By contaxx
Citizens from all other EU countries are welcome to visit the embassy or consulate and cast their vote, or indeed empower another by signature to do so, or indeed postal votes. ... 2009 with the ratification and enactment of the European Reform Treaty, or known in the Irish Republic English-language media as 'the Treaty of Lisbon'). -Certainly those Irish citizens in the United Kingdom, wherein each household will now fork out c.300 pounds to rescue the future of the ...
contaxx - http://contaxx.blogspot.com/
By mcula
Ireland (aka the Shire of fantasy land) and war-torn peripheral islet Cyprus are the only two members of the EU that do not recognise the legitimate right of their citizens, who reside within the ECB Eurogroup EU area, ... 2009 with the ratification and enactment of the European Reform Treaty, or known in the Irish Republic English-language media as 'the Treaty of Lisbon'). - Certainly those Irish citizens in the United Kingdom, wherein each household will now fork out ...
mcula - http://mcula.wordpress.com/