Progress at last!
First member of Congress (elect) to express the truth publicly loud and clear, with a full grasp of the history and issues which so far all our other members of Congress skirt or use PC words and flowery language including the Republican caucus.
Col Allen West is a war hero, served in Afganistan, is articluate, knowledgeable and I as most other conservative thinking people would be proud to have him as our second black president one day. It would sure give me a better thrill up my leg than what we got in the White House today.
G-d Bless Col Allen West, may we wish him the best in his first term as a Congressman.
Please share the link below with as many as possible, it is very important!
Keith Davies
Executive Director Walid Shoebat Fdn
Sunday, 14 November 2010
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Britannia Radio