Christian Concern is leading the Not Ashamed initiative. In this edition Please come to the ‘Cry Freedom’ event led by Christian Concern and the Christian Broadcasting Council on 3 and 4 December. There will be many top speakers including Bishop Nazir-Ali, Andrea Williams and Ade Omooba. Please see the website for further details here.Christian Concern - Christian Weekly News. View in your browser.
Every Friday Christian Concern will bring you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation.
Please visit our new website at:
Highlights, Religious Freedom, Church & Faith, Sexual Orientation, Family & Social, Abortion, Bioethics, End of Life, Islam, Events Not Ashamed
The Not Ashamed campaign has captured the imagination of Christians and caught the attention of the public. We’re delighted to read of coverage in regional media about local initiatives inspired by Not Ashamed such as this. Why not alert your local paper to Not Ashamed over the next few weeks? For more ideas, please click here.
Official Launch – Wednesday 1st December
Lord Carey will officially launch his leaflet ‘I’m Not Ashamed’ at the House of Lords at 12noon on Wednesday 1st December. You can read the leaflet here. Why not join other Christians and churches across the country in delivering copies of the leaflet in your local area and using it to advertise Christmas activities?
At 2pm, a delegation will visit 10 Downing Street and present a copy of Lord Carey’s leaflet and details of why the campaign is being launched. Representations will also be made to other leaders in public life.
During the afternoon people will gather at Parliament and ask to see their MP to tell them about the campaign. This opportunity is open to all supporters of Not Ashamed. If you would be interested in joining us, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you aren’t able to come to Westminster, why not think about presenting details of the campaign to your MP or other local leaders on Wednesday or in the days that follow? We can provide you with a special pack. If you already have events planned, please let us know.
Please click here for full details about the launch.Christmas Number One for Not Ashamed?
The Not Ashamed campaign has inspired 18 year old singer-songwriter Josh Anderson to write 'We are Not Ashamed'. With support from followers of Not Ashamed, this song could enter the charts in the run-up to Christmas.
We're told that only around 30,000 downloads would be needed in that week to get the single into the charts and 100,000 at Number One! Wouldn't it be amazing if it went head to head with Simon Cowell?
The song will be released on Monday 6th December and will be available on iTunes and other download sites. However, you can also pre-order it here. Whether pre-ordered in advance or downloaded during the week of 5th December, the numbers will be included in the statistics for the charts.
So please consider buying it (it's only 79p) and encourage others to do the same!
Read more and listen to the song here.Halal Petition – Operation Nehemiah
In the UK there has been an increasing use of halal meat in retail outlets and restaurants. It is often served without consumers being warned or sold without clear labelling.
At Christian Concern we believe that halal meat should not be imposed on the British public. Non-Muslims should have the freedom to avoid meat that has been ritually slaughtered. We believe that halal meat should always be clearly labelled and that non-halal alternatives should always be available.
On this basis we are encouraging people to support the Operation Nehemiah Halal Campaign (run by the Barnabas Fund). Operation Nehemiah has launched a petition online as part of its Halal campaign. Please sign the petition here.The Wilberforce Academy
The second Wilberforce Academy will take place in March 2011. This intense, residential week-long course in Oxford, pioneered by Christian Concern (in association with the Alliance Defense Fund) seeks to equip a new generation of Christian leaders in public life. If you or someone you know is embarking on a vocation in politics, law, media, business, the arts or education, why not download an application form and return it as soon as possible? Christian Concern hopes to provide full sponsorship for successful applicants to attend the Academy.
The 2011 Wilberforce Academy will run from Sunday 20th – Friday 25th March 2011. The closing date for applications is Friday 21st January 2011. You can download an application form here and find further details about the Academy here.Andrea’s Blog
Andrea has updated her new blog with comments on sex education and on halal meat and polygamy.
You can now subscribe to the blog via our RSS feed.State of the Nation Event
The “State of the Nation” is a group of Christian leaders who come together for fellowship and prayer for the UK. They have organised a day of worship and prayer to seek God’s face. All are welcome to join us tomorrow.
Date: Saturday 27 November from 10.30am – 4.30pm (doors open 9.30am for coffee). Please come to the Emmanuel Centre in Marsham Street, Westminster. Admission is free. There will be an offering to cover expenses.
Please click here for further details.Christian Concern Christmas Cards
We are pleased to be selling Christian Concern Christmas cards for the first time this year, and they are selling fast! To buy your packet, and support Christian Concern, please click here.
‘Big Society’ Awards
The Prime Minister has launched a new award to recognise the ‘Big Society’ work undertaken by people around the country. Individuals, businesses, charities, community groups and other organisations are all eligible if they illustrate the Big Society in action.The Prime Minister hopes that the Big Society Awards will inspire many more people to get involved in their community.
Further information and nomination forms can be found here. Please nominate Christian groups to profile the enormous amount of work that Christians do in the community.CBC & Christian Concern Conference – Cry Freedom
Saturday, 27 November 2010
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Britannia Radio