Wednesday, 17 November 2010 11:12 'Drugs experts leading an inquiry into the death of Britain's former weapons inspector in Iraq, David Kelly, say his death was “murder” and not suicide. Experts also called on the police to launch a murder inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, casting serious doubt on the official claim the scientist overdosed on painkillers. According to Dr Andrew Watt who is a top clinical pharmacologist, Kelly could have only take a “safe” dose of coproxamol painkiller tablets as there was so little of the substance in his blood after he died.' Wednesday, 17 November 2010 11:03 'A dark and deliciously murky secret hovers over the continuing relationship between Prince William and his girlfriend Kate Middleton – a skeleton so large that even a vast royal closet would struggle to contain it. For the Mail can reveal that William and Kate are distant cousins. Not only that, the common ancestor who links the two lovers is a murderous despot whose bloody deeds have been deliberately forgotten by history. Until now. The man who links William and Kate as kith and kin is Sir Thomas Leighton, an Elizabethan soldier, diplomat and, for 40 years, the cut-throat Governor of Guernsey. He is William’s 12th generation great-grandparent, and Kate’s 11th, making them 12th cousins, once removed.' Read more: Prince William & Kate Middleton are Distant Cousins Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:41 'George Papandreou, the Greek prime minister has said that there may need to be new Europe-wide forms of taxation to help pay for the bail-outs that will be needed by the growing number of crashing economies in the euro-zone. His suggestions include “carbon dioxide taxes” which, he says, could provide “important revenues and resouces for funding such a [bail-out] mechanism".' Read more: Greek PM Says it at Last: Carbon Taxes are Just Another Way to Raise Revenue Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:35 'Scotland Yard has forced the closure of an anti-police blog which was being used to disseminate advice to protesters pictured at the student fees demonstration. The website Fitwatch was suspended after the its hosting company received contact from C011, the Metropolitan's public order branch, stating that the blog was "being used to undertake criminal activities". The move appears to have taken place after a blog posted on the website gave guidance to students who feared they might be arrested for their involvement in the occupation of the Millbank office complex, which houses the Tory party headquarters.' Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:26 'The "what we are told" is a satanic spell cast by the Illuminati, a satanic cult led by Cabalist Jews and Masons that controls most of our information, education and so-called culture by funding an army of opportunists and dupes. As you know, this cult derives its power from the central banking cartel which is using its monopoly over government credit to gain a monopoly over everything on earth: wealth, power, minds and spirits. Humanity is under a satanic spell that consists of lies and corruption, i.e. deceit and decadence. The Illuminati (Freemasonry) has infiltrated and taken over most organizations. The goal is to induct us into the lower ranks of their cult as their servants and chattels. The TSA is accustoming the public to routine sexual abuse.' Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:21 'The sky is black with PIIGS coming home to roost: I was going to write my customary long and boring think piece—but the simmering crisis in the Eurozone just got the heat turned up: Things are boiling over there! The bond markets have no faith in Ireland—Greece has been shown up as having lied again about its atrocious fiscal situation—and now Portugal is teetering— —in other words, the PIIGS are screwed. I would venture to guess that we are about to see this slow-boiling European crisis bubble over into a full blown meltdown over the next few days—and it’s going to get messy.' Read more: Is Europe Coming Apart Faster Than Anticipated? Wednesday, 17 November 2010 10:01 'New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke today before the Wall Street Journal CEO Council annual conference. According to WSJ, he told attendees that the U.S. needs to reduce its dependence on foreign oil, if “you want to stop sending your money to … terrorists.” The answer, he said: “We need a carbon tax.” Al Gore, among others, has been promoting a carbon tax based on bogus data showing carbon causes golbal warming. To my knowledge, Bloomberg is the first person to suggest a carbon tax as a way to battle terrorists.' Read more: Bloomberg Calls for Carbon Tax as a Way to Fight Terrorists Wednesday, 17 November 2010 09:16 Wednesday, 17 November 2010 09:11 'US officials are looking to dramatically escalate their on the ground presence in Yemen, and new reports from the Wall Street Journal suggest that the US is hoping for Yemen to allow the establishment of “forward operating bases” for US troops in southern Yemen.' Read more: US Hopes to Establish Bases as Yemen Fight Escalates Wednesday, 17 November 2010 08:50 'The Irish Supreme Court ruled today to uphold the extradition of Anthony John Hill, also known as Muad'Dib, for sending DVDs of the widely popular "7/7 Ripple Effect" to the jury foreman and judge, in c/o a British courthouse. The Irish Supreme Court's decision was to facilitate the British government's demand, through Westminster Magistrates Court, and an European Arrest Warrant, and surrender Mr. Hill to face charges for simply mailing DVDs of the "7/7 Ripple Effect” (with no letter) to the Kingston Crown Court, during the original trial of Waheed Ali, Sadeer Saleem and Mohammed Shakil. The British government had hoped to use the trial to lend credence to their "official story", which they failed to do when the 3 young men were found innocent.' Wednesday, 17 November 2010 08:41 'Prince William is to marry long-term girlfriend Kate Middleton next year, Clarence House has announced. William, second in line to the throne, will marry in London next spring or summer and live in north Wales, where he is serving with the RAF. "We are both very, very happy," the prince said. He had proposed on holiday in Kenya in October, giving his fiancee his mother's engagement ring.' Wednesday, 17 November 2010 07:47 'Critics of the United Kingdom's school milk program are becoming more vocal, challenging the widespread national assumption that drinking milk is good for children. "From Winston Churchill's wartime order to keep the milk flowing, which was formalized under the 1946 School Milk Act ... the idea that it is natural, healthy and an essential part of a good diet has been unchallenged," writes Andrew Marszal in The Telegraph. That consensus is wavering. Recently, junior health minister Anne Milton suggested that the national program to provide free milk for children under five should abolished. And research continues to emerge that milk is neither an essential nor healthy part of the human diet.' Read more: School Milk Programs Being Challenged in UK as Unhealthy Wednesday, 17 November 2010 07:42 'The Federal Reserve represents global banking interests who have overstepped their legal authority. Their Quantitative Easing program is an explicit violation of the Constitution. By deliberately devaluing the dollar and causing the price of basic necessities to rise, the Federal Reserve is, as a matter of strategic policy, sacrificing a significant percentage of the US population for the benefit of a few global bankers. In the process, they are also igniting a global currency war that threatens the security of the American people. In clear terms, the Federal Reserve’s actions represent a declaration of war against the people of the United States.' Read more: The People against Wall Street: The Fed`s Quantitative Easing Violates the Rule of Law
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:44