Declaring Palestinian Statehood
Palestinian political figures, said to be frustrated with the pace and trajectory of peace talks with Israel, have increasingly made noises about taking matters into their own hands and unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state. In practical terms, this means implementing Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s plan for Palestinian independence first unveiled in August 2009. According to that plan, the Palestinians would devote two years to developing the infrastructure of their embryonic state, including in areas under full Israeli control, at the conclusion of which the Palestinian state would be a fact on the ground lacking only international recognition.
How exactly would they secure that recognition? Once their fledgling state was in place, the Palestinians would take their case to the UN while also seeking the de facto endorsement of Western powers, especially from within the European...
IDF stronger than ever
New developments grant Israel unprecedented military advantage over enemies
Alexander the Great, the man who conquered the ancient world, said that those who develop new combat methods or who possess new arms will be triumphant. Indeed, at this time Israel is creating strategic military advantage that is unprecedented in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
A series of innovations at sea, in the air and on the ground that the enemy does not possess – and will not possess – is completely changing the balance of power in the Middle East. With these innovations, the IDF is turning into an unquestionably powerful and deterring army. Read More
The draft-dodging state of Tel Aviv
The city by the sea broadcasts a certain alienation from Israel’s existential needs, and this is not good for either the city or the country of which it is part.
By Israel Harel
In the uproar sparked by the dirty battle over who will be the next police commissioner, little...
“Divine Retribution” ?
Many more have suffered personal and political retribution not mentioned in this article, the list is quite extensive. Yamit
Gush Katif Expulsion Police Commander Accused of Molestation
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Click here to view the embedded video.
The police commander who oversaw the expulsion of Jews from Gush Katif in 2005 has become the latest in line of expulsion leaders who have been involved since then in issues that caused their political downfall or criminal investigation.
The idea of “Divine Retribution” was raised when Ariel Sharon, who initiated the ”Disengagement” program that destroyed nearly two dozen Jewish communities, suffered a stroke shortly afterwards that has left him still in a vegetative state four years later. Subsequent investigation of the activities of his then-MK son Omri resulted in the son’s receiving a prison sentence and ended his political career.
The theory has resurfaced with this week’s headlined investigation of police commander...
One Day, Israel Will Have to Say ‘No’ to America
Prof. Ya’akov Peretz Golbert
The Israeli cabinet will be asked to follow Prime Minister Netanyahu down the path of appeasement of America at the expense of Israeli legitimacy, dignity and security. It will not be “just this one time.” This capitulation will be followed, as it always has been, with the demand for more and more capitulations, ever deeper and more dangerous to Israeli security.
Nor is it as if Obama is an aberration that Israel has only to wait out and his administration will be replaced with one firmly in tune with Israeli security. Obama’s policies are not different from those of his predecessors. It is only that he is more abrasive and more openly hateful toward Israel. Condoleezza Rice worked for George Bush, remember, as did Colin Powell. Clinton could not do enough for Arafat and the Palestinian cause but he smiled at us and said nice things the whole time. Who can forget the open hostility of the Bush-Baker team? Israel’s great friend, Reagan, was...
Durban III Is On
U.N. Pours Salt In America’s Wounds
by Anne Bayefsky
Just when we were beginning to get into the holiday spirit, the United Nations decided that Durban III is coming to town.
Late yesterday, the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee adopted a resolution which launches another global “anti-racism” hatefest. It is intended to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the debacle held in Durban, South Africa in 2001. But this time, the UN has outdone itself: the celebration of a notorious prescription for intolerance, closely linked to Islamic extremism, is now scheduled for New York City just days after the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Like the Ground Zero mosque architects, the UN has decided to pour salt in the wounds of still grieving Americans. The crowds at Durban I held high their signs reading: “For the liberation of Quds, machine-guns based upon faith and Islam must be used,” and “The martyr’s blood irrigates the tree of revolution in Palestine.” The obvious...
Norwegian Anti-Semites Call for Boycott of Israel
Laura: Let’s see, out of all the countries in the world, most of which deny basic freedoms, many which routinely violate human rights, these group of Norwegian celebrities choose to launch a boycott against a free, democratic nation which also just happens to be the world’s only Jewish state. I can’t imagine why.
The European Jewish Press
By Cnaan Liphshiz
A Norwegian ex-premier denounced their boycott call.
Egil Drillo Olsen, coach for the national Norwegian football team, recently wrote in Aftenposten, the country’s second largest paper, that the call to boycott Israel was “in line with what 90 percent of the world’s population believes. There cannot be many other opinions.”
The petition is the last item in a string of similar and high-profile initiatives to have taken place in Norway over the past two years. It was signed by coach...
At the crossroads, Obama is turning left
Amil Imani, an ex-pat Iranian, writes Obama: On the Horns of a Dilemma It is well worth reading.
“When seeking office, the aspirant must pretend to be what he is not. After seizing power, he should impose his agenda quickly and ruthlessly before his subjects realize what he is doing and have time to react.” Niccolò Machiavelli
The Obama administration is on the horns of a dilemma.
So why did President Obama press ahead against the avalanche of opposition to his unwanted social program? One simple answer, the president did not care about the opinion of the American people. He only believed in change HE believed in.
It is sad to note, that the more liberal and progressive ideas enacted by the Obama administration result in the rule of the totalitarian and is inimical to individual freedom and liberty we once enjoyed as Americans. As a result, our Democrat ruling class elitists have, with President Obama in the lead, become more like the fascists and Nazis of...
Don’t hold your breath waiting for a letter
By Ted Belman
Israel National News reported yesterday that no letter will be forthcoming from Obama. It argues that the US pulled a bait and switch on Netanyahu.
It may also be that the US changed her mind when she learned that the PA would reject the deal.
Haaretz worships the golden calf
By Ted Belman
It didn’t take long for Haaretz to post an editorial decrying the new referendum law. I was astounded by their arguments.
The law’s supporters claim that a referendum is a legitimate democratic instrument utilized by many enlightened countries in order to involve the citizenry in important decisions. In actual fact, the vast majority of referenda relate to domestic issues. In our case, the public is being given veto power over crucial decisions on foreign policy and security issues. These decisions are destined to influence the fates of many people who live under Israeli occupation. Any reasonable person knows that reapportioning sovereignty in Jerusalem is a necessary condition for a peace arrangement with the Palestinians.
If security and land isn’t a “domestic” issue, I don’t know what is. But they go on to worry about the fate of the Arabs. Finally for them, the notion of peace is more important than keeping Jerusalem....
Obama is seeking power and not solutions!
And While the Bright Shiny Thing Sparkled…
By Frank Salvato
While the rest of the media – both new and decrepit – was distracted by the firing of Juan Williams by NPR, another story, with implications that affected each and every American, went virtually unnoticed. As is the standard operating procedure for the decrepit and, now, verifiably corrupt mainstream media, this alarming story received no coverage because it painted President Obama in a bad, nay, an honest light. I am at a quandary as to why the new media neglected the issue.
Don’t get me wrong, the Juan Williams firing is a legitimate story. Anyone concerned with the First Amendment right to free speech should be outraged that National Public Radio, a taxpayer funded media entity– funding derived from both charitable giving and government endowment, would exact a litmus test based on Progressive ideology on its employees. Truth be told, Mr. Williams said nothing that well over half the American population has...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel