Audio: The $Wealthy$ are Fleeing America
11/2/2010 8:35:00 PMTheir flight creates serious problems for middle class Americans.
If the rich continue to leave America, will a law be passed to force those fleeing, to leave their money in the country, like South Africa did to it's own citizens? And more specifically, what can that mean for the Jews of America who might wish to make aliyah in the future? Will it be too late to get their money out to go with them?
John Gaver from joins Tamar and talks about his research into this flight of the rich, as well as his recent trip to Panama where he witnessed the tremendous building spree of high end luxury apartments being built to service the expatriation of wealthy Americans relocating to its shores. This is a DON'T MISS SHOW. Find out what the rich know, and you don't!