their lone 14 year old son will not be in jail. "Joseph Haigh, then aged 14, was savagely beaten by a gang of up to 15 Asian youths in Rectory Park, Thornhill, last October. Also disturbing is this trial and subsequent release of the racists gang was only considered "news" in the local paper. We all KNOW had the situation been reversed it would be headline news in the major mainstream media outlets. Even The Press chose to not identify the adult perpetrator: "The Press has decided it would be unfair to name him in the circumstances." Would The Press been so concerned about a NON muslim violent criminal? TheOPINIONATOR has documented numerous such attacks - by muslim gangs - undoubtedly these often racist motivated street jihad attacks are becoming commonplace in multicultural England/Britain - yet the mainstream media ignore if not outright refuse to "connect the dots" - here are some but not all: Lone British Schoolboy Attacked & Head Stomped by Muslim Gang Muslim Gang Rapes Man in Manchester Centre Armed Muslim Street Jihadist Gangs Attack Beat Strangers in UK Facial Reconstruction for UK Brothers Bludgeoned in Muslim Gang Hammer Attack MUSLIM THUGS CONTINUE TO TAKE OVER EAST END LONDON DISABLED ELDERLY MAN LATEST VICTIM OF BRITAIN'S "STREET JIHAD" 12 & 13 YR. OLD PAPERBOY BROTHERS ATTACKED & BEATEN BY MUSLIM GANG MUSLIM STREET JIHAD LEAVES BRITISH MAN BRAIN DAMAGED MUSLIM GANG USES IRON PIPES AND CLUBS TO BLUDGEON 14 YR OLD ENGLISH BOY RACIST MUSLIM GANGS ATTACK & RAPE BRITISH WOMEN POLICE HUNT THUGS IN FAITH HATE ATTACK AGAINST CLERGYMAN 2nd LONDON EAST END PRIEST ATTACKED & BEATEN BY MUSLIMS Street Jihadists attack in Blackburn UK Street Jihad - 10 Muslims Batter Brit & wife - Leave shoeprint on his face Racist Muslim Gang Brutally Bashes British Man in Street Jihad Attack Muslim gang robs & forces 3 teen boys to "Lick our boots" Muslim Gang Attacks - Punches - Spits on Lone British Woman One has to wonder how much fear of being seen "racist" or upsetting the muslim community entered into the police investigation and subsequent prosecution - recall this: Savile Town attackers caged as court erupts "A judge sent the perpetrators of the Savile Town attack of Robert Dyson, Sohail Hussain, 19, and 20-year-old Ali Mushtaq to a young offenders’ institution. Supporters of Hussain & Mushtage shouted abuse at the judge when the sentence was read. "As Judge James Spencer QC sentenced Hussain to three-and-a-half years and Mushtaq to 12 months, supporters started kicking their feet against wooden benches in the public gallery at Leeds Crown Court. One man banged his fists repeatedly on a table and a woman stood up and shouted: “This is not justice, this is bull****.” The supporters then fled court, some in tears." Muslim disrespect of the English Courts is getting to be rather commonplace and of course, these muslim supporters received NO rebuke or punishment for their insults and abuse. One also wonders what kind of duress or threats were directed against the the 15 year old witness whose refused to testify at the trial. Did not young Joseph Haigh see his attackers? Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 03:46 PM in Eurabia 2010 | Permalink | Comments (16) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! This sums it up nicely. How many times has this happened to you -- when a fascist will even deign to talk to you before issuing a fatwa? :) (hat tip Atlas readers) It would be funny if it weren't true. Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 01:36 PM in How the Left Destroys the Nation | Permalink | Comments (24) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!WIKILEAKS INADVERTENTLY REVEALS ISRAEL TOOK GREAT CARE TO AVOID CIVILIAN CASUALTIES
* Whereas in other modern wars we now know that civilians account for an average of 90 percent of casualties, by contrast in last year's Israel-Hamas Gaza war, less than half of Palestinian fatalities were noncombatants.
* In a just world, the UN would open up an investigation into all 42 countries with combat troops in Afghanistan (and all the other dozens of conflicts around the world), and WikiLeaks would concentrate on revealing human rights violations and government cover-ups in countries like Russia, China and Saudi Arabia.
* In spite of the fact that Gaza is much wealthier than Haiti, Gaza has been pledged 7.5 times more U.S. aid per capita than Haiti. The toll of dead and injured in Haiti in the last two years is vastly greater than that of Gaza.
* "You in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept homosexuality. And now you criticize us?" Hamas leader in Gaza Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahar tells Reuters.
Read the dispatch here:
Sharp-eyed readers might have noticed that at the very end of its news story on WikiLeaks's release last weekend of documents detailing tens of thousands of casualties during the Iraq war, The New York Times revealed that for most of the last century, the average civilian-to-combatant wartime fatality ratio has been 10:1.
The Times reported (hat tip: Evelyn Gordon): "Civilians have borne the brunt of modern warfare, with 10 civilians dying for every soldier in wars fought since the mid-20th century, compared with 9 soldiers killed for every civilian in World War I, according to a 2001 study by the International Committee of the Red Cross."
Whereas in other modern wars, civilians account for 90 percent of casualties, by contrast in last year's Israel-Hamas war in Gaza less than half of Palestinian fatalities - 39 percent - were noncombatants - and that number would have been even lower had Hamas not stored weapons in civilian institutions and fired rockets from private Palestinian homes which it commandeered.Friday, October 29, 2010
Unwitting Western couple mocked as 'infidel' and 'swine' by 'minister' during foreign language wedding ceremony at luxury Maldives resort Daily Mail (hat tip Danielle)
As you probably know, the nation of the Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean. Its main industry is tourism. It is also run under Sharia law. Yes, they tolerate Western dress from the tourists but they don't allow you to bring your own Bible or unapproved book. This recent incident could significantly impact their bottom line.MUSLIM COUNTRY POLITICS: CHOP OFF CHRISTIAN PROFESSOR'S HAND, WIN LOCAL ELECTION
Thiruvananthapuram: Contesting from prison, an accused in the sensational case of chopping off the hand of Thodupuzha Newman college lecturer TJ Joseph, has won from a block panchayat division in Ernakulam in the civic body elections.
Anas won from the Vanchinad division of Vazhakkulam block in Ernakulam district on a ticket of Socialist Democratic Party of India (SDPI), political arm of Popular Front of India (PFI), whose activists were allegedly behind the attack on Joseph for preparing a question paper containing blasphemous references to Prophet Mohammed.
Anas, now in judicial custody and lodged in the Viyyur central jail in connection with the case, won from the division defeating the nearest UDF candidate by a margin of more than 1,000 votes, while the LDF candidate came third.
The accused, who contested the seat after getting permission of the local court, could neither campaign for the poll nor cast his vote. Anas is the 47th accused in the case.
"No, I haven't," the congressman replied. "I've been in the homes of local American Muslims lots of times. As a matter of fact, they probably have given me a number of fundraisers ... as the local Jewish community has during the campaign. But, no, neither of the other two."
"You haven't been in Mr. Hussain's home," Brian asked again.
"No, I honestly don't think I have," Sestak said. "I don't even know where he lives."Thursday, October 28, 2010
The Forward has added me to their annual list the Forward 50.I AM AMERICA
2 girls executed by Somali militant group Yahoo (hat tip Laura)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.
"Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."Don't Ask, Don't Vote Investor's Business Daily -- 5 hours ago
1Remember again this Democratic fraud is part of a national effort (e.g. Illinois), so these fraud efforts are well planned. Check out this Redstate link.
Here's the new link to National Review Online today:
This comes on top of the PA-08 fraudulent spike in Democratic absentee ballot requests (probably because they threw away the non-Democratic requests). This tactic is from the same playbook as what has been going on in Texas (Harris County & probably elsewhere) and in a fair swath of Arizona.Former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote”project.
ACORN Get-Out-The-Vote Drive Run By Alleged Election Fraud Co-Conspirator NewsReal Blog
Man said he voted straight-party ticket and got opposite results
A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Yes, this jihadi was a regular kid. Just like so many other Muslims who go jihad.PANIC MODE: ISLAMIC SUBVERSIVE REZA ASLAN: "NOTHING CAN STOP THE SPREAD OF ISLAM"
Reza Aslan: Desperate, obsessed, fanatical, mendacious
Islamic supremacist and Iranian regime apologist Reza Aslan spoke in Salt Lake City last night. First, the mainstream media report, followed by a more complete account from Jihad Watch agent Evan Mark.United States history is rife with examples of religious bigotry the nation later outgrew after decades of assimilation with Catholics, Mormons and Jews, said visiting scholar Reza Aslan.
Recounting a recent trip to Europe where he came face-to-face with that continent's unease surrounding Muslims, Aslan said he returned home comforted by the knowledge that such xenophobia "couldn't happen here." Then he saw a TV advertisement sponsored by an organization called GOP Trust attacking the proposed "mosque at ground zero," which, as Aslan noted, was neither a mosque nor proposed for location at ground zero.
"The word 'They' has become very common nowadays," Aslan said....
Mocking Newt Gingrich's challenge that New York City's Islamic Center should be allowed only when Saudi Arabia allows the construction of churches, Aslan said it saddened him that America has given up "the war of ideas" in the fight against terrorism.
Reza Aslan delivered a whitewashed sermon last night to unsuspecting liberals and broken Mormons at the public library in downtown Salt Lake City. Well, less sermon and more fits and torrents of whiny passive-aggressive rage, really... Highlights (paraphrased) include:
"The problem with radicalization isn't that Muslim aren't going to mosques. In fact, we have a problem with radicalism precisely because there are not enough Muslims going to mosques!"
You could sit me down with Bill O'Reilly for 30 minutes and we could have a discussion about Islam and do you think it would change him!?! No way! (Cue uproarious laughter. I wonder how much it would change you, Reza?)
"Some people say we're in a war of ideas, well, I'm here to tell you. There IS no war of ideas. It's a myth."
He was knocked unconscious with a half a house brick, stabbed in the face with a screwdriver and kicked repeatedly in the head as he lay helpless. His attackers hurled racist abuse at him, referring to the colour of his skin, then left him for dead." See article belowOUR DAILY CONVERSATION
Friday, 29 October 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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Britannia Radio