LATEST POSTS Is your mother or father – or grandma or grandad – turning into a secret PUTHID? You may well say, who they? Pensioners Up To Here In Debt; that’s who. PUTHIDs are a new and growing social phenomenon. Nearly 250,000 people over State pension age now have unpaid mortgage debt, according to no less an authority… Read more Anyone wanting to know just how daft and self defeating the EU's latest utterences on the Permanent Crisis Resolution Mechanism (the structure through which sovereign bailouts would be conducted) really are, should take a look at the note just published by Marco Annunziata, chief economist at UniCredit Group. I've got no link for this, so… Read more House price movements reported on a national average basis by Halifax and Nationwide create a misleading impression, claim estate agents who report a “flight to quality”. They claim prices are still rising at the top of the housing market while lower value properties continue to fall. With Bank of England base rate frozen at 0.5… Read moreFinance Blog
Senior debt alert: 250,000 pensioners with unpaid mortgages
Stranger and stranger grows the EU's bailout fund
House prices: misleading averages conceal 'flight to quality'
Sunday, 14 November 2010
NOVEMBER 13TH, 2010 6:25
NOVEMBER 12TH, 2010 16:30
NOVEMBER 11TH, 2010 6:58
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Britannia Radio