Dear Harold,
Sorry about the link I sent out yesterday to the Chris Tame Prize essay.
For some reason I cannot explain, I gave you a link instead to
Hans-Hermann Hoppe's keynote speech to the last Property and Freedom
Society conference. This is an excellent and most provocative speech, and
it deserves more than one reading. But I was really trying to recommend an
essay by David Robert Gibson.
The correct link is here:
"Why a Libertarian Society would not Deprive Individuals of Cultural Roots
and Collective Identity?" by David Robert Gibson
Happy reading!
PS - Many thanks for all the replies to our Christmas drinks party invite.
Let me say again that, unless you reply to Helen Evans, your name may not
get on our list. If your name is not on the list, you will not be allowed
in. Telling me that you will come is not the same as telling Helen.
According to many predestinarians, there is room in Heaven for only
144,000 souls. With room for a mere 120 before the Fire Regulations kick
in, the National Liberal Club is still more exclusive. And I'll repeat, if
your name is not inscribed in our Book of Life, Helen will do a very good
impersonation on the night of a Calvinist St Peter.
So, if you are planning to come, RSVP Helen at
PPS - And, while I'm writing, here's a matter that has been nagging away
at the back of my mind for several years, without ever yet coming forward
at any convenient time. In 2004, I published a CD of readings from my own
essays on foreign policy. I sold several hundred of these and then managed
to lose my own copy. Is there anybody out there who still has a copy and
who'd be happy to share it with me?
Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979) Tel: 07956 472 199
Skype Username: seangabb
Wikipedia Entry:
Buy these novels by Richard Blake: "Conspiracies of Rome"
<> ("Fascinating to read, very well written, an
intriguing plot" Derek Jacobi); "Terror of Constantinople"
<> ("Nasty, fun and educational" The Daily
Telegraph); "Blood of Alexandria" <>. "Sword of
Damascus" will be published in June 2011. Buy them for your own enjoyment.
Buy them as presents for your friends and loved ones.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio