Wednesday 3 November 2010

Guido v Axe-Murderer

After axe-murderer and state-leech John Hirst was destroyed by Andrew Neil on the Daily Politics at lunchtime regarding votes for prisoners, Guido put the boot in on Jeremy Vine Show earlier this afternoon:

t’s not everyday you hear someone call for the return of hanging on the main-stream media, but after John Hirst’s gloating it’s the least he deserves…

Gordon Paid Six Grand Per Minute

Bad Night for Taxing and Spending Democrats

Tea Party candidates advanced; Republican Mike Lee in Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida enter the upper chamber. Republicans took the House in the biggest shift in power since the Republicans gained 54 House seats in 1994.

The Democrats clung on to the Senate but symbolically lost Obama’s old Senate seat and half-a-dozen other seats.

All three of Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizzlies have won their gubernatorial races: Susana Martinez, a Republican from New Mexico, Mary Fallin, a Republican from Oklahoma, and Nikki Haley, a Republican from South Carolina.

Proposition 19 to legalise dope was lost in California…

“Mer Mer Mer Mister Speaker…”