Tuesday 2 November 2010

The August Review
About Patrick Wood
Editor of TheAugust Review and The August Forecast, Wood is an expert on international economics, globalization and finance. He is co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington with the late Antony C. Sutton.

Dear Friend,

FLASH! Landslide in midterm elections prompts Trilateral Commission to abandon plans to establish a New World Order; relinquishes control of the Executive Branch and pledges to rebuild American greatness.

Not... even in your wildest dreams -- This is one headline that you will NEVER see!

Truly, unless these shadow power brokers are ousted from our political process, our country will continue to slide into economic and political oblivion.

You can understand why by reading my original Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II, written by myself and the late Professor Antony Sutton circa 1980.

The historical evidence is perfectly clear and has always been in plain sight. Read the original books and see for yourself. Click below to order either e-book for just $11.95 each...

Trilaterals Over Washington, Volume II

Or click here to see additional information about the book.

Both volumes of Trilaterals Over Washington have been out of print for many years, and they are only available here. When your order is completed, you can immediately download the e-book(s) and read it using Adobe Acrobat or a compatible reader.

After you read these volumes, see The August Review for current information on Trilateral Commission members and their sovereignty-destroying policies.

Please -- pass this on. Believe me, they are playing for keeps. If we do nothing, they win for good.

Yours for Liberty,

Patrick Wood, Editor
The August Review