Friday, 19 November 2010

Because They Can: Hill Hypocrites Pulling Out All the Stops
The latest civil rights flap over groping and body scanning of Americans at the gloved hands of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is symptomatic of a much larger effort. It’s a push see how much our nation’s lawmakers can get away with before the inevitable massive backlash kicks in. Look at any daily newspaper or online news service, regardless of political stripe, and you’ll find evidence that our country’s.....
by Beverly Eakman

We Are All Criminals Now!
Now is the time for all Americans to stand up and say we will not take this any more. Federal employees, who have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, must stand up and refuse to violate the rights of their fellow Americans. It is time we all decide that freedom is worth fighting for and let’s stop this now while we still have some freedoms left........
by Michael LeMieux

Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses?
With all the bad press the TSA has received recently, we can’t be sure if the acronym stands for Transportation Security Administration, Touches Sensitive Areas or Truly Scandalous Attention. But, for sure, its pat downs and sci-fi radiation screeners give many of us another good reason to avoid the increasingly unfriendly skies. Yet while the TSA right now has supplanted the IRS as the bureaucracy we most love to hate, its.....
by Selwyn Duke

Airports don’t have to use TSA and their screeners
This Airport nudie and groping nightmare is fast escalating into not only a law suit orgy, but it will drastically hurt tourism, business and simply our economy. Hark, it’s almost as if that is what Obama wanted all along. That is exactly what Obama has wanted. The TSA over reach is simply an Obama training strategy to get America used to more and more take overs and compromises of our privacy rights and freedoms......
by Laurie Roth Ph.D