Monday, 22 November 2010

Something has been achieved. Writes Bruno Waterfield:
Irish ministers are so concerned over protests that austerity plans to cut chauffeur driven cars and police outriders have been shelved to protect the government amid heightened post-EU bail-out security.
The scum shall inherit the earth ... but the profit shall be made by the manufacturers of bullet-proof limousines.

However, the pols may get little opportunity to use them. The latest is that Ireland's government is on the brink of collapse. The Green party, a junior partner in the current Irish coalition, called for a General Election. The prospect of an election is likely to undo the short-lived stability the markets demonstrated on this morning, we are told.

Oh dear. What a shame.


Dellers had a good piece in The Daily Express recently, although it has now gone missing. This might have had something to do with a communication to the newspaper from the odious Edward Acton, Vice-Chancellor of the University of East Anglia.

Acton seems to think that Dellers is not entitled to claim that CRU workers are "mired in such incompetence, skulduggery and deceit that you couldn't trust a word they said" and might have written to the newspaper in terms not dissimilar to this, to the effect that he:

... would expect the Express to retract or correct the impression that has been given. The article should either be amended or taken down from your website and I would request that a retraction or correction is published in a prominent place in the paper and on the website as soon as possible.
The gutless Express rushed to comply, instead of telling Acton to get stuffed, taking a leaf from the PCC and asserting that this was simply a matter of opinion. For instance, if I wanted to say that George Monbiot is a congenital idiot, with balls the size of peas and a brain the same size, that is perfectly acceptable. It is only my opinion. So it is with Dellers and the CRU.

For those who wish to catch up on the Dellers opinion, it is replicated here.


I had to do a double-take when I saw this headline. But the BNP in this instance is the Balochistan National Party.

The article does not make it clear who the Balochi leader saw, but it is interesting that he went to the EU to air his grievances. If we had even the slightest grip on what was going on there, he would have an open invite to London, as settlement of the Balochi problem – if it is solvable – is one of the keys to resolving the Afghan issue.

It is a measure of our retreat from global affairs, however, that the meeting is in Brussels, where the real power resides ... and that almost no one will notice.


Mother nature is doing her best for us, and even The Daily Telegraph is exhibiting a sense of humour getting Louse Gray to write their piece.

All we need now is to switch off the heating of all the MPs who still believe in global warming and we might start seeing some sense – impossible though that might seem. Better still, strip them naked, couple them up in a chain gang and have them paraded round Parliament Square, chanting "global warming is nigh", until they drop from hypothermia or exhaustion, whichever comes sooner.

Meanwhile, the Met Office is defending its performance over the Cornwall floods. Its chief meteorologist, Ewen McCallum, rounds on critics saying that, "People have to understand that not every forecast will be absolutely correct. If we got it right every time we'd be God."

Perhaps he should have a word with his climate change colleagues, who clearly do believe they are God, not admitting to any error whatsoever, claiming a degree of infallibility of which even the Pope would be jealous.