Christian Concern is leading the Not Ashamed initiative. In this editionChristian Concern - Christian Weekly News. .
Every Friday Christian Concern will bring you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation.
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Campaigns, Highlights, Church & Faith, Religious Freedom, Abortion & Bioethics, End of Life, Family & Social, Sexual Orientation, Islam, Events Not Ashamed
Thank you for your continuing support of ‘Not Ashamed’. With 19 days to go until the 1st December launch, momentum is growing. Signatures on the declaration have grown by over 50% in the last week – please continue to spread the word at church and elsewhere. Why not send a quick email to all the Christians in your address book?
We’re keen to hear of how you are planning to mark ‘Not Ashamed’ day in your local area. Some churches are thinking of placing an advert in the local paper, others of writing a letter to the editor highlighting the reason for Not Ashamed; others are intending to deliver a copy of the declaration to their local MP or mayor. Please send us your ideas so that we can share them.
Special packs for promoting Not Ashamed at Church, including posters, leaflets, short videos and PowerPoint slides are now available. Please contact us here or you can download many of the itemshere.Choose Life
Following Nadine Dorries’ abortion adjournment debate on ‘Informed Consent’, pro-life groups have started a petition calling for the government to take action.
Please sign it here.
We’re delighted that Therese Coffey MP has tabled an Early Day Motion along similar lines.Andrea’s Blog
Andrea has a new post on her blog which discusses persecution and freedom and encourages Christian engagement in all spheres of society.
It can be read here.Action for Scottish supporters
Margo MacDonald's ‘End of Life Assistance (Scotland)’ Bill is due to have its first reading on 24 November (the debate may take place earlier). It is vital the Bill is stopped at the first reading. If it progresses to the next stage then some form of euthanasia is likely to be legalised in Scotland.
Please pray and meet with and/or write to your MSP to encourage them to vote against the Bill. For more information, please use the following links:
Care Not Killing brief overview of Bill with links to full CNK submission and critique.
Care Not Killing brief main points to make in letters.
CMF submission.
How to identify and contact your MSPs.Blasphemy in Pakistan
For the first time in history Pakistan has sentenced to death a Christian woman for blasphemy. Asia Bibi, who is 45 years of age and has five children, has denied blaspheming and believes that she is being persecuted for her Christian faith in a country where followers of Christianity often face harassment and discrimination.
For further details and to sign a petition that will be presented to 10 Downing Street, please follow the link here.CBC & Christian Concern Conference – Cry Freedom
Please come to the ‘Cry Freedom’ event led by the Christian Broadcasting Council on 3 & 4 December. There will be many top speakers including Bishop Nazir-Ali, Andrea Williams and Ade Omooba. Please see the website for further details here.
Christian Concern Christmas Cards
We are pleased to be selling Christian Concern Christmas cards for the first time this year, at £5 for a pack of ten. To buy your packet, and support Christian Concern, please click here.
Friday, 12 November 2010
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Britannia Radio