Wednesday 3 November 2010

For all those who dream of peace in the Middle East, dreams are nice but REALITY is what has to be dealt with. Until TWO GENERATIONS OF ARAB CHILDREN have NOT been indoctrinated as this child has been – there can be NO PEACE. Only quiet can be achieved until that time, based on Israeli strength and Jewish determination of purpose to retain sovereignty in the Land of Israel. THAT IS THE REALITY.

BTW – How many Americans of any age could match this child’s knowledge of Middle Eastern and other capitals??? That is a sad commentary on our school systems.

PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL – especially the kum-ba-ya crowd.

What do they teach their 2 year old kids? Watch till the end

Watch the last minute especially - a classic response

(And some Jews believe the Arabs want peace. How stupid can one be?)

2 year old Baby, What is the capital of israel? – with large ENGLISH SUBTITLES