Gonzalo Lira And The Boiling Frog: Effects Of QE2 On The Bottom 80% Of The U.S. Population
An old metaphor: If you take a frog and drop it into a roiling pot of boiling water, it’ll jump right out, unscathed. But if you put that same frog in a pot of cold water, and then slowly raise the heat, that frog won’t move. It’ll stay in that pot of water, calm as can be, right up until it is boiled to death.
• 15 Reasons Why Barack Obama’s Debt Commission Is An Exercise In Futility – The U.S. Government Will Never Have A Balanced Budget Ever Again
• Keynsianism Fallen Upon Hard Times
• The “Current Housing Recession is Rivaling the Great Depression’s Real Estate Downturn [and] Will Easily Eclipse It In the Coming Months”
Friday, 12 November 2010
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Britannia Radio