The EuroMed-2030 conference will review and build on existing Forward looking exercises and other studies recently carried out relating to the Mediterranean area. It will draw macro-economic projections (demographic and GDP growth) for the 10 South-Eastern Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey). It will establish the interdependence between the EU and the South-Eastern Mediterranean Countries in economic, social and technological terms. Then, EuroMed-2030 will explore medium term scenarios (2030) - taking into account the main trends, tensions and transitions - for an efficient implementation of future Euro-Mediterranean policies dealing a.o. with the integration of the Euro-Mediterranean free trade area, migration, tourism, energy, transport, environment, water, agriculture, climate change, technology transfer, marine and maritime issues as well as cultural issues including conflicts, religions and gender. EuroMed-2030 : long term challenges for the Mediterranean area
Contact information n/a Event type Conference File link Source Belgian Presidency of the Council of EU Relation Geographical coverage Belgium Address Brussels Organizer European Commission Target audience International Duration 1 day Period 16/12/2010 Status Confirmed
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Thursday, 16th December 2010, European Commission
Brussels, 170 Rue de la Loi, Charlemagne building, room Sicco Mansholt
08.30 Registration and Coffee
9.00 – 9.45 Session I – EuroMed policy context
Welcome by Jean-Michel Baer, Director, European Commission, DG Research
09.00 Global dimension of research and innovation: The case of the Mediterranean
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissioner in charge of Research and Innovation (tbc)
09.15 Actions of the Belgian Presidency in Research and innovation in the Mediterranean area
Benoît Cerexhe, Minister for economy, employment and research (tbc)
09.30 Present and future challenges in the EuroMed region
Ghassan Salamé, Former Minister of Culture in Lebanon and Professor at Sciences Po (tbc)
9.45 – 13.00 Session II – Trends and Tensions in the region up to 2030
Chair person: Tomas Dupla del Moral, Director, European Commission, DG RELEX (tbc)
9.45 Demographic and macro-economic trends and tensions
Joaquín Arango, Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset
10.10 Sustainability issues (water, energy, agriculture and climate change)
Houda Allal, Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie (OME)
10.40 Comments from stakeholders and decision-makers
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Geopolitics and governance
Roberto Aliboni, International Affairs Institute (IAI)
12.00 Culture, values and religions
Mohamed Tozy, Université d'Aix (IEP) and Université Hassan II de Casablanca
12.30 Comments from stakeholders and decision-makers
13.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Session III – Transitions in the EuroMed area
Chair person: Jean-Claude Thébault, Director General, European Commission, BEPA (tbc)
14.00 Managing conflict
Amine Ait-Chaalal, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
14.20 Win-win solutions
Sébastien Abis, International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)
14.40 Deeper EuroMed socio-economic integration
Ibrahim Saif, Secretary General of the Economic and Social Council of Jordan
15.00 Towards a EuroMed Community/Alliance
Cilja Harders, Freie Universität Berlin and Andrea Amato, Istituto per il Mediterraneo (IMED)
15.20 Comments from stakeholders and decision-makers
15.40 Coffee break
16.00 – 17.30 Session IV – Questions and perspectives on EuroMed
Chair person: Jean-Michel Baer, Director, European Commission, DG Research
16.00 Towards and Avicenna Plan for education and mobility of researchers?
Bahgat Korany, American University in Cairo
16.20 Towards a EuroMed science, technology and innovation Union?
Rafael Rodriguez Clemente, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
16.40 Comments from stakeholders and decision-makers
17.00 Perspectives on the EU research and innovation activities in the EuroMed area
Pierre Valette and Domenico Rossetti, European Commission, DG Research
17.20 Conclusions
Jean-Michel Baer, European Commission, DG Research
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