Tuesday 2 November 2010


Dear JTA Reader:

As Americans across the country head to the polls, I just wanted to remind you to keep up with the results at Capital J, JTA’s politics blog (featuring Ron Kampeas, our Washington bureau chief).

With polls predicting a Republican win in the U.S. House of Representatives, be sure to check out Ron’s recent interview with U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in Congress and the likely candidate to become majority leader in a GOP-controlled House.

Also be sure to read Ron’s analysis on what a changeover in the House would mean on several issues of importance to the Jewish community.

And then there are the Jewish Democratic lawmakers fighting for their political lives.

Whether you’re spending today fearing the Tea Party or reveling at the chance to send President Obama a message, don’t forget to vote. And don’t forget to visit JTA's politics blogtonight!

Ami Eden
Editor in Chief, JTA

P.S. Now you can stop giving to all of those candidates and start supporting our politics coverage with a generous donation to JTA (no pork, we promise).