The British East India Company was a British commercial and political organization established in India in the late 1600′s, which was known as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London. A forerunner of this group was the London Mercers Company, and earlier than that, the London Staplers. The organization traced their lineage back to the ancient commercial groups involved in trading between the Mediterranean and India. [1] It was mainly organized for trading, but soon became an agent for British imperialism. Bending to government pressure, they reorganized in 1702. Every year, 24 Directors were elected by the Court of Proprietors (or shareholders, a majority of which were English Masons). They traded in cotton, tea, silk, and salt peter; and were accused of dealing with opium and participating in the slave trade. They virtually monopolized all trade from South India, the Persian Gulf, Southeast Asia and East Asia. [Their participation in the China opium trade and Opium Wars is documented. --ed] Indian policy was influenced by the company from 1757 to 1773, when their power was broken by the 1773 Regulatory Act, and Pitt’s India Act of 1784, finally ending their monopoly in 1813. When they ceased to exist in 1873, many of its shareholders were major financiers. The principals of this group perpetuated their elitist goals by establishing the Fabian Society. On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists gathered to discuss a ‘Fellowship of the New Life,’ which was based on the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of monastic order. The group included: Some of these people were also members of the Society for Psychichal Research, an organization dedicated to spiritualism research, which was founded in 1882. On November 7, 1883, this group met to discuss the establishment of an organization “whose ultimate aim shall be the reconstruction of Society in accordance with the highest moral possibilities.” However, they split into two factions, and on January 4, 1884, one of the factions established a group known as the Fabian Society. On January 25th, one member, J. G. Stapleton, delivered their first lecture, called “Social Conditions in England, With a View to Social Reconstruction or Development.” At a time when there were 30,000 Socialist voters, after a few weeks they only had 20 members. In April, 1884, their first publication was distributed, a four-page pamphlet called Why Are We Poor? In May 1884, journalist George Bernard Shaw (1864-1926) joined and soon became the leading figure of the Fabians. He was a free-thinking Marxist-atheist writer whose plays contained socialistic references, an ideology he pursued after hearing a speech by American economist Henry George in 1882 and readingMarx‘s Das Kapital. (He later won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925). In March, 1885, Sidney Webb (1859-1947), then a clerk from the Colonial Office, joined; and in 1886, so did Graham Wallas. Shaw, Webb, Wallas, and Sidney Oliver became known as the ‘Big Four.’ The other faction, known as ‘The Fellowship,’ continued for 15 years under Davidson, with members such J. Ramsey MacDonald (who later became Prime Minister), Edward Carpenter, and Havelock Ellis. In 1884, John W. Martin and Rev. W. D. P. Bliss moved to Boston (MA), and established a magazine known as The American Fabian. The move was an unsuccessful effort to bring the Fabian‘s socialistic movement to New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Chicago. In 1887, their pamphlet Facts for Socialists maintained that any person who knew the facts of Socialism, had no other choice but to be one. It was their best selling piece of propaganda. By 1889, 6500 tracts had been distributed, and 31 speakers had delivered 721 lectures. From 1891-92, there had been 3,339 lectures given by 117 Fabian members. Their membership rose to 400 by 1892, 681 in 1894, and 881 in 1899. They had 74 local chapters in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Spain, Denmark, and Germany. In 1895, Sidney Webb founded the London School of Economics, which became a branch of the University of London. Among its major contributors: theRockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner Willard Straight, who founded the socialist magazine New Republic. In 1899, The Fabian Essays, the most noted work on Socialism, was written by seven influential members of the Society, and edited by George Bernard Shaw. It became the blueprint for socialistic legislation, and was later reprinted in 1908, 1920, 1931, and 1952. In 1912, Webb established an independent journal called The New Statesman, and later became a leader in the Labour Party, writing Labor and the Social Order in 1918. He held several political offices, and was a disciple of John Stuart Mill, who served as the Secretary of the British East India Company. Fabian leaders were drawn to Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), and his ideas of the ‘New Republic’ which he described as “a sort of outspoken Secret Society … an informal and open freemasonry,” made up of the educated class, whose common goals would lead to the creation of a new World State, thus saving the human race from disaster. Known as the ‘Prophet of Our Time’ because of writing about many things before they came to be, in books like The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, Wells would give the Fabians the notoriety they needed. Edward Pease, Secretary of the Fabians, wrote to H. G. Wells on January 10, 1902, to say that Webb and his wife Beatrice, were the “pioneers of your New Republic.” Sponsored by Wallas and Shaw, Wells joined them in February, 1903. In his first lecture after joining, he said that the World State was a necessity. In his 1905 book, A Modern Utopia, he wrote of the World State taking control and creating a “sane order,” and how they maintained a central records system in Paris which they used to keep track of every person on Earth and aided the state to eliminate the unfit. Wells was unimpressed with the [effectiveness of the] Fabian organization, and called for expansion by raising money, getting new offices, appointing a new staff, and relaxing the guidelines for membership. He wanted to initiate an all-out propaganda campaign, and outlined his views in a paper called The Faults of the Fabians which dealt with the need for reorganization and why he wanted to change their name to the ‘British Socialist Society.’ His views were not shared by the Fabian inner circle, and in September, 1908, he resigned. Wells maintained his socialistic views and in 1928 wrote The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution which was an elaboration of ideas from his 1926 book The World of William Clissold, which gave a seven-point program for the development of the “new human community” and was inspired by the rise of Communism. These ideas had been fleshed out in his 1897 short story A Story of the Days to Come, and his 1901 book, Anticipations of the Reaction to Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought. The character, William Clissold, had called his project for world revolution, the “open conspiracy,” which meant: “…the establishment of the economic world-state by the deliberate invitation, explicit discussion, and cooperation of the men most interested in economic organization, men chosen by their work, called to it by a natural disposition and aptitude for it, fully aware of its importance and working with the support of an increasing general understanding …It is not a project to overthrow existing governments by insurrectionary attacks, but to supersede them by disregard. It does not want to destroy them or alter their forms but to make them negligible by replacing their functions. It will respect them as far as it must. What is useful of them it will use; what is useless it will efface by its stronger reality; it will join issue only with what is plainly antagonistic and actively troublesome.” His plan was to be accomplished by “an intelligent minority … without the support of the crowd and possibly in spite of its dissent…” The Open Conspiracy was Wells‘ perspective of his New Republic, which represented a classless World State that controlled everything. Its establishment would be accomplished by “functional men, men of high natural intelligence and professional competence, who performed the creative and managerial work of the world.” They were recruited from “the men and women whose knowledge, skill, creative gifts made them indispensable to modern society” who would “gradually have the reins of power into their hands.” The revolution was to begin through the “formation of small groups of friends, family groups, groups of students and employees or other sorts of people meeting and conversing frequently in the course of normal occupations.” They were to “enlarge themselves and attempt to establish communications with kindred groups for common ends.” He further elaborated: “The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction, who will presently discover, with a sort of surprise, the common object toward which they are all moving. In all sorts of ways, they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government.” He also wrote: “From the outset, the Open Conspiracy will set its face against militarism” in the sense that they will encourage “refusal to serve in any war (as conscientious objectors) … For the furtherance of its aims, the Open Conspiracy may work in alliance with all sorts of movements and people … (and) restricted movements will attend only to a portion of its program.” According to Wells, expansion would occur through: “…branching and development … (with) the Open Conspiracy as consisting of a great multitude and variety of overlapping groups, but now all organized for collective political, social and educational as well as propagandist action. They will recognize each other much more clearly than they did at first and they will have acquired a common name …The character of the Open Conspiracy will now be plainly displayed. It will have become a great world movement as widespread and evident as Socialism and Communism. It will largely have taken the place of these movements. It will be more, it will be a world-religion. This large, loose, assimilatory mass of groups and societies will be definitely and obviously attempting to swallow up the entire population of the world and become the new human community.” Two years later, in a published article titled “The Banker,” Wells even included the international banking houses in Clissold’s “open conspiracy” through a three-point program that would by-pass governments by negotiating agreements stabilizing the currency, adjusting credit availability to control the fluctuation of business, and the withdrawal of credit to governments or armament industries who instigate an arms race. It is obvious that Wells either based his writings on the actual plans of the Fabianelitists, or used his knowledge of what they had already done in order to formulate a theory of what they were going to do in the future. Since he did quit, were these writings meant to be an exposé or a warning, or was he just stating facts, daring people to try and stop them? We don’t know his intent, but what we do know was that he was incredibly prophetic in his description of their methods. It would indeed be a ‘blueprint’ for the manner in which the Illuminati would entrench itself in our governmental affairs. Edward Bernays, former head of CBS-TV and a friend of H.G. Wells, wrote in his 1928 book Propaganda: “As civilization becomes more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which public opinion may be regimented. With printing press and newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly, and even instantaneously, across the whole of America.” These tools would be fully utilized to begin the destruction of America. The secret goal of the Fabian Society was to create a godless, classless, socialistic society that was dedicated to the ultimate victory of Socialism which really meantCommunism. In 1891, they became affiliated with the Second Socialist International (established in 1889), and helped establish a Democratic Socialist state in Great Britain. The aims of the Fabian Society were developed by Webb from what EnglishmanJohn Ruskin (1819-1900) taught at Oxford University. Ruskin, a teacher at the Working Men’s College (founded in 1854 by Christian-Socialist philosopher J. F. D. Maurice), a professor of Fine Arts at Oxford, an artist and writer, based his views on those of Socialist Robert Owen. He advocated a utopian society, and espoused theories developed from the teachings of Plato (428-347 BC), who had studied under Socrates, and became the greatest philosopher in history. Plato established an academy which operated for 800 years, producing many great men, including Aristotle. In his work, The Republic, he outlined his ideal society, which was an aristocratic society ruled by the elite. It included the elimination of marriage and the family, and introduced selective breeding by the government which would destroy all inferior offspring. In Plato’s utopia, sexual equality dictated that women would fight alongside the men in times of war. The Fabians were working towards a new world by indoctrinating young scholars who would eventually rise to power in various policy-making positions throughout the world by infiltrating educational institutions, government agencies, and political parties. Their strategy was called the “doctrine of inevitability of gradualism,” which meant that their goals would be gradually achieved. So gradual, that nobody would notice, or “without breach of continuity or abrupt change of the entire social issue.” The secret was evolution, not revolution, or what Webb called “permeation.” Shaw (whose mistress, Florence Farr, was a witch in the Order of the Golden Dawn), revealed that their goal was to be achieved by “stealth, intrigue, subversion, and the deception of never calling Socialism by its right name.” In fact, that’s how they got their name. The name originated from the Roman Consul, General Quintus Fabius Maximus, the Cunctator (‘Delayer’), who through patient, cautious, delaying and elusive tactics during the early phases of the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) enabled the Roman army to regroup and defeat Hannibal’s stronger Carthaginian army. [snip] In 1905, American Fabians established the Rand School of [Social Science] in New York City. On September 12, 1905, five of the Fabians met at Peck’s Restaurant in New York’s Lower Manhattan: Upton Sinclair (well-known author and socialist), Jack London (well-known fiction writer), Rev. Thomas Wentworth Higginson (a Unitarian minister), J.G. Phelps Stokes, and Clarence Darrow (legendary lawyer). They incorporated the Intercollegiate Socialist Society for the purpose of promoting “an intelligent interest in socialism among college men and women,” and established chapters at Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, New York University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Their true purpose was to begin de-Christianizing America. One of its founding members was John Dewey, the father of progressive education, whose philosophy consisted of “atheism, socialism and evolution.” In 1921, they changed their name to the League for Industrial Democracy, whose purpose was “education for a new social order based on production for use and not for profit.” They established a network of 125 chapters. Dewey would later serve as its Vice-President, and in 1941, became its President. The Fabians had broken away from the Liberal Party in the 1890′s and contributed to the founding of the Labor Representation Committee, which in 1906, became the Labour Party. Shaw called for “wire-pulling” the government in order to get Socialist measures passed. In 1918, the Labour Party adopted a program which implemented the ideas of Fabianism. In 1931, the New Fabian Research Bureau was organized, joining the Fabian Society in 1938 to form a reorganized group. In 1940, the Colonial Bureau of the Fabian Society was established; and in 1941, the Fabian International Bureau was formed, which catered to international issues. In December, 1942, the Fabians published the Beveridge Report, written by SirWilliam Beveridge (later made a Lord), who made a long list of promises to Britons, if they would accept his package of social reforms. In 1945, Fabian Socialists took control of the House of Commons, on the strength of the Report, and the Parliamentary Reforms, which had been published eleven years earlier by Sir Ivor Jennings. Within a few years, British industries and services were nationalized and put under government control, which now meant that the Rothschilds were able to control more, because all the banks were forced to use Bank of England notes, instead of their own. At its peak in 1946, the Fabian Society had 8,400 members in 80 local chapters. Among their members: Bertrand Russell (philologist, mathematician and philosopher), (Pandit) Motilal Nehru (father of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharial Nehru, and leader of the Independence movement who founded the Swaraj, or ‘self-rule’ Party), and Ramsey MacDonald (Prime Minister of England in 1924, 1929-35). Nearly half of all Labour Party representatives of the Parliament in the House of Commons were members, along with most Party leaders. Today, from their headquarters at 11 Dartmouth Street, in London, they spread their ideas among teachers, civil servants, politicians, union officials, and other influential people. They publish the Fabian Review magazine. They also hold meetings, lectures, conferences, and seminars; do research in political, economic, and social problems; and publish their findings and views in magazines, books and pamphlets. Their concentration has been mainly on reforms to social services and the nationalization of industry. Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902, South African financier, British statesman and industrialist, who wanted to make Africa a “British dominion from the Cape to Cairo”), with the financial support of Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (1840-1915) and Alfred Beit, was able to control the diamond mines of South Africa with hisDe Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., by buying out the French Diamond Co. and then merging with the Barnato Diamond Mining Company. He eventually controlled the production of diamonds throughout the world. His Consolidated Gold Fields was also a prosperous gold mining operation. He made $5 million annually [a huge sum in those days --ed]. In 1877, while still studying at Oxford (it took him 8 years because of having to run the diamond mines), he wrote the first of seven wills, in which each became a separate and legally binding document. It called for the establishment of: “…a secret society with but one object — the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, (and) for … making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire.” Frank Aydelotte, a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees, wrote in his book, American Rhodes Scholarships: “In his first will Rhodes states his aim still more specifically: ‘The extension of British rule throughout the world … the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of humanity’.” When he died, his third will, drafted in 1888, called for the establishment of a trust, run by his son-in-law Lord Rosebury, a Rothschild agent, to administer his fortune. His seventh and last will, named [Nathan] Rothschild administrator of his estate, and established an educational grant known as the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University (which was controlled by the Fabians). The Scholarships provided a two-year program for young men, and later, women, from the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, to carry on the Illuminati conspiracy. Among the more famous Rhodes Scholars: The Rhodes fortune, through the Rhodes Scholarship Fund, has been used to promote the concept of globalism and one-world government. Up to 1953, out of 1,372 American Rhodes Scholars, 431 had positions in teaching and educational administration, 31 were college presidents, 113 had government positions, 70 held positions in the media, and 14 were executives in foundations. Rhodes began developing his philosophy after hearing a speech by John Ruskin(1819-1900) at Christ Church at Oxford University, which espoused an opinion, which by extension, furthered the teaching found in Plato’s Republic. Plato called for “…a ruling class with a powerful army to keep it in power and a society completely subordinate to the monolithic authority of the rulers.” Rhodes was also greatly influenced by Windom Reade’s book The Martyrdom of Man, published in 1872, which advocated Darwinism and the tremendous suffering that man must undergo, which was epitomized in the phrase “the survival of the fittest.” The book said that the “inevitable progress of man (was) to perfection.” Rhodes incorporated this rationalization into his thinking. Rhodes talked about starting an organization to preserve and extend the British Empire. He said in 1877: “It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory … more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honorable race the world possesses … the absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule simply means the end of all wars.” It was this mentality that fueled his desire to unite the world under one form of government. Using the Jesuits and the Masons as organizational models, Rhodesjoined together with Rothschild agent Lord Alfred Milner (1854-1925) to form a secret group on February 5, 1891. The group included other Ruskin associates at Oxford such as: …along with a similar group at Cambridge, led by social reformer and journalistWilliam T. Stead, which included: There group had an Inner Circle, known as the ‘Circle of Initiates,’ led by Rhodes, and included an Executive Committee with Stead, Brett, and Milner, the chief Rhodes Trustee. Other members included Lord Arthur Balfour (British Foreign Secretary who wrote to Rothschild promising his support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine), Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, Sir Harry Johnston, and Lord Albert Grey. The Outer Circle was known as the ‘Association of Helpers,’ but was not implemented until 1909-1913, when Milner established it as the Round Tableorganization. Their goal was to eventually establish a one-world government, which would be controlled by the international banking community, under the cloak of Socialism. They saw England, not as a European power, but as an Atlantic power, and wanted to have a federation of the English-speaking world, which would be controlled by them. In 1897, British and American elitists met in order to come up with ways to accomplish Rhodes‘ plan to consolidate their respective governments, which would pave the way for a one-world government. On July 24, 1902, a secret organization known as the Pilgrim Society was started in London. Six months later, an American branch was established in New York. Funded by the Rhodes Foundation, they were instrumental in taking control of the Democratic Party in the United States. While he was Governor-General and High Commissioner of South Africa from 1897-1905, Milner (one of the most influential men in the political and financial circles in England) began to recruit young men, mostly from Oxford and Toynbee Hall, to help run his Administration. They became known as “Milner’s Kindergarten”. With his backing, they were able to get jobs in influential positions in government and finance, where they became a dominant force in England’s domestic and foreign policy. Between 1909-1913, Milner, Lionel Curtis, Philip H. Kerr (Lord Lothian), and Sir William S. Marris used this group to establish semi-secret discussion and lobbying groups, known as Round Table Groups, in England; the main British dependencies: South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India; and the United States. They were all controlled from England, and maintained contact through personal correspondence, frequent trips, and a quarterly journal begun in 1910, called The Round Table. The membership consisted of men who not only had a vast amount of political clout, but some who served in the highest levels of the British government. Though they are still generally referred to as the “Illuminati”, from this point on, the Round Table would be the group responsible for perpetuating the conspiracy to establish a one-world government. Members of the Round Table have also been referred to as the ‘Committee of 300,’ or the ‘Olympians.’ Most members had private fortunes or were known financiers; however, it was the fortunes of Rhodes, Alfred Beit (1853-1906, the German financier from Frankfurt), Sir Abe Bailey (1864-1940), and the Astor family, that formed the core of their financial support. Since 1925, substantial contributions have come from the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, J. P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and associates of Lazard Brothers Bank and Morgan, Grenfell and Company (the London affiliate of Morgan). The Round Table controlled the London Times newspaper, which was owned by the Astor Family, as well as publications in other countries. Milner led the group until his death in 1925, when the leadership was taken over by Lionel Curtis, and then by Lord Robert H. Brand (brother-in-law of Lady Astor) until he died in 1963, when the leadership was passed to Adam D. Marris, the son of Sir Round Table, who was promoted to succeed Brand as managing director of Lazard Brothers Bank. Lionel George Curtis (1872-1955), the British High Commissioner to South Africa and Secretary to Sir Milner, advocated British imperialism, and the establishment of a World State. He believed that “men should strive to build the Kingdom of Heaven here upon this earth, and that the leadership in that task must fall first and foremost upon the English-speaking peoples.” In 1919, he established a front organization for the Round Table, known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which, after 1923, was headquartered at Chatham House (and is sometimes referred to as the Chatham House Study Group) at 10 St. James’ Square in London. From 1919-1927, there was an Institute of International Affairs started to cover all the Round Table Groups in the British dependencies, and the United States (where it is known as the Council on Foreign Relations), which was a front forJ.P. Morgan and Co. who controlled a small American Round Table Group. They were funded by Sir Abe Bailey and the Astor Family. Today you’ll find the Institut des Relations Internationales in Belgium, the Institute for International Affairs in the Netherlands, the Institute for International Affairs in Rome, the Norwegian Institute for Foreign Affairs, the French Institute of International Relations, the Australian Institute of International Affairs, and many others. In June, 2002, the former royal butler, Paul Burrell, revealed to the Daily Mirror in London, that Queen Elizabeth II told him: “There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge…”. The British East India Company also spawned the London Company, which was chartered in 1606 by King James I, to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic basis and the Plymouth Colony (1621). In 1606, he also chartered the Virginia Company, a joint stock corporation made up of a group of London entrepreneurs, charged with establishing Jamestown, in the Chesapeake region of North America known as Virginia. It had the authority to appoint the Council of Virginia, the Governor, and other officials; and also had the responsibility to provide settlers, supplies, and ships for the venture. Although initially favorable, as the mortality rate rose, and the prospect for profit faded, the support for it began to decline. They resorted to lotteries, searching for gold, and silkworm production to increase their chances of making a profit. Although Great Britain controlled the colony through this company, because of the Indian Massacre of 1622, the Charter was revoked in 1624, and Virginia became a Crown colony. MHP hyperlink version for non-profit educational purposes only of Trades Unions in EU lawmaking | Centurean2′s Weblog
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The quantity and types of laws, both Directives and Regulations, coming out of Brussels that Unions have been instrumental in formulating are varied, but tend to be of the kind that force social change, curtail basic human rights in ...
Centurean2's Weblog - http://centurean2.wordpressThe Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars
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