The House of Lords debated last Friday 'The Strategic Security and Defence Review' the absolute vicious, drastic and nonsensical major cuts to our Defence and the National Security of our Country.
Reading the debate and other papers on the subject, I realised that these cuts are not because this Country is "broke" at all, but because this Government is working towards A European Security Strategy, yet not one word about this was recorded in those debates. Why not? Is this Government ashamed to admit to the people of this Country what they are doing in THE PEOPLE'S name? All for this "Common Market" in which we were reassured there would be "no loss of sovereignty"?
The FIRST duty of any British Government is the Defence and National Security of OUR Country. (NOT THE EU) Dereliction of Duty, Negligence etc is a betrayal of their Country and they should answer to those charges if they continue to obey that Lisbon Treaty. A treaty which may well bring about the demise of the self Governing and self protection of our Nation.
It should also be remembered that "no parliament may bind another," building on our Common Law Constitution which is the very basic foundation of all our laws.
Treaties that have been ratified that are contrary to our Constitution, that are gradual awakening the people of this Country that their sovereignty is being eroded especially to the extent that even the ability to defend their own Country, their RIGHTS of self Government and self defence of their country and their long and bitterly fought for RIGHTS to live in a free Country that their parents fought and died for, must be repudiated as per Lord Denning. To have two whole Parliaments debating the decimation of the first and most important job any British politician has to do, what in fact they have been elected for, the basic Defence and National Security of our Country highlights the treachery that is and has taken place over recent years. It is time to recognise the truth and our Government must govern this Country itself and bring forth difficult legislation to bring this about.
I repeat, the FIRST duty of any British Government is the Defence and National Security of this, their OWN Country. (NOT THE EU). Dereliction of Duty, Negligence etc is a betrayal of their Country and they should answer to those charges if they obey that Lisbon Treaty that should never have been ratified, putting the EU before this, their own Country. For over 800 years the people of this Country have fought and many have died, to keep this Country free from foreign rule, they will not allow any weak Government give those rights away. AP
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has covered world politics and economics for 25 years, based in Europe, the US, and Latin America. He joined the Telegraph in 1991, serving as Washington correspondent and later Europe correspondent in Brussels. He is now International Business Editor in London.
The horrible truth starts to dawn on Europe's leaders
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics Last updated: November 16th, 2010
Tags: EU, euro, eurozone, Herman Van Rompuy, ireland