American Pretension In Korea

While he was now in Korea anyway, Obama wanted to dominate the Koreans. Three years ago President Bush negotiated a trade pact with South Korea. As a Senator Obama opposed this deal, and the Democratic Congress refused to ratify the treaty. Last week Obama counted on all his personal charms to sign a new trade deal. He had already sold in the US his big coming success. Hubristic as he is, he added a bunch of new conditions to the trade accord, without giving the Koreans ample time to evaluate his new demands. Obviously the Koreans sent Obama home empty handed.
The Euro: Chronicle Of The Currency Crisis Milton Friedman

Who pays the piper?
Political leaders favor a scenario of debt restructuring with a rigorous "haircut" for the bondholders, including the already shaky bank sector. Banking circles and the ECB obviously shun such a scenario. For Trichet the idea that an EMU member state would fail to fulfill its obligations is unthinkable. It would undermine the credibility of the euro project even further. An earlier proposal to create European bonds as a funding vehicle for individual member states has already been dismissed. For obvious reasons, banking circles favor a solution in which the European taxpayer would come to the rescue and would guarantee faltering government bonds.