The Collapse Of EUmpire.....Will It? Won't It? Guy Leven-Torres 21st November 2010 If we lived in a normal world, the EU would be finished-period. The countries using the Euro would be scurrying to dump it in the nearest latrine and passing out their older former currencies like confetti, in an effort to stave off ruin. However, it is clear that we do not live in normal times.... Eire has been bullied into 'accepting' a bail out package worth billions but that will effectively finish off a Sovereign State called Eire, now in the complete control of Brussels and Berlin. Indeed a cynical man may even think this situation quite advantageous to the elite obsessed with a United States of Eurabia. A fully incorporated Irish Region subject to Eurabian rule in entirety, may serve as an example to all of how the bureaucrats would like to see, all of the former nation states of Europe run-completely in thrall to Berlin and Brussels, their independence so hard won from the British sold for a couple of billion Euro bribes to a corrupt, criminal bunch of common thieves across the water. It seems the Irish just love to be dominated by aliens. The only time they have been free is in Roman times and after 1922. Vikings, then Normans, then the English ruled Eire. Talk about masochism within the Celtic temperament- a kind of ageless inbuilt need to play the victim. I like the Irish actually. The only way the EUmpire can now survive, is for the rest of the Euroland to accept a far lower standard of living. Indeed the sacrifices that will have to be made by Europeans in order to support the survival of Eurabia, may be far more than they are prepared to swallow or suffer. Or is it? The French seem entirely reluctant to accept cuts to their lives and services, so promises like the ones made to Eire about keeping their welfare state and pensions, may actually facilitate a change of mood in France, in favour of a Marxist Eurabia stretching from Scotland to Iraq, via North Africa. Socialism saps the will for independence and hardship and most people today would, I am sure live in a tyranny, within a bankrupt state forced to live in Third World conditions, among a soon to dominate Third World Moslem population, as long as their jobs, pensions and welfare were safe.... In short Europeans have no fight left in them. The British populace is long gone I am afraid. The EDL, the only true Working Class patriot active rebellion, is too little, far too late. The State-The Eurabian State that really runs Britain, has decided that it must go, as it 'incites Moslems to become terrorists' according to the disgusting West Midlands Police 'Service' shari'a enforcers, even though the EDL was historically a reaction, as I predicted there would be to the radicalisation and Islamification of the UK we have seen over the last twenty years. Anyway this should come as no surprise should it?- After all Islam and its shari'a extremist supporting West Midlands Police 'Service' is able to do things historically impossible for us normal folk. According to Islamic history, even Jesus was a good Moslem, as was Abraham. Furthermore according to Islamic history, the Jews never actually existed, the Arab 'Palestinians' fought for the Temple in 70AD, rebelled again in 132AD under Bar-Kokbha sorry bin- Kokba,until the wicked infidel Roman Crusaders, kicked them out, the Holocaust never happened, and Hitler was a great chap. Apparently this is actually taught in Arab schools and also in something called 'Christian Liberation Theology' that seeks to eradicate the Jews from history too, just like Moslem 'liberation theology' and even states quite seriously, that Christianity had no origins in Judaism but was an earlier misguided form of Islam, that is now being corrected by 'technologically superior Islamic civilisation' that invented the 'O', the steam engine, even the submarine-Oh sorry that was invented by a black! Anyway, according to Islamic 'historical revelations', Neil Armstrong was so impressed with Islamic technology that made it possible for the West to send a man to the Moon in 1969, he heard the Muezzin call come to Allah on the surface and immediately 'reverted'. As a professional archaeologist and historian of 40 years' experience, all this has come as a dreadful shock to the system and so I bow my head in humility at the majesty and wonder of Islamic culture, history and technology that can make things 'Islamic' happen, even before Mohammed invented Allah in the 600sAD, by nicking passages out of the Old Testament and other people's historical achievements and myths. Such is the state of affairs in Europe today, being deliberately taught in our schools, with an entirely false history of Islam and 'inferior' European culture, being rewritten over the last forty years or so to accommodate this 'fact'. Strange thing that puzzles us archaeologists most, is that, many of us find it difficult to actually establish the fact of an actual 'Islamic civilisation' ever existing. Sure there is evidence of mosques and other 'Islamic' remains but in terms of 'civilisational' advance, these are markedly inferior to the cultures and remains they are supposed to have replaced- even in places like the Al-Hambra, in Granada, that actually utilises Visigothic arches and Roman sewerage, irrigation and gardens to achieve its paradisical effect. What I am trying to state is that the Al-Hambra itself, relies upon technology that is at least a thousand years older than it. There is also good evidence to suggest that former irrigation systems built by the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Visigoths fell into disuse, like the massive age old systems in Egypt did about the same time after Islam invaded. The Moslems simply did not have the 'know-how' or knowledge to build and operate such munificent schemes, without the aid of the former more advanced Christians they subdued. As Islamic culture was enforced and the populations forced to convert, this knowledge was lost, as it was in all the former great civilisations Islam conquered. The same is now happening in Europe today. Islam and its supporters always seem to rewrite history wherever they go. This is part of jihad of course. It may just be then that the EU was so designed to collapse and allow our final subjugation to Islam as the new Eurabian religion. What I am suggesting is that, the Euro is deliberately meant to collapse whole national economies and designed to do so by its inventors. An impoverished Europe, a frightened population, insecure in their daily lives will be told like always, that the bail outs in their billions of Euros, is for their own good. Then comes the wholesale carpet-bagging of Irish property and national resources like the massive oil field they found off the Eire coast. Next there will be further 'national bankruptcies' in Italy, Portugal, Spain, as has already happened in Lithuania and Greece. The UK could easily follow next year too. If we go over the precipice we will be 'invited' to join the Euro and accept the 'kindness' of a bailout, just like all the rest. Iceland is currently 'negotiating' its entry into the Euro. Many millions of Europeans will find themselves on the breadline I am afraid. My own fridge for the first time in years now stands almost empty. Are we in fact not only seeing the deliberate Islamification of European civilisation and history but the organised reduction of the same into a Third World entity and tyranny, by smashing the economies of national states like Greece and Eire, in order to redress 'Western guilt' and transference of wealth into the hands of greedy corporations and speculators like George Soros and other 'progressives', determined to punish the West and reduce the global population to a worldwide Third World State under the heavy hand of Global Islamarxism? It was Carole Bragg of UK Column, that made me think again......... Normally I would disagree with her but we do not live in normal times. Marxists have plotted for years to bankrupt western economies, as have Moslem migrants that regard Western welfare as a form of tribute to their superior religion and 'culture'. It is 'welfare' paid to migrants that has led in no small part to our current demise, although greedy speculation plays the greater part, as do the idiotic 'quantative easing' bank bailouts that transferred the private debts of a bank's toxic borrowings into the public sphere. It is this and the stupid 'fractional' lending, in which banks literally lent billions of money to borrowers, unable to repay based upon the ability to print money out of thin air, or rather on a computer screen, without the actual funds in real cash to cover themselves. For every dollar or pound they physically had, they printed thousands more, so creating the huge trillion pound/dollar mess we are now in and a huge black hole. The only way this can be addressed. is only by taking away national assets and property. This may have been the intention of course all along. There is one bright ray of hope. It is an historical fact that no democracy- a wealthy democracy has ever succumbed to revolution-especially Marxist revolution without huge numbers of armed enforcers waiting, ready and willing to put the boot in. The EU does not have them, even if it likes to think so! The Daily Mail, I have long suspected as being a closet liberal rag to soak up public opinion, revealed for the first time the existence of EuroGendarmerie and its use for counter-insurgency in Europe. They also mention the European Arrest Warrant and emphasise that the 'Citizen' has no defence against it. The Mail also mentioned 'Europol', 'Eurojust', and its new EU wide border Police. I mentioned these to the Mail five years ago but was ignored. The timing of the article especially, with the arrogant demands by Van Rompuy, the EU 'President' for European control of national budgets and direct taxation (that is the only answer to a collapsing Euro) could be more than just coincidental. The Mail is sending out a warning to any who object, at the same time as politicians in Europe, who protest about our Islamification are placed on show trial. Likewise, I have noted a concerted effort to demonise the English Defence League more than usual. Nick Ferrari a broadcaster on London Broadcasting Company- LBC- pretty well repeated the speech of the West Midlands Police that the EDL were 'inciting radicalism and were scum!' In other words these people are reading from prepared scripts, almost word for word.. It is my guess that the EU is now showing its true hand indeed. We are seeing at last the full implementation of an Islamarxist state brought into the full light of day- with all the brutality and oppressive arrogance so usual with such regimes. My worry is how some will react! Very badly indeed, I think unless as I hope the bloody Euro and the conceit that drove it drags it all down. If Carole is correct, then I think we are in for a very unhappy time. Guy
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 12:19