Monday, 15 November 2010

The Central Committee Returns

guidofawkes | November 15, 2010 at 10:51 am

The statist-loving, centralising, tax and spend, HuffPo wannabe, traffic-barren left-wing blogosphere are centralising their operations. Guido has long suspected they work together to plot the occasionally successful pincer-movement, but just as the Central Committees of their communist past were instigated, they just cannot keep an iota of independence:

Political Scrapbook, which is the one lefty blog that seems to have a sense of humour, is sadly leading the charge to unite all the "big" left-wing blogs on to one server. Apparently it will protect against all those pesky surges in traffic that keep occurring with the massive scoops and scalps they keep getting. Guido isn't sure that there was much point in the PS team wasting time photoshopping an advert for the project when they could have just emailed the other three blogs that might be interested.